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Media Sponsored Terrorism & You
The 10 Dynamics of ‘The Knockout Game’ and How it Will Evolve at Your Expense
© 2014 James LaFond
Since November 2013 readers have been sending me links to videos and news reports about the so-called ‘knockout game’. The causes for this brutal youth pastime are many and controversial. [See Stoning Baboons all the way down on the Harm City page]. I might deal with that on the Blog page. For now though, what does the existence of the ‘knockout game’ and the nature of the media response to it mean for you?
1. The fact that the media has gone along with the ‘knockout game’ semantics, and are referring to this form of criminal assault according to the self-serving label applied to it by the very perpetrators, and the fact that law enforcement personnel and legislators are continuing to use this wording, means that in case of civil or criminal prosecution against a perpetrator or a defender, that the very terminology of the discussion will favor the player of the ‘knockout game’ as having been engaged in something juvenile rather than criminal. This has already happened. A local Maryland woman is facing legal action now for defending herself against a ‘knockout game’ group.
2. The players of the ‘knockout game’ have further insulated themselves from legal action by pursuing assault as a group activity, with only one ‘hitter’. In the American judicial system accomplices to violent crimes other than murder are very rarely prosecuted. A recent light rail patron—a white woman who sounded entirely broken and terrified by her experience—who was attacked by a group of six [five serving as witnesses, encouragement, and lookouts], was horrified to find out that law enforcement released five without charges, as only the ‘hitter’ was ‘involved’. This total ignorance of the group support dynamics of violence among law enforcement means that groups who initiate this violence will only be targeted for prosecution piecemeal, leaving the group itself innocent and at large to advance another hitter from its ranks against the next victim.
3. Virtually all perpetrators of ‘knockout game’ attacks are black youth, and virtually all victims are white adults. This has insured that the social dynamics of this phenomenon have and will remain obscured by liberal media filters.
4. Virtually all perpetrators are working class to middleclass black youth, not poor ghetto gangbangers, who have no time for such foolishness. This insures that their parents and local black community leaders will leap to their defense in case of any successful defense by a white adult targeted by them. The resulting legality deficit for the lone white adult defender is huge: the attacker is a youth and therefore a member of an unaccountable and protected segment of society; is furthermore a member of a protected racial minority; and is also the scion of upstanding community members who probably vote. For a white adult attacked today by a black youth group in this manner, the legal hazards of a successful physical defense approximate the hazards faced by a black man in the 1960s, who might have defended himself against a gang of middleclass white boys. This amounts to potentially deep legal shit.
5. The media versus Z-man on behalf of the martyred Skittle witch hunt of 2013 insured that any lethal defense against a knockout game attack will effectively be faced with vast resources.
6. The primary reason why relatively affluent groups who wish to attack individuals generally select one hitter to take all of the risk is as a means of legal protection and also retaliation. If you defend yourself against a hitter he has 2 to 5 witnesses saying you attacked him or made a racial slur that justified his action. Never use lethal force against such an attack unless you want to be hanged by the news media.
7. ‘Knockout game’ players have further inoculated themselves from legal action by making certain that there is no accompanying property crime. This is likely to change, as these boys have unwittingly targeted Jews, and are therefore looking at a potential DOJ witch hunt of their own. New York politicians are already pushing for special penalties for the targeting of Jews, that will ironically—if this comes to pass—make a naked attempt to hurt someone more legally hazardous to the criminals than to hurt and rob them. If these civil rights based penalties make it into the legal code near you, then expect these middleclass kids looking to get their rocks off at your expense, to actually rob you as well, just so they can claim they were engaged in a property crime and were not violating your civil rights.
8. The establishment of ‘game’ as part of the discourse on race-based and generation-based acts of gratuitous violence will insure lighter penalties for these crimes overall and heavily penalize any retaliation on the part of the target of such an attack. Now that it is widely established that a perpetrator of a ‘knockout game’ attack is supposed to accomplish his goal with only one strike, and cannot reasonably be expected to strike a second time, any counterpunch thrown by the defender will be legally seen as an act of revenge, not an act of defense.
9. ‘Knockout game’ players who are injured by a target of their crime will likely do what most people who attempt battery on a person who successfully defends themselves do; make a preemptive charge of battery against their intended victim, thus getting the crime reduced to a ‘mutual combat’ incident likely to be thrown out by a judge, or just settled with compensation to the party who was injured. Also, when this punk that tried to harmlessly knock you out, gets his nose bloodied and files a police report against you, the cop will give him your address!
10. The efforts of lawmakers to make the ‘knockout game’ a violation of civil rights, if successful, can likewise be expected to be turned on its head, with any black ‘child’ injured by a white adult while playing a media sponsored and legally and legislatively acknowledged ‘game’ invoking his civil rights, which will be claimed to have been violated.
Heads Up Bambi
I see the ‘knockout game’ as a cloaked black youth assault on a still majority white adult society, and in large measure a specific retaliation for Z-man’s exoneration in the death of the sainted Skittle. I also see this as being as much about age as race. It is not at all class-based, except in those cases where robbery has been a component, and those, I believe, upon closer investigation, will have been found to involve the use of a weapon or multiple strikes. Youth versus adult property-based acts of violence are often class-based and just as commonly target blacks as whites [See Isrаel's account in When You're Food]. The targeting of whites is as much about limiting legal risks as anything, as the attackers now know themselves to be members of a protected class favored by the media.
Today’s black suburban youth have been weaned on hate politics, and are now as soft and combat ineffective as their white counterparts. The ‘knockout game’ is an example of comfortably living children of limited privilege wanting to be as feared as their ghetto ancestors were. Not having the fortitude to engage in gang violence or survive prison, they may still make the dubious racial claim of the menacing black man that generations of southern white racist politicians and media bloodhounds bequeathed them as a self-limiting heritage, without risk to life, limb, or freedom. This is like white boys who won’t play contact sports anymore pursuing video game violence to feel like a man for that fleeting moment.
Do note, that this ‘game’ originated with black ghetto youth journeying into white enclaves and public municipal spaces to have some brutal fun at the expense of more affluent members of a rival racial group. At that stage, this was largely payback for white police randomly jacking up black urban youth. They couldn’t realistically beat up the cops. They could, however, make them look like lousy cops by beating up the people who the cops are supposed to be protecting.
I realize that the overall phenomena of increased black on white crime is much more nuanced than what I have addressed here in terms of the American media’s agreement with our new class of violent black middleclass youth that hitting white adults and knocking them unconscious is just a ‘game’. My main concern in the above article was to lay out the rationale, legal hazards for the defender, and likely evolution of, this latest wrinkle in our ongoing dystopian experiment.
I have been targeted for such incidents as this in the past and have avoided them through awareness and the silent communication that I would retaliate with lethal force. If you are like that poor woman that was interviewed about her attack on the light rail, to whom law enforcement responded by saying the light rail was safe because only one of the six youths that terrified her actually hit her, then do yourself a favor and stop fantasizing that there is some cop somewhere that cares if you are attacked and is willing to waste his time trying to prevent it. He is somewhere else, either banking traffic tickets for the county executive or battling urban drug gangs for the political puppets of an international bank.
Modern American life is a watering hole and you need to wake up and smell your hunter Bambi. He’s wearing name-brand body wash provided by his loving mother, who probably voted for the same presidential candidate that you did.
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