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In Defense of Nihilism
Why Write? By John Saxon
© 2017 By John Saxon
One of the common responses here to nihilistic articles – and I understand that these really piss people off and make them uncomfortable, much like hemorrhoids – is that doomsday fuckers should not be writing at all, a pragmatic/performative contradiction. This is a respectable objection. Samuel Beckett addresses it in his art, and never really solved it, and he got a Nobel Prize:
The response is, that nihilism has many forms, and levels. As a thesis about meaning and purpose, it could proclaim that all actions, even inactions are meaningless, pointless and futile. If so, writing is not explicitly different, so it would not be inconsistent for a nihilist to write. Like everything, it would be just meaningless. Hence existential absurdity:
My line taken here is that it is not the case that there is no meaning or value in the abstract, but that our society has destroyed worthwhile values and is destroying itself; socially relative rather than existential nihilism:
Thus, while I would not be against having a wife and children in a patriarchal society, as in tradition, today this is suicidal for men. Yes, if everybody followed this advice we would be over-run. But, we are being over-run, anyway. No amount of breeding now can change that, which is not occurring anyway. Our women just can’t shoot them out to match the Third World, even in ancient times. We need other strategies.
So why write? Well, it is to reach the few open to thinking, even if there is only one. And, if there is nobody, writing is like a good shit, which helps clear the system. Or, talking to oneself, to ward off monsters in the dark. So, it is not pragmatically inconsistent, or logically inconsistent.
Nevertheless, writing is an obsessive pain in the ass, and one day, I will just stop, and put energies into prepping, chopping weeds with a machete, training, shooting, drinking, drinking and more drinking.
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seventeen17     Nov 28, 2017

The author Lennart Svensson, who is very much against nihilism, has a couple of books that may be of interest for the non-nihilists out there:

Borderline : A Traditionalist Outlook for Modern Man

A review quote : "There are twenty-six chapters that make up the bulk of this two hundred thirty-three-page book, which is also comprised of an introduction, a coda, aphorisms, a list of sources, and an index of persons mentioned. Spanning from Plato to Castaneda, Svensson manages to not only capture the essential spark and esoteric meaning of conjectures regarding ontology—the nature of being—but he also manages to recast these conjectures in a new light, “so that the educated reader of today gains clarity in the matter.”

Actionism : How to become a Responsible Man

Quotes : "Actionism is footed in perennial metaphysics. Essential reality is immaterial, eternal ideas and patterns rest in the causal sphere where they affect the material world and material man, all “incarnated souls” in the confluence of samsâra. This kind of ontological background makes this into a refined selfhelp guide, the statements and assertions forming the core of the book being founded in the esoteric thought of western and eastern tradition."

"The first seven chapters of the book lay the foundation, explaining the Actionist way of life with references to Nietzsche, Castaneda, the Bhagavad-Gîtâ and the Bible, introducing concepts like “action as being” and “movement as a state,” and the need for mental calm and a memento mori mindset."
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 28, 2017

“Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.”

-John Goodman as Walter Sobchak, “The Big Lebowski”, 1998.
Bob     Nov 28, 2017

I take a pretty dim view of "All is lost!" activism. Catharsis is merely self-indulgence at the reader's expense. Promoting despair is very much part of the System's agenda for whites, white men in particular. And while everybody on this site knows how grim things are now and senses how much worse they must become before change is wrought, there's no place for despondency or impotence. The fight starts with the individual. Never surrender to hopelessness!
James     Nov 29, 2017

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