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'Like They Care We've Been Boned Once Again'
Table Scraps 5: Carbon Mike, Ishmael, the Checkered Demon...
© 2018 James LaFond
JAPAN | No Country for FAT Western Womyn
In Your Wheel House
Biker News
Need An Immigrant Laborer?
The horrific reality of a war with North Korea
The Danger of BLM
Not that it's hopeless. We're blessed with adventurous billionaires.
I do not know why I'm optimistic, but I am.
So should the admittedly aged, multi-fledged eagle fail to come up to scratch in the Super Power Stakes, there's another contender sort of milling around off stage. Serious ones.
So all the dotard legislators, fresh back from the Denny's senior spread, their pockets filled with ketchup, jelly and salt packages, tottering on their walkers and canes, will have to act like they care we've been boned once again. I feel so inspired by it all.
Jan Ott & Siobhán Higgins-Welter - Ancient European Prehistory: The Frisian Oera Linda Book
It may be that Trump is ready to be fitted with one of them-there Hero-hard-hats with the snarling wolf in brass or silver and his face emerging from the jaws. Like in Ire and Ice.
Just because a guy's a squirrel don't mean there's nothing there to consider?
-Checkered Demon
The Truth About The Stock Market Crisis. Prepare Yourself.
Checkered Demon Tunes
Mossberg 490 "Shockwave"...12 ga. 6ea 2 3/4", and is chambered for 3"...$385
SocSec check came in. Couldn't help it. Can't write about something you wouldn't buy. Needs some friction tape, and you can probably see where. 26 1/2" overall length. Good for festive celebrations and surprising boogers.
Attachments area
I don't know what’s going on but it ain't good.
-Big Ron
My Favorite Essay
...Mark Knopfler is the man. To me, he's the guy in rock music who has most successfully merged the idioms of genuine folk, and rock. Plus he's a beast on guitar.
This album is a well-kept secret—I have a lot of his output (much of it on vinyl) and I didn't even know this one existed. The title (and title track) are funny to me; I was reading the news the other day and thinking they needed to bring back "letters of marque and reprisal".
You might also appreciate his album "The Ragpicker's Dream". On my podcast recently, I was talking to Al Stankard from about how people who talk "white pride" always skip over the really cool history of white outlanders and go directly to how much they hate black folks. "Ragpicker's Dream" is, like, the soundtrack of the white outlanders—everything from working-class builders in England during the Thatcher years (Why Aye Man) to Depression-era hobos on the run from railroad bulls in the dead of winter (the title track).
I'm not judgmental, but anyone who doesn't like Mark Knopfler is a godless heathen and should be cast into the outer darkness. ;-)
Talk to you this evening!
-Carbon Mike
Man, I had a blast! We need to make this a regular thing somehow. Thanks for being so generous with your time—talk to you again soon. Next night I could do would be Sunday evening, and after that, Wednesday again.
Best regards,
-Carbon Mike
It's like, people not knowing how to act is a universal:
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Books by James LaFond
Trump's State of the Empire
Yawn! Yet Another Boring
into leviathan’s maw
menthol rampage
the fighting edge
honor among men
time & cosmos
son of a lesser god
dark, distant futures
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