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Get Off My Lawn!
Domestic news from Radio Free Dindustan
© 2017 James LaFond
Race War Update.
"It's never been a problem...until now," the neighbor said.”
Elm Grove is a suburb of Milwaukee, just the other side of the Milwaukee County line. It is a 'safe’ community. Safe in that the mostly white people who live there do not prey on their neighbors or otherwise engage in criminal activity. However, there is nothing to stop people with evil intent from other parts of the greater Milwaukee area from visiting Elm Grove and victimizing the most vulnerable people there. For some reason it has apparently not occurred to the residents of Elm Grove, WI 53122 that their peaceful community is only about four miles straight line distance from the poorest and most crime-ridden neighborhood in the City of Milwaukee: zip code 53206. The 53206 neighborhood has more people on food stamps within it borders than any other place in the entire U.S. of A. It’s just a short drive from there for the dindu raiders. Raiders who have picked all the low hanging fruit in their own neighborhood and are in search of new and more productive ‘groves’ (pun intended). Heck, the white folks in Elm Grove have to drive farther than that if they want to shop at Whole Foods. So what makes them imagine their community is somehow too far away for robbers from the inner city to bother with?
The lesson learned here is to lock your damn door! Even if you live on the dark side of the moon. Criminals will often cruise ‘safe’ residential neighborhoods looking for unlocked front doors. In apartment complexes too. More than a few people have come to grief because they left the door unlocked making themselves a target of opportunity for roving bandits and serial rapists. Also make sure the hired help doesn’t accidently on purpose leave the door unlocked to permit surreptitious entry by their criminally minded relatives or associates. There is always the danger that employees may provide criminals with ‘insider’ target intelligence and entry assistance either willingly or because they were coerced. Because they might have an expensive drug habit and the robbers bribed them with dope. Don’t be in denial about that possibility.
Elm Grove home invasion: Armed suspects entered assisted living facility through unlocked door
Posted 11:21 am, November 14, 2017, by Beverly Taylor, Updated at 05:09PM, November 14, 2017
Elm Grove home invasion
ELM GROVE—Elm Grove police are searching for two suspects in a home invasion that happened on Westmoor Terrace late on Monday, November 13th. The suspects got in through an unlocked door. Police hope that fact resonates with residents.
Under the cover of darkness, police say armed suspects walked into the home that serves as an assisted living facility for elderly residents. It happened shortly before midnight.
Elm Grove home invasion
Bitchez be Crazy Update.
Fredonia mom bound over for trial, accused of strapping son to roof of minivan to hold down plastic pool
Posted 10:40 am, November 14, 2017, by FOX6 News, Updated at 04:03PM, November 14, 2017
Amber Schmunk
Drug War/ Bitchez be Crazy Update!
“A woman whose husband had just overdosed in their Staten Island home was so worried responding cops would find their stash of heroin that she snorted it — and then overdosed as well.”
Staten Island woman overdoses as medics are trying to revive her husband |
Murderbowl Update.
“Witnesses described seeing a black man in his early 20’s, wearing a dark hooded jacket, running from the area where this shooting took place.
Witness provides description of Seminole Heights murder suspect after 4th victim found in road
Someone shot and killed Ronald Felton, 60, as he crossed a Seminole Heights street early Tuesday morning.
Drug War Update.
50-lb. block of cocaine washes ashore in Florida
Apocalypse Update.
Even our pets will be replaced by robots.
I want one of these SpotMinis that squirts pepper spray and yells "Get off of my Lawn!” in Samuel L. Jackson’s voice.
Boston Dynamics unveils the eye-popping SpotMini robot dog
The Great Train Wreck of the West
Masculine Axis: A Meditation on Manhood and Heroism
The Racist Oak Tree
Misogyny: 1
the fighting edge
night city
plantation america
the lesser angels of our nature
the first boxers
the greatest lie ever sold
beasts of arуas
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