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The Gears in the Insanity Box
Embattled Hipster/Yuppies, Violent Blacks, a Shortage of Rude Ethnic Whites, and Polite Latinos: Mayor O’Mama Help Us!
© 2014 James LaFond
Below is a snap shot of Baltimore from the sidewalk view a year before the Race Purge and Riots changed everything, and made it a far more dangerous place. I would say, that since 2014, being a black person on the street is twice as dangerous as it used to be and being a white person on the street is at least ten times more dangerous than previously, which actually results in a near parity in terms of risk of violence at the hands of the Hoodrat Hordes.
According to the collectivist Baltimore Sun, Thursday, February 13, 2014, ‘Southeast on edge over crime as neighbors debate response’.
The article then goes on to extol the content of a ‘city forum on increased violence’ on 2/12/2014 [a Wednesday evening]attended by various members of the Ruling Council of the Peoples Republic of Maryland. Now, things will be done to battle the criminal-on-citizen crime that the Baltimore Police Department is not designed to combat. It will have some measureable effect in the short term as this is a growing tax base area near the John’s Hopkins hospital, which is the cornerstone of the Baltimore economy.
In the long run, what effect will there be?
One need only look across the page at the notice that the Baltimore PD is installing gunfire detectors in East Baltimore and West Baltimore under a $305,000 state grant, both drug markets where the police target criminal-on-criminal crime, and nonviolent drug purchases. The Baltimore PD does a heroic job of fighting the war it was designed to fight; the war on black gangs, which is basically an ongoing stalemate, like gunning down Chicoms on the DMZ in Korea in 1952. The enemy has a limitless supply of reinforcements. What the Baltimore PD is not designed for, staffed for, or experienced in doing, is protecting yuppies. What will happen, after a show of force and temporary suppression of crime in Southeast Baltimore, is that those gunfire detectors will go off in the East and West and the cops will roll out.
Southeast Story
What is happening in Southeast Baltimore?
The answer is the same thing that has happened there since I have lived in Baltimore, only it is happening now to people with money, or in their presence.
A few years back a white man was beaten into a coma by three black men. His Asian wife went on a crusade that was quashed by the press.
A Mexican was stomped out in front of offended white yuppies by black hoodrats in response to the Z-man acquittal. These yuppies caught the Baltimore PD trying to bury the incident and went on the offensive. The press eventually quashed the story.
Now a woman has been killed in her home by two black boys and the City officials call it a triple tragedy, making the arrest and incarceration of these two murderers equivalent to her murder.
A 12-year-old is robbed at gunpoint walking to school.
A woman is raped in an alley.
This has always gone on there, with the black Patterson Park Boyz, known for forays into Highlandtown to gun down, stomp, and stab whites on strictly recreational grounds. Some of the most heinous crimes in my violence books happened in Southeast Baltimore in the 1990’s. But now, instead of dealing death to tough Greeks, Polish, Italians, and racist skinheads who strike back, the sons of those old school Patterson Park Boyz get to feast on soft affluent white meat!
I say feed on that white meat while you can bro. That dark meat moving up the Eastside is going to get a little tougher.
I am about to offend every Baltimore City occupant. Whoever you are, whatever your ethnicity or income, you are part of the problem. I’m just letting you know what gear in the insanity box you happen to belong to. Below is only my opinion based on my 30 years of ghetto occupancy. Please choose to believe otherwise and continue to act in the fashion encouraged by your masters, as this will insure me a limitless source of Harm City articles. Yes, I know. People have been telling me I am an asshole for 30 years.
The Harm City Dynamics
Baltimore PD is good at battling gangs, and saving gangbangers from each other. But they do so through draconian procedures which completely alienate the black community, and make minor league predators like the Patterson Park Boyz feel like they are battling this huge white-run power structure. The police strategy for battling drug gangs is like the Pentagon strategy for battling terrorist organizations; a perpetual oppression machine that spawns more enemies than it takes out of action. This situation has gotten to such a fever pitch, that when a black kills a white, and is then incarcerated for a long term, the municipality’s official response must be that it is a double tragedy rather than a crime and punishment.
The Baltimore PD can put away the Black Gorilla Family in droves. But while the BGF is taking over management of Maryland Corrections facilities, the small time hoodrats slide in under the enemy radar and wage their heroic gorilla [not a typo or a Freudian slip] war. For, to the young black man, the greater white society—by its own admission—is his oppressor. If he is to be a man he must join the police force, become an athlete, or ‘bang’. As one boy on the #23 bus behind me said, “Yo, I be bangin’ from dawn ta dusk yo, bangin’ like a mofo!”
So what is going to happen?
Baltimore PD will continue to have their hands tied with the drug war. They will suppress crime in the Southeast for a while. Then they will be diverted to fill jailhouse bunks to make some politician look good by beefing up arrest stats. These will be arrests for nonviolent drug charges that will be partially doctored to look like violent offenses, like construing a drug-dealer’s indignation with ‘resisting arrest’. Crime will start to spike again in the Southeast, and the Baltimore PD will put its stat-juking spin artists on reclassifying reported crimes in the Southeast as nonviolent. The numbers game will continue.
There is hope though. What the Southeast lacks is a violent, non-criminal, nonblack, lower class. Enclaves like South Baltimore, where a strong white trash minority still holds the border zone against the blacks, do not have problems like this. Highlandtown used to protect its own. But white males are generally—nationwide—no longer capable of combating violence. White society in this country has become completely feminized.
Note that black culture in Baltimore is equally feminized, with the black female holding down the democratic voting block and making up the majority news viewers. [White newsmen on Baltimore TV are only permitted to do weather and sports.] The difference is black females are notoriously violent, typically brutalize their boys, and demand that the men in their family behave aggressively on their behalf. Black women in Baltimore routinely demand of male family members acts that guarantee a prison term. This used to result in an effective vigilante system that I called the African American Justice System. But since the drug wars turned the black urban population into a criminal caste street justice has dwindled and been replaced by female ordered crimes, up to and including contract killings paid for with nothing but sex! Let’s see a mafia guy screw for his hit! Not happening Mario. You need to get waxed dude!
On the other hand white women try to protect their denatured men through demands of nonviolence. Hispanic women are too obedient to their patriarchy to cross the line and insist on their men taking risks. This is what happens when women take over a mixed-race society; the group with the nastiest women takes the initiative.
I went to lunch on Wednesday with an out of town ethnic white dude who totally resents Hispanic immigration. We could not even have lunch in peace because he picked an argument with the restaurant owner over whether chorizo is better than American sausage. You go into any ethnic eatery and their stuff is the best to them. If the guy does not think he is fixing the best food around I don’t want to eat there. But my friend comes from a big rude city with no lingering southern gentility like Baltimore.
Hispanics are more polite than the older classes of ethnic whites. An Italian guy would have told this dude to shove his kielbasa up his ass. But our Mexican man just got intimidated. Fortunately I was wearing a beard for the first time there and he did not recognize me. The upside of having neighborhoods inhabited by rude ethnic whites is that the blacks don’t feel like they can just walk in and rob everybody.
This has resulted in a cultural lag in vigilante activity where Latinos have moved in. This Mexican native treats whites like kings when they come into his establishment, and would never go to a Pollack Johnny’s and try to tell them that chorizo is better than a polish dog. This lack of Nativist American rudeness [which really comes from the Irish, Jews and Italians] as represented by my abrasive friend, has left the immigrant Mexican work force at the mercy of the blacks along with the soft whites. Latinos are still being randomly robbed by black Baltimore City cops. This will change. The first people in a group to immigrate are always the hard working class. The manipulative predators come later.
Everything positive that is happening in Baltimore right now is a result of immigrant Hispanic labor. The whites are all managing mutual funds and walking their dogs or getting drunk and stoned. The blacks are manning government jobs and supporting churches, or providing drugs to the whites, or robbing everyone they can. The only people I see working in this town in significant numbers are Hispanics. When I wrote my violence books in the late 90’s we had no Central Americans here to speak of and the city was dying. We now have a lot of Hispanic [mostly Mexican] immigrants and the city is revitalizing wherever they go.
Eventually the sons of these people, with the help of criminal immigrants, will end up forming gangs to battle the blacks. And they will win. In the U.S. black gangs have traditionally not been able to hold their own against Latino gangs. Eventually I see a pretty well ordered Southeast Baltimore, with gentile white parasites living in high rise apartments and renovated brownstones, patronizing Latino businesses, all under the protection of something like La Familia.
Baltimore is a city in which the white-backed [Maryland is almost all white, and the Baltimore Mayor is a virtual serf to the Governor] mixed-race ruling class has nurtured a race war between the police and the black population into a fruit that is notoriously overripe. [The HBO miniseries The Wire illustrates this excellently.] The political parasites and criminal parasites persist with this generation-long [equaling 2.5 black ghetto generations] drug war that has only losers. Right now Baltimore is a place that is argued over by whites, fought over by blacks, and worked in by Hispanics.
I will always side with the hard working faction over the others. All they need is some more sociopathy and they should take a little bit of the harm out of Harm City. One day Eastern Baltimore will be catholic again. I bet Lord Baltimore [He basically fled Puritan England to set up a catholic colony on the Chesapeake bay. My Irish ancestor was a slave belonging to one of his rich buddies.] never envisioned his city on ‘The Bay of the Mother of God’ being saved from white, black and mixed-race secular protestants by a bunch of Aztec catholics with Spanish names.
Thriving in Bad Places
‘The Primitive Math of Violence’
the man cave
The Last Bookstore
thriving in bad places
when you're food
into leviathan’s maw
orphan nation
advent america
Charles M     Feb 16, 2014

What about Hampden? Am I to believe there's skinheads near JHU holding down the yuppy fort? They've managed to keep their numbers steady all the years I've been around...
James     Feb 17, 2014

Absolutely so. Where you find these long time yuppie enclaves there are always white lowlifes on the perimeter. In When Your're Food, Dave the electrician, who sent that kneecap across the room, was from Hampden.

I interviewed one lady who said she couldn't stand living there because her next door neighbor used to hang and butcher deer carcasses in his back yard!

In The Fighting Edge, I related a great story about a drunk white Hampdenite picking a fight with a bus load of blacks.

Urban gentrification movers take notice. You might not like having to listen to Mississippi Queen while you eat your salmon & cream cheese bagel on Sunday morning, but that city hick is making your neighborhood a hard target for criminals. He's better than a dog, and—usually—will not crap in your yard.
Nero The Pict     Oct 20, 2016


Made these same observations years ago. Though I can tell you in regards to the Latino population in Highlandtown (especially up north around Monument etc) they don't mess around. The flowerings of the "protective associations" are already there.

As far as whitey goes in Highlandtown, Hamden South Batimore et al you are dead on. A quick google search of "Hamden skinheads Baltimore" will turn up an archive of articles from the late 80's and 90's that talk about the neighborhood and its reputation for being racist....All of the fags and yuppies etc. who inhabit those areas now should thank their lucky stars for the intolerant SOB's that stayed the course in their prime real estate through the 70's into this millenium.

Last I heard South Baltimore was experiencing a hidden (by the media) black crime wave...No surprise all of that younger generation of West Virginia on the water are hooked on pills and heroin.
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