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Crotch Rocket Kids
Dirt Bikes in the Ghetto
© 2014 James LaFond

I just viewed a video on something that is so common in Baltimore City that I give it little more heed than the sound of a trash truck or the caw of a dumpster crow. Back when I had a domestic partner I occasionally saw local news stories about kids riding motorcycles in the city, against the law. It was all made to sound like either a great menace to motorists, or a terrible tragedy that one of these daredevils got killed. A decade later these guys are now Mother Theresa on wheels, urban heroes and champions of non violent manliness.

They were always just jerks to me. They blow by me noisily as I walk, the same as the people doing 60 in the SUVs and pickups down city side streets, but with less danger to this pedestrian. I like the fact that they harass the cops that harass me. I have only been harassed by a crew of these bike boyz once, on Frankford and Belair, in July of 2009, when they circled me like 1930s movie Indians and made threats they were incapable of carrying out. Other than that, I’d say these urban dirt bike riders are model ghettoites.

Yahoo News: Allure of Rebel Dirt Bike Pack Explored in ’12 O’Clock Boys’

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