As I sat here five hours ago writing about how the home team has fallen below one hit a day, I was tempted to take note of the chopper—my personal companion this last week—hovering a mile to the south. And, when I returned, to check the body count, lo and take hold, I find out that one of our fine citizens was so distraught over the possibility of Saint Louis taking the title for the third year in a row, that he went right outside and took one—will, a few, actually—for the home team.
That's what it's like to be in the Big Leagues—boom, just like that and back on track.
Name not yet released
Found on October 26, 2017 at 3:44 PM
Location: 5100 Benton Heights Ave
Baltimore, MD 21206
Race: Unknown
Gender: male
Age: 32 years old
Cause: Shooting
Died at: Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Welcome to Harm City, White-Boy