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Learning the Hook
Fundamental Preconditions for Acquiring Boxing's Most Misunderstood Tool
© 2017 James LaFond
A karate instructor recently asked me when it was appropriate to teach a student the hook. Here is my checklist.
An item marked with an F is a fundamental requirement for rotational execution.
An item marked with an T is a tactical requirement for being able to employ the punch as part of a combination or as a mobility device.
1. The pronated jab must be straight from the shoulder with the elbow in. F
2. They must be able to get their weight behind a vertical fist [thumb up] "sneaky" jab. F
3. The straight rear hand must be done with a relaxed shoulder and achieve a weight transfer to the front foot. F/T
4. Said straight rear hand must be delivered with the head outside of the opponent's shoulder. F/T
5. The fighter must be able to execute a step-drag to the open [rear hand] side while jabbing. T
6. The fighter must be in the habit of shadowboxing and bag hitting with relaxed shoulders and elbow continuity with the body. F
7. Pronated, power jab behind a stationary pivot. F
8. Sneaky, glancing jab with a weak pivot. F
The next in this serious will be Coaching the Hook: A Training Progression.
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The Tension that Interferes with Punching?
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