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Mrs. Bell
A Bambi Eye View of Harm City Mass Transit
© 2014 James LaFond
I have expelled much virtual air on this site decrying civilization as the seedbed for amoral degeneration to pre-human chimpanzee behavior. I have also proven my insanity by claiming that ‘barbarism’ is the true root of human culture that we should be seeking to excavate, rather than forget.
Why stop there?
The truest mark of an honor-based barbarian culture is respect by male combatants for the weak and the old; and otherwise allowing that not every person is fair predatory game.
Such ethics do breakdown in genocidal conflicts between alien cultures. But, in most cases, among the same or neighboring pre-civilized communities, old ladies are not regarded, even by the most despised youths, as worthy targets for their warrior prowess, let alone worthy foes. You would not find Attila the Hun challenging old ladies to combat, or sweeping down on a Slavic village to abduct the woman with the most arthritic walk.
Alas, we live in a post-gender world, where the husbandless black woman who beats her child with a belt at home and punches him in the face at the supermarket checkout is our national hero, and her naturally frustrated male progeny staff—and kill each other over—urban drug corners to cater to the needs of the suburban video-gamers that will hopefully one day win that drone war against Yemeni wedding processions. For now though, those dastard Yemeni’s continue to get married—so sell more crack to our future Pentagon Pilots!
Here it goes, a sign of the times, according to hard working Mrs. Bell, who takes a dozen prescription medications a day just to be able to ring groceries at the Ghetto Depot without ‘stroking out’:
“I got off the Forty-four at Belair and Frankford on Sunday evening, at about seven-thirty, so I could pick up the Fifteen heading to Northern Parkway. Then, as I began to cross, this crowd of maybe fifteen to twenty kids—between eleven and fourteen—made like they were going to dart across the street at me. So I did not cross. This one boy stepped in the gutter and started screaming at me, ‘You want me to come over there!? You want some of this bitch! You think you can deal with this? Is you ready ta roll bitch!!!’”
“He was strutting and puffing out his chest. I did not cross. They made like they were going to cross to me, and then crossed Frankford instead. I was really worried since traffic was light and so many women have been getting punched by gangs of kids and the police aren’t doing anything about it—sayin’ it’s ‘Not a threat’.
“It’s not like their men, or that he was even much of a boy. But how does a woman fight a mob by herself? I’m not allowed to carry a weapon. You’re so lucky, to be a man, with your big arms and boots to knock people down and stomp them. Sometimes I think being born a woman is a curse all the way around.”
You know what, if superheroes were real, I bet, after every situation like this they nipped in the bud they would face civil rights charges on behalf of the harmless youth who were just ‘playing a game’.
Billy Pud’s Shot
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