Ball of FortuneThe Infortunate—The Bondage of William Moraley: Servant, Slave, Apprentice & Runaway ![]() A postmortem representation of William Moraley, a Christian soul, an early Modern Job, defrauded in life, starved and sickened in captivity, a drifter hunted by money grifters and law officers, and defamed even by the curators of his rare memoir.
Dust Cover Born in 1699, “to a Freeman of London,” Loved and cherished as a child, mentored as a youth by his loving father, “in order to get his Living,” William Moraley lost his father in 1725, from where he counted “all” of his misfortunes. From 1725 thru 1743, William, a skilled and hard-working member of “the middling class” who was regarded as “an easy, and good natured fellow, whose wants were few and cares were less,” suffered, between the ages of 27 and 44, many misfortunes, including being “bound” to no less than TEN masters. The debt-based economics of William’s Age and Country, resulted in various associated misfortunes, including:
…being deprived of his modest inheritance, being inveigled [tricked into being sold as “A Voluntary Slave”], being starved and denied water aboard a coal ship, being sold as a slave, being mistreated by a notoriously disagreeable master, wandering barefoot and homeless, being abducted and jailed for homelessness, living and hiding in abject poverty as a wandering tinker, sought and sued for extradition for FOOD debts, being deprived of a second modest inheritance, being jailed and sued for occupying his deceased mother’s house, and finally suffering defamation beyond the grave by numerous historians over the intervening centuries. Despite these many misfortunes, William enjoyed the kindness of many strangers, to include “an Indian king” and “a grave Quaker,” never to lose his Faith.
Contents Setting
In Hogarth’s Shadow
#0-A: The Infortunate: A Study of Illustrations from the Lifetime of William Moraley
‘Servants for Sale’
#0-B: The Infortunate: A Study of Illustrations from the Lifetime of William Moraley
‘His Case’
#1: The Infortunate: The Rescue of William Moraley from the Conspiracy of Pennsylvania
‘Bound to An Attorney’
#2.A: The Infortunate: pages 41-54 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
The Mate’s Wife
#2.B: The Infortunate: pages 41-54 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Sold As A Slave’
#3: The Infortunate: Pages 53-69 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Rather than Submit to Barbarian Slavery’
#4: The Infortunate: Pages 70-76 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘A Negro’s Ghost’
#5: The Infortunate: Pages 77-86, 165-6, of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Bought Servants’
#6: The Infortunate: Pages 87-97 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘The Indians’
#7.A: The Infortunate: Pages 99-104 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Without Legal Warrant’
#7.B: The Infortunate: Pages 104-108 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Like a Roving Tartar’
#8.A: The Infortunate: Pages 109-111 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Detained for A Runaway’
#8.B: The Infortunate: Pages 111-115 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘The Law’
#9: The Infortunate: Pages 115-121 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Ducking Witches’
#10: The Infortunate: Pages 123-130, 163-4, of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘A Tankard of Supernaculum’
#11: The Infortunate: Pages 131-136 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Belated in a Fell’
#12: The Infortunate: Pages 137-146 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures
‘Philadelphia’s Self in Dust Shall Lye’
#13: The Infortunate: Pages 126, 147-160 of William Moraley’s Voyage and Adventures associated tags
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