Thunderbird was outlined, initially, as a three act myopic. However, since receiving emails, texts and comments to the good, and thinking it would be good to have this story, originally conceived by Ishmael, run up to December 3, the day before his surgery, I have expanded it to seven acts, after which I will close out the fiction year with Animal Control.
I find, at the end of the year, as I wrap up nonfiction projects and engage in the tedium of publishing books, that writing action-oriented fiction is therapeutic.
Act 1: Stone-River Camp
Act 2: Iron-Fence Camp
Act 3: Insane Raven
Act 4: Blue Dog Order-Maker
Act 5: Yes! By the Light of 100 Fires
Act 6: Soot-White War-Night
Act 7: Thunderbird
.........Horizon Song
Night City: The Short Fiction of James LaFond: 2015-16