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Mad World 10/19/17
Radio Free Dindustan by Jeremy Bentham
© 2017 James LaFond
MSMMA Training
Harrowing viral footage shows 3-year-old riding a 20-foot python
Gimme that ole’ time religion….
Mysterious Skeletons Bearing Horrific Injuries Show Early Ritual Violence in the Andes
Jihad Update.
Lesson Learned: If you have a lot of Muslims in your country will you have Islamic terrorism. No Muslims = no Islamic terrorism.
Head of MI5 says Britain is facing the biggest terror threat in three decades from extremists who mount deadly attacks with just a few days planning
•The head of MI5 said extremists are plotting and mounting attacks in just days
•Andrew Parker said Britain is facing biggest terror threat of his 34 year career
•He said tech giants have an 'ethical responsibility' to crack down on the threat
•The senior spy made the revelations in his annual state of country address
Drug War Update.
Nicole Dragisic, 37, was shot to death in the doorway of her apartment. (FACEBOOK)
Hamilton woman gunned down in 'targeted' shooting: Cops
Race war Update.
The wages of mudsharking.
Alina Sheykhet murder: Ex-boyfriend charged in her death
•11 October 2017
•From the section US & Canada
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This composite photo shows Alina Sheykhet, 20, and Matthew Darby, 21.
Image copyright Facebook/Pittburgh Police
The ex-boyfriend of a college student found slain in the US state of Pennsylvania has been arrested and charged in her death, police say.
Matthew Darby, 21, was charged with the criminal homicide of Alina Sheykhet, whose body was found by her parents in her bedroom on Sunday.
Police had been unable to locate Mr Darby since Ms Sheykhet's death.
A claw hammer and two knives that may have been used in her murder were found near her home, police said.
Mr Darby was arrested early on Wednesday in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
It comes a day after Mr Darby's attorney, David Schrager, urged his client to turn himself in despite a lack of charges against him.
Ms Sheykhet, a physical therapist student at the University of Pittsburgh, was pronounced dead at the scene at her Pittsburgh home from "blunt-force trauma", according to the Allegheny County Medical Examiner's Office.
She was last seen at about 24:30 local time (04:30 GMT) in the common area of her apartment before entering her room.
Call records from her phone, which police were unable to locate when she was found, showed that she received five unanswered calls from a phone number later discovered to be Mr Darby's between 04:15 and 04:55 local time (08:15 and 08:55 GMT).
Video surveillance from a business near Ms Sheykhet's apartment showed Mr Darby dropping a shiny object into a sewer and placing an object in a dumpster before walking away.
She sought a restraining order against Mr Darby after he allegedly broke into her apartment on 20 September. He was arrested and charged with felony criminal trespass on 26 September.
In her request for a protection order, Ms Sheykhet said Mr Darby "climbed up the gutter on the side of the house and broke through the second-floor window of my home," the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.
"He did this because I left him and stopped answering his phone calls."
Mr Darby is awaiting trial on rape and other sexual assault charges against him in Indiana County.
He pleaded not guilty and posted a $10,000 (£7,500) bail in that case in March.
The bond was revoked on Sunday for a violation of bail release conditions. His preliminary hearing was scheduled for 17 October.
Ms Sheykhet's parents reportedly went to pick her up on Sunday morning but her roommates said she was still sleeping, according to her father, Yan Sheykhet.
When she did not answer their calls, her father kicked open the door and found her on the floor, he told the Post-Gazette.
He described his daughter as an aspiring physical therapist who loved to dance and sing.
"I lost my beautiful princess," he told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
The University of Pittsburgh said in a statement the campus was "saddened and extends its deepest sympathies to the student's family and those who knew her".
Bitchez be Crazy Update.
Arrest warrant: Mother put children in oven, turned it on
WARNING: This story contains graphic details that many readers will find disturbing. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
Bitchez be Crazy Update.
A heretofore archaic method of capital punishment brought into the 21st Century:
“A 325-pound (150-kilogram) Florida woman is charged with killing her 9-year-old cousin by sitting on the child as punishment. Veronica Green Posey, 64, was arrested and charged with homicide and cruelty toward a child, The Pensacola News Journal reported. The Escambia County Sheriff's Office report identified Posey as the girl's cousin. Paramedics and deputies responded to the family's Pensacola home following a 911 call Saturday. Posey told deputies she sat on Dericka Lindsay as discipline "for being out of control."
This Oct. 14, 2017 photo made available by the Escambia County Sheriff's Office, Fla., shows Veronica Green Posey under arrest. Posey is charged with killing her 9-year-old cousin by sitting on the child as punishment. Posey, who weighs 325 pounds, first punished the girl with a ruler and metal pipe before sitting on her for at least 10 minutes. (Escambia County Sheriff's Office via AP)
325-pound woman charged with killing girl by sitting on her
PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP)—A 325-pound (150-kilogram) Florida woman is charged with killing her 9-year-old cousin by sitting on the child as punishment.
Veronica Green Posey, 64, was arrested and charged with homicide and cruelty toward a child, The Pensacola News Journal reported. The Escambia County Sheriff's Office report identified Posey as the girl's cousin.
Paramedics and deputies responded to the family's Pensacola home following a 911 call Saturday. Posey told deputies she sat on Dericka Lindsay as discipline "for being out of control."
During the punishment, Dericka told Posey and two other adult relatives, who are identified in the report as the girl's parents, that she couldn't breathe. When Posey got up, Dericka wasn't breathing. Authorities said Posey called 911 and started CPR on the child.
The arrest report said Grace Joan Smith, 69, and James Edmund Smith, are charged with child neglect.
Grace Smith called Posey, who is her niece, to her house to help with disciplining the girl, according to the report. She told investigators that Posey hit the girl with a ruler and metal pipe before the child ran to an armchair.
James Smith told investigators that Posey sat on the girl for about 10 minutes before she complained she couldn't breathe. She stayed on the chair for an additional two minutes before getting up, he said.
Mike Carroll, secretary of the Florida Department of Children and Families, issued a statement that called the child's death "appalling." He said the agency will work with the sheriff's office to hold those responsible for her death accountable.
"As the family has a prior interaction with the child welfare system, a thorough quality assurance review will be conducted to review all prior interactions this family has had with the child welfare system," the statement said.
Posey was released Monday on $125,000 bail. The Smiths remained in jail, with Grace Smith's bond set at $75,000 and James Smith's bond at $50,000. Escambia County jail records didn't list an attorney for Posey or the Smiths.
Information from: Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal,
Vibrant Multi-Culturalism In the Great White North.
Accused murderer dismembered female roommate: Crown
Vibrant Multiculturalism Update.
“Both men, aged around 40, were from Romania and had criminal records for theft.”
Little doubt the thieves are ‘Roma’, AKA ‘Romani’ or ‘Gypsies’. Due to the open borders policy in 'Schengen Area’ of the EU Roma petty thieves and scam artists are able to travel freely now from eastern Europe to new hunting grounds in the prosperous Western European countries.
Thief in a suitcase robs bus baggage in Paris
The Pale Usher
Impressions of Moby Dick: Herman Melville and Modern Man?s Transcendental Journey
Kindle Edition:
‘Taking One for the Team’
Dat Shit is Real Tho!
fiction anthology one
beasts of arуas
ball of fortune
within leviathan’s craw
winter of a fighting life
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