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The Incapable Gender
A Video thta Demonstrates Female Lack of Awareness, Speed, Instinct, Tenacity and Honor in Combat
© 2017 James LaFond
Note that the female Army boxer who had goaded the marines into agreeing to a co-ed bout, has better technique [using a hand span and a more oblique guard] but it doesn't matter. Man were designed to rape women. This is in no way competitive and in many ways puts the lie to the decades old martial arts versus boxing/wrestling argument that technical proficiency will trump superior physicality.
Note that all the man required was raw aggression and minimal skill.
Note her inability to face defeat and continue fighting, how she turns away when things go bad.
Note that her natural need to submit to a man causes her to melt down.
Note how much slower she is. The biggest difference in the sexes in manual combat is hand speed and explosiveness in general.
This warrior verses whore combat was quite pleasing to the jaundiced eye.
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Bob     Oct 21, 2017

It seemed like she needed to be goaded into congratulating the winner. Churlish.
Anonymous     Oct 22, 2017

I liked the long hair dynamic. Made it easier to view when a punch landed on target.
James     Oct 22, 2017

This is a huge item in boxing.

Never coach a boxer with any moveable hair on his head.
Bob     Oct 22, 2017

A lot of umpire time on ♀ welfare checks. The fairer sex, not so much.
Bob     Oct 22, 2017

Some more ♂/♀ roughhouse where strength and weight show. Victor's spoils, latrine-duty.
D G Munnoch     Jun 29, 2022

Clever boy, that proved a lot, not. How pleased he is with himself, to have bigger muscles and more power.

That was a stupid challenge on her part, and there are surely better female fighters out there than that?

There’s a reason, isn’t there, why heavy-weight boxers don’t fight feather-weights?

If she really did claim she could take on any marine, that was utterly delusional.

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