November 9, 1769
The Pennsylvania Gazette
BROKE out of the goal of the county of Gloucester, in New Jersey, the morning of the 30th of October last, a certain ROBERT JONES, born in Ireland, about 6 feet high, strong made, has a rugged look, large black beard, short black curled hair, about 30 years of age, round shouldered, and stoops in his walk;
he has had a remarkably bad sore leg, was confined for house breaking, and is galled about his ancles, with being ironed; [1]
had on, when he went away, a black jacket, without sleeves, two white shirts, long check trowsers, half worn shoes, and an old hat;
he is very fond of strong drink.
Whoever takes up the said Robert Jones, and secures him in any of his Majestygoals, so that he may be brought to justice, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by me JOSEPH HUGG, Sheriff.
1. Being ironed or shackled at the ankle was common with criminals like Jones, while servants would be collared about the neck to facilitate work, which shall be Jones’ fate if he is captured, for unless he is executed for his crime he will be sold, and as a convict labor of man strength and known spirit would certainly be collared.
Stillbirth of a Nation: Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One