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The Teutonic Fist Researches the Cover Image of 40,000 Years from Home
© 2018 James LaFond
The Skull on the Book Cover for "40,000 years from home" is the one of a roman woman which was dug up from the ruins of a roman Villa Rustica, a manor in the roman province of Noricum of todays Bavaria. Most likely they were about to expend this Villa into a Latifundia, a farming plantation run on slave labor, if it wouldn't have been for one of those infamous Germanic Shrek-Attacks (get out of my swamp).
The Skull was bashed in with a club. The Germans used clubs mostly to enforce blunt force trauma against armored opponents, but they also come in handy on Night Raids since there are no blades that could reflect in the moon light. Also, the skulls shows the typical knife markings of scalping. The Manor was burned down most likely by an Alamanic Warband that was tear-assing south of the Limes Roman Border Fortifications and out do destroy rather than to take plunder and captives during the 3rd Century, when Rome was already crumbling involved fighting civil wars rather than expanding. If something stops growing, it dies, and this night somewhere during this 3rd Century there was a lot of dying in that manor.
The inhabitants were all killed, scalped, and their bodies thrown into the well of the manor before it was burned down. This fate happened upon Men, Children and, probably with a little delay, the women too. Some real ISIS shit.
Below is a picture just showing the scalping marks.
I made this a few years ago when I was obsessed with Cormac McCarthy's
"Blood Meridian"
[A close-up jpg of the upper right forehead of the skull where the Germanic blade bit horizontally into the skull as the scalping commenced.]
40,000 Years from Home
Some Remarks on Anti-Christian Viking Fetish
Hacking up a lard head is easy.
Yes that’s an Adolf Hitler Speech at the beginning. It’s one of those "fight or die" speeches he gave to SS Troops shortly before Christmas1940. I find it always amusing when Viking fetishists talk about "Yeah man our god is a war god with a hammer and sheeeit and not the guy who was nailed" but then cry about "buhu those mean Christians killed our leaders and burned down our temples."
First blood at 9:04.
Victory And Valhalla
guest authors
God is Great, Mate
z-pill forever
logic of steel
the sunset saga complete
the year the world took the z-pill
america the brutal
masculine axis
uncle satan
Andy     Jan 19, 2018

If they found the bodies in the well the Villa was not resettled after this.

But the Wikipedia Article says nothing about burning down. If i would run a warband i wouldn't burn stuff down so that i wouldn't signal every fucking Foederati in the area my Position.
Bob     Jan 19, 2018

Extract from Jörg Guido Hülsmann's paper, "Discursive Rationality and the Division of Labour: How Cooperation Emerges":

"However, there can be no doubt that the degree to which a religion appeals to our reason is a major factor determining whether we are ready to adopt it or not. This is evident, among other things, from the mere fact that there are disciplines of thought like theology, which deal with the rational dissemination and explication of tenets of faith. In short, all religions transcend the results of rational inquiry, but the less a given religion contradicts these results the more likely is it to be adopted. Religions that reconcile reason with their tenets have a competitive advantage over religions that perform this task to a minor degree. And this explains why, for example, the Christian faith is so widespread. For the adoption of Christian faith can be advocated on grounds of discursive rationality (but not, as we have seen, on utilitarian grounds). True, it cannot be ignored that many persons are dissatisfied with the contradictions that they find in Scripture (a point that I am incompetent to discuss). Yet neither should one ignore that the practically most important Christian tenets (among them the Ten Commandments and the concept of Christian charity) are in perfect harmony with impartial reflection on these matters.

As Thalos has convincingly argued, the believer in God benefits from other people's knowledge that he believes in God. In his fellows' eyes, his faith reduces the likelihood that he will breach contracts and makes him a more attractive partner for all kinds of co-operations. Yet there are other features of the Christian faith, which perform important public functions that prove to be beneficial for the believer. For example, the fact that God is the God of all human beings is such a feature. Persons dealing with Christians can infer from this that Christians believe in a universal ethics and do not reclaim particular rights in case of disputes. Another such feature is Christian charity, which makes Christian civilisations less liable to endless retributive quarrels.

We cannot at this place give an exhaustive account of the public functions of Christianity (this would fill an entire research programme).Yet it should at least be clear that, in the light of these considerations, Christian faith does stimulate the division of labour and spur the development of civilisation. Christian societies thus have a competitive advantage over atheist societies, and over societies that are marked by religions that do not emphasise the sanctity of private property. This is undoubtedly a major factor why Christianity and not some rain-forest religious community, is at the core of modern civilisation."
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