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Sperm Tossing?
A New Olympic Sport: By John Scrotum & Professor Y
© 2018 James LaFond
Learned authorities, many who support mass immigration, also believe that our nation would be improved by the introduction of the new sport of sperm tossing. Apparently, the Australians delight in tossing dried cow turds, their national sport, so it is necessary for us patriotic Americans to go one better.
Here is an example of how it is done in the movie, “The Silence of the Sperm”:
Speed, as well as accuracy is needed, as this veteran of 40 year knows:
Sheeple Believe Says Nice Mr Wolf
By Professor Y
My godfather, Trump is having an affair right now in the “White House,” shades of Billy Clit-on, and shooting over blue dresses:
This is according to …what does that key stroke do?.... (((((((((((((((((authorities))))))))))))))))))))))))
Ok, it is for making wavey lines.
I believe it. I mean to say, it is not as if anybody is watching him, hoping that he will slip up is there?
Turd America
Trumpapocalypse Now: The Advent of an American Usurper at the fall of Western Civilization
Own the collected works of John Saxon, Professor X, Eirik Blood Axe, William Rapier and other counter culture critics, on Kindle, via the link below. Amazon:
Stickgrappler’s Sojourn
the man cave
‘To Be Labeled’
when you're food
search for an american spartacus
blue eyed daughter of zeus
beasts of aryаs
let the world fend for itself
the fighting edge
barbarism versus civilization
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