All chattel and other person of the "lower orders" were regarded in fugitive advertisements as being barefoot unless otherwise noted.
There is no reason to suppose that James Welsh was an escaped servant, although he was probably the once held inn servitude, simply based on his ancestry and condition.
The fascinating aspect of this ad, is the fact that with no regular police force—especially outside of the few cities—that the apprehension of fugitives was farmed out to the public at large.
March 1, 1770
The Pennsylvania Gazette
MADE his escape, the 16th of February last, from the Constable of Norrington township, Philadelphia county, a certain man, named JAMES WELSH, born in Ireland, a taylor by trade, about 30 years of age, black hair, tied behind, about 5 feet 2 inches high, thick legs;
had on, when he went away, a short blue coat, spotted swanskin jacket, white cloth breeches, blue ribbed stockings, and old fine hat.
Said fellow was charged with felony, and made his escape on the road, in going to goal.
Whoever secures him, in any of his Majestygoals, so that he may be brought to justice, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by SAMUEL PEASLEY, Constable.
America in Chains