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White Turkey Soup
Ron West on the Anthropocene Agenda
© 2017 James LaFond
Hello James
Here’s one for all the white turkeys who survived Thanksgiving and are headed to the Soylent Green, er, Campbell’s Soup factory… online with illustration and live links at:
Key word here is ‘anthropocene’ … and the probable extinction of the ’turkeys’
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
I was perusing the news and came across an article at Zero Hedge
pointing to the proposed idea White men actually work more while on the job. Now, this raised some red flags in my satirical instinct, recalling those several occasions I'd witnessed White males with hard hats, standing around with hands in pockets; at federal highway construction projects, watching Blacks labor like slaves. This recalled Mel Brooks:
Now, maybe the social scientists at The Economist believe their statistics, and I have no problem with numbers per se, it's how numbers are interpreted is what puts the hair up on this satirist animal's back. It's the small matter of cultural narcissism, also known as ethnocentric bias. It follows, applying what JRR Tolkien called 'The Vulgar Tongue' to simple social principles, we can come up with alternative sight to what is actually going on.
1. White men put more into the job during actual work hours because they are stakeholders in 'the system' or legacy of colonialism that is culturally White from historical perspective; in effect, they are better slaves because they 'believe.' Slaves!? some might ask? Sure, America was built on White indentured servitude, not only Black slavery, and the 'belief' was looking forward to that day of emancipation never offered to Blacks in a legal, contractual basis. Consequently, these days, White men are, by and large, the bigger suckers in a system that could give a rats ass about the color of your skin, so long as you are stupid enough to 'buy in' to a machine that will grind you throughout life and spit you out, not only more than tired, but broke and struggling to survive on social security. So, yes, the Whites are still the more hardworking slaves, despite their 'emancipation' is demonstrated to be a lie.
2. This immediate preceding brings up another cultural self-deceit, of Whites possessing the higher IQ. Again, it's a matter of social interpretation of the numbers. The more you're 'bought in' as a stake-holder, the higher your score is likely to be; due to socialization instilling work ethic, so, rather than 'playing hookey', that is, cutting school to do things that will make you HAPPY, you're already slaving at the homework which will have the effect of raising your IQ score. In short, the sooner you surrender to the system, the earlier the age, and coming from the White heritage instilling the 'work ethic' ('achievers' most often come from families of 'achievers'), the higher that's going to jack up your IQ where IQ testing is designed measure your abilities as a slave in service to the system which owns you.
3. This immediate preceding 'work ethic' is derived from a social phenomenon having little to do with happiness, as noted in H.L. Mencken's maximum that Puritans (who brought the 'work ethic' to North America) must preoccupy themselves with the horrifying thought “Someone, somewhere, might be happy.” Not very intelligent that, irrespective of measurable IQ.
4. Consequently, you have a society that is miserable in divers ways; and in the course of making other people's lives miserable, they live out their own miserable lives.
5. So these 'hard working' people learned to follow Jesus command to ‘love’ by ‘loving’ to hate. Because of the ‘love’ factor in ‘loving’ to hate themselves, their kids and their fellow man, making ‘love’ is more often a rape than not, ‘loving’ their brothers and sisters is ‘loving’ to tell other people how to live their lives, and ‘loving’ security is to create an insecure society so they can ‘love’ the idea of a police state. None of this is about the arguably higher intelligence of experiencing 'happiness', intelligence White men apparently can't know how to measure.
The good news is, 'White' is a cultural phenomenon (state of mind) and no one need behave like these privileged White striped skunks:
Of this world's 1,645 billionaires, 12 of them are Black, and of those twelve, the majority are Nigerian. Well, that should be no surprise, the biggest scam on the planet is a system where the eight top billionaires own as much as the world's poorest half of the globe combined:
"The world’s eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe’s population, according to a charity warning of an ever-increasing and dangerous concentration of wealth
Just a step down in this story is where you find America's Black billionaires, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jordan, close to the 1% top:
"The richest 1% now has as much wealth as the rest of the world combined"
The total three American Black billionaires (Robert Smith is the 3rd) included in the world's 12 Black billionaires of the world's collective 1,645 billionaires, 'own' a significant chunk of the happiness of billions of colonized people and they're not 'sharing the sweatshop equity' (read 'sharing the sweatshop equity' any way you like.)
Colonized? one might ask. That's right, the wealth figures preceding were accomplished through the neo-corporate colonialism which had replaced colonialism, which never really went away but was 'bait and switched' ... as in when a Belgian mercenary pilot assassinated (shot down) UN General Secretary Dag Hammerskold [1] who was on his way to meet with Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected leader of 'de-colonized' Congo, who in turn was assassinated by MI6 (with body handed directly to CIA for disposal) and six or so million 'blood diamond' deaths later, we all know how that worked out for corporate stocks:
The bad news is, you can be Black and culturally White, that is to say possess a European cultural mentality, behaving little differently to our neo-colonial masters. The White man Obama (handed off to his White grandparents for upbringing, by a single, White, CIA officer 'mother' who couldn't handle raising a kid), giving a 'Medal of Freedom' to billionaire Michael Jordan, would seem little different if King Leopold of Belgium had conferred an award, making a certain Congolese colonial subject a countess, for her history of cooperative behavior, all the while setting a 'proper' example in the colonial system:
^ Human Zoo, Brussels, 1958
Civilization as we know it in the 21st Century is the economic legacy born of feudal Europe; or better said, the rest of us are all niցցers, no matter the color of our skin, in the service of the White man's top 1%. You believe you are free? If you were to stop working for the 'man' tomorrow, even if you supposedly 'owned' your house, you owe property tax. There is no better example par excellence of what is actually feudalism.
Now, going to the intelligence of 'happiness', which one makes more sense, a community that can set its own environmental standards and fence the nastiness out (that is NOT what happened with Keystone in South Dakota) or shoving unwanted environmental problems down people's throats to a point they will hate you? (that IS what is happening with Keystone in South Dakota.) Take the same idea, and expand it to American corporate world domination (with Pentagon the enforcer), where "the pursuit of happiness" is not only denied across the planet, this denial causes a profound, visceral hatred, and associated problems, up to and including international 'terror' as a case of 'chickens come home to roost.' Now, tell me the White man is more intelligent and I'll tell you, you can keep your White man's IQ and you can shove it too:
"As people became more agricultural and settled, the rich became richer as the ancient farmers who could afford oxen, cattle and other large animals increased their crop production. This provided significant opportunities for amassing and transmitting wealth, and the degree of household wealth-based inequality became much higher in Old World Eurasian contexts [versus the 'uncivilized' New World], as measured by house size.
"High degrees of inequality did not contribute to long-term stability in ancient societies. That is something that should concern us given the extraordinary high degree of inequality in our own society"
If anyone were to interpret this small essay as some rank apologetic for socialism, they couldn't be more mistaken. If you were to take all of the world's wealth and divide it equitably, you still haven't yet escaped the White man's IQ that treats natural resources, via euphemisms of 'science' coupled with 'human progress', as an exploitable bank account with infinite, unaccountable, overdraft potential. Mass extinction in the 'anthropocene' (go there: ) would be the same effective result of redistribution of wealth, as opposed to SURRENDERING wealth, finally pointing towards identical environmental outcome to capitalism.
Recalling the failed dialectic of Marxism, juxtaposed to today's runaway corporate train, an IQ of happiness would begin with the idea civilization doesn't need reformed, civilization needs dismantled. It might seem paradox to the 'bought in', but to begin down the path to happiness, via initiating dismantling of civilization with radical decentralization, is certainly not a rocket science requiring a White man's IQ. Most of the environmentally damaged communities today are dirty because of hierarchy from the outside forcibly shitting on them; this is irrespective of whether it had been Marxist model or present corporate hierarchy, when in fact most 'ordinary folk' would prefer keeping a clean community.
So, relating to our dysfunction, which one got it right, Orwell or Huxley?
Conservative Sympathetic Failure
Orwell saw the future from a perspective describing a collective, but sequestered, sort of fundamentalism & hierarchy with strictured mentality you would find along the lines of his experience embedded in a colonial authority. A conservative church is in the Orwell model.
Liberal Sympathetic Failure
Huxley saw things along the lines of a dissolute, future ‘it’s all about me’ MTV generation or social orgy subjected to mass media manipulation and control. Social media, particularly Twitter, is in the Huxley model.
One being right did not make the other wrong. Sane people are caught-trapped somewhere on periphery of either or both models of hierarchy.
Despite some overlap, the very nature/extremism of both phenomena' participants altogether kills any sort of sincere dialogue towards a way out of the mess, and that leaves everyone screwed, because it is precisely how the 1% keep their reign of corporate/colonizing military industrial insanity marching forward. Oops. None of it seems so bright.
1. Dag Hammerskold's book Markings, is an insightful gem of wisdom for anyone contemplating emersion in this evil world and harboring a wish to remaining neither master or slave, but human.
I really liked this, Ron. I am currently working on the 13th Tribe, about the Puritan foundations of America, a system that early on guilted, lured, threatened and cajoled poor white slaves into fighting against the Pequod, Woampanig and other Native Americans by appealing to their "Christian" identity, a concept which was gradually folded into "white" identity in order to bridge religious gaps such as those yawning hate-filled chasms of the mind that separated Irish and Scottish Catholics, Dutch Jews, Puritans, Quakers, Anglicans and pirates—yes pirates, who finally defeated Bacon's Rebellion. The way to get gallows meat pirates, Dutch Jews, Puritans, etc., to team up against natives and the runaways that flocked to them was to go zoological and abandon the Christendom model. However, the New England authorities never permitted elected officers in their trainbands [these were militia formations] to take command if they were slaves, despite the wishes of their men. And most of these men continued to submit to the whip instead of running away to join the Indians. At the end of the 1776 war, Indians and negroes were disarmed and no longer permitted to serve in the trainbands a law meant to firm-up this martial segregation system.
Can’t Wait to Burn it to the Ground
Verbal Slight of Hand
orphan nation
the gods of boxing
shrouds of arуas
sons of arуas
into leviathan’s maw
plantation america
taboo you
menthol rampage
Bob     Nov 24, 2017

Whites themselves have been colonized. The last big battle was effectively lost in 1913. What we witness now is merely the mopping-up of the few remaining pockets of resistance. Whites are largely clueless about their own colonization, or aligned with their colonizers (thanks to a very partial Scofield Reference Bible).
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