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The Launch
Ron West on Master Class Antics
© 2017 Ron West
Hello James
Thought I’d toss this one your way again , hopefully before your Bilbo Baggins vanishing act. It’s a revisit in regards to yesterday's Kim Jong Un launching an ICBM that reach anywhere in the USA. Online with illustrations and live links:
And thanks for putting up Napi Mephisto. Man, we live in a world of stupidities...
Ron West
President Dotard’s Knuckle Draggers
dotard |ˈdōtərd|
an old person, especially one who has become weak or senile.
ORIGIN late Middle English: from dote + -ard.
The experts: "It can reach Washington DC"
President Dotard: "We will handle it"
The experts: No, we won't (read on)
With North Korea's latest Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launch, at night, from a mobile system, in emergency meeting over at the Department of State's Office of Religious and Global Affairs, black humor is ruling ruining the day:
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Dumbford: When is admission to Heaven allowed according to scripture?
Mike Pence: One a-penny, two a-penny, three a-penny, four. With the embrace of prosperity gospel. I'm worth pence because Jesus loves me, it's Soros has to pass with his camels through the eye of the needle.
Callista Gingrich: When you've lit a candle while watching vintage NFL, of Roger Staubach's greatest Hail Mary, very intimately with daddy.
Rabbi Levi Shemtov: Admission to Heaven happens when the kids are out of the house and the dog is dead.
'Knuckle Dragging'
One wonders if Kim Jong Un is posing for James Mattis, as in a mocking pose along the lines of 'hey, Mattis, look at us knuckle draggers, we've just popped a hydrogen bomb, and successfully tested a missile with multiple independent re-entry vehicles, how do you like those bananas'?
Now, why will I pick on Secretary of Defense, General Mattis, and his military cohorts, as opposed to Trump? Well, because of JRR Tolkien, and his character 'Wormtongue' whispering lies to the King of Rohan; and the fact the USA is no longer a Republic but a theocratic monarchy along the lines of the biblical kings, with an usurper on the throne.
To kick off our story, Wormtongue, er, that is James Mattis and his generals, are a very big liars. This is evident in his Pentagon insisting the USA can intercept any nuclear armed missile 'rocket boy' can toss at Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, or for that matter, Chicago. Did Mattis personally say that? No, that line of horseshit, following on the Pentagon, is more recently coming from the Department of State. But in the USA's system of jurisprudence, our Department of Defense's chief philosopher, that is Mattis, is guilty of practicing a 'lie by omission' because:
"No, we won't," counter military experts to claims by the Pentagon that the US may launch and intercept any missiles launched by the People's Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK).
"The United States will have a hard time trying to shoot down DPRK nuclear missiles, a point of view shared by Joe Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation specializing in nuclear weapons, and Kingston Reif, director of Disarmament and Threat Reduction policy at the nonpartisan Arms Control Association.
"According to both experts, the United States touts its layered missile defense systems, even though almost none are capable of intercepting an ICBM.
"When Pyongyang shot a missile over Japan, it flew high enough that no US system would be able to reach it, Cirincione wrote in a report for Defense One.
"The key word here is ‘over.' Like way over," Cirincione wrote. "Like 770 kilometers (475 miles) over Japan at the apogee of its flight path. Neither Japan nor the United States could have intercepted the missile. None of the theater ballistic missile defense weapons in existence can reach that high"
"The US missile defense consists of three layers, including the Patriot, THAAD and the Aegis systems.
"According to Cirincione, currently the United States has a "50-50 chance" of hitting a missile similar to North Korea's Hwasong-14 while the missile is in flight. And those results are only possible if the DPRK used zero countermeasures, such as decoys (some as simple as a balloon), electronic jammers and chaff.
"The only system designed to defend the US homeland, known as the [GMD], has suffered from numerous technical and engineering problems, and testing in controlled conditions has not demonstrated that it can provide a reliable defense against even a small number of unsophisticated ICBMs," Reif said.
"The success rate of the GMD systems in flight intercept tests has been dismal," Cirincione quoted Philip Coyle, former director of operational testing for the Pentagon, as saying"
So, as Wormtongue, er, that is Mattis, practices the lie of omission on the very NOT sovereign American people of our theocratic monarchy, his lieutenant H.R. McMaster...
...takes his primate's display of aggression public with:
"The U.S. has gamed out four or five different scenarios for how the crisis with North Korea will be resolved, and “some are uglier than others,” National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said as tensions remain high between the two countries.
"...McMaster said the threat from Pyongyang is “much further advanced” than anticipated and the Pentagon said the president has a “deep arsenal” to draw upon..."
What is interesting here is, the freaked out chimp McMaster stating 'much further advanced' than anticipated. Now, it stands to reason, if you've been caught with your pants down and just figured out North Korea not only has the H-bomb, but the means to deliver it, AND, YOU DON'T HAVE THE MEANS TO PREVENT DELIVERY, you shouldn't be behaving like a freaked out chimp in aggression mode. But that's what 'McMaster' can't 'master' .... he can't seem to lay his hands on that 1% of DNA that differentiates chimps from humans.
And insofar as the recent 'intelligence' fed the western press by South Korea's spy agency, the idea North Korea couldn't see the USA's 'stealth' B-1 bomber, well, that's likely a fantasy because North Korea has a reasonably up-to-date (via China) cloned or home-grown surface to air system based on the Russian S-300 and that system profiles like this:
The S-300VM ("Antey-2500") (SA-23 GladiatorGiant) mobile multichannel ADMS is designed to destroy current and future tactical and strategic aircrafts (including those using Stealth Technology), medium-range ballistic missiles, theater, tactical, air ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as radar surveillance and guidance aircrafts, reconnaissance and attack systems and patrolling jamming stations
Now, there is some argument as to whether the S-300 can accurately hit the stealth technology aircraft, but they should be able to see the stealth fighters. And even if they couldn't see a stealth bomber arriving, North Korea would know to initiate a nuclear launch from the first arriving attack on it's air defense stations or other installations, as it is hardly reasonable to expect solo stealth bombers (any stealth fighter escorts would be detected for the fact they have a higher radar profile) except in case of a USA initiated 'preemptive' surprise nuclear 1st strike; which is likely the only 'gamed' scenario the troglodytes at the Pentagon can deceive themselves into believing stands a chance at preventing any North Korea nuke(s) heading towards their (soon to be demonstrated as failed) anti-ballistic missile shield in the event of war.
Now, about that usurper sitting on the throne...
...of our theocratic monarchy; rather than distance himself from 'judge' Moore who believes the USA is a Christian theocracy and our constitution says so (see, King Dump has embraced his former 'butt-buddy' Bannon's choice for Senator from Alabama. Now, what this has to do with an United States military shoving unwanted Bible studies and prayers down the throats of its' soldiers, sailors and airmen, has a lot to with a national ego sustained by just that: prayer. In the case of stopping Kim Jong Un's nukes falling on us, probably the adage 'nothing fails like prayer' is most apropos to describe what happens next:
“You’re telling me 28 to 34 percent of our military want 7 billion people to die” [believe in literal Armageddon] … “The simple answer is affirmative”
With American posture of military supremacy literally based on a rhetoric of aggression, in this case more or less backed solely by prayers, I think we all can know who the supreme knuckle dragger is:
^ USA Secretary of Defense: General James Mattis
Kim Jong Un is calling Trump and his Generals' bluff. Then what?
Do the world's biggest egos back down and get their (ongoing for decades) hyper-aggressive war games out of North Korea's face? Maybe they can't. Because if they do, the whole illusion of their empire's invincibility falls apart. And if they don't ... ?
Meanwhile, over at the CIA...
“In the intelligence community, we see supervisors wanting to hold Bible studies during duty hours"
Yeah, that might work, analyzing how marching in circles around Jericho, blowing horns, could be the model for bringing down Kim Jong Un:
^ at Langley, Virginia, an operation planning session
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Love in Reverse
Turd America
The Rez-Erection of Bozo
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Each a Vessel for White-Hot Hatred
the combat space
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barbarism versus civilization
winter of a fighting life
the year the world took the z-pill
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