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JUN/08/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
Knocking out Neanderthals with James LaFond
JUN/08/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
The Woke Devil talkin about throwin hands, the bourgeoisie's hated sport of the proles where dispossessed poor men and fallen aristocrats defied the merchant class by reviving the ancient Greek art of...
JUN/07/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
Pontiac's Rebellion.
JUN/02/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
More Indian talk this time with The Seminoles in Florida.
MAY/31/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
Discussing Gorgets.
MAY/31/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
MAY/26/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
Not savages or victims but human beings carried along the Struggles of Power we call Existence.
MAY/19/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
Lessening the weight for The Hobo Journey into the Future.
MAY/12/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
Excerpt from him podcastin with the Myth20C guys!! Check out his Books on LuLu and Amazon, his Blog, and exclusive Patreon and Substack stuff here!
MAY/12/22 | InTheseGoingsDown
The one man publishing dynamo shows his cargo pants mobile office system! Check out his Work! Books from LuLu and Amazon plus Patreon and Substack Exclusives!:
AUG/20/21 | InTheseGoingsDown
State of the Game: Murica August 2021! If there is anyone left to offend, LaFond will find them!
AUG/20/21 | InTheseGoingsDown
This dude is crazy!!! I disavow!!! AGHH!!!!!!
AUG/18/21 | InTheseGoingsDown
The State of the Game: Summer 2021! The eerily prescient video from New Year Eve 2019:
NOV/03/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Hello friends, I've been holding out on you since August, when we last taped. I don't know if we will ever get back to regular podcasting. It is a lot of work for me and due to corona and growing chil...
OCT/17/20 | HoboHistory
SORRY FOR THE WAIT! We had some severe audio issues at last time of filming and a storage failure so it took a while to correct audio issues. We should be back on schedule from here on out. Thanks for...
AUG/17/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Guess what, my podcast friends?! This is my last backlog episode! I also have some new taped eps and gonna get those to you as quick as I can. We actually talked plague in this episode and some seriou...
AUG/04/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Bookstore Tour - Masculinity Masculine Axis Mangearing Taboo You Incubus of Your Sacred Immasculation End of Masculine Time Third Eye Barbarism vs. ...
AUG/04/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Bookstore Tour - Harm City The Fighting Edge, The Logic of Steel, The Violence Project When You're Food The Boned Zone Panhandler Nation Take Me to You...
AUG/04/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Bookstore Tour - Poets, Seers & Heroes By the Wine Dark Well of Heroes I & II A Thousand Years in His Soul: The Poets A Thousand Years in...
AUG/04/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Bookstore Tour - Uncommon Men Let the World Fend for Itself The Violence Project When You're Food Son of a Lesser God Shelters for the Self The Min...
AUG/04/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Back in January, James and I talked about our Crackpot Books plans for the year. Needless to say, things have not gone exactly according to plan, but you can listen in on our little business meeting, ...
JUL/28/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
Hello everyone! We are getting near the end of the backlog. Months ago, eons ago, really, we spoke with Mr. American Dagda, who called in from somewhere in Appalachia. He had the bad manners to show...
JUL/26/20 | HoboHistory
Link to Part 1: James filmed this prior to Donald Trump's order to send federal troops into areas like Portland, Chicago, and other US cities deemed 'trouble spots' in Op...
JUL/15/20 | HoboHistory
The Lost Colony of Roanoke has stumped people since the settlers disappearance. James gives a brief history of the original settlement and solves the mystery. Purchase Lee Miller's "Solving the Myste...
JUL/10/20 | TheCrackpotPodcast
This podcast is coming to you from January 31. It includes grocery talk, which you know is my favorite topic. I don't think we talk much current events, so this one doesn't have as much of a time caps...
JUL/07/20 | HoboHistory
A viewer "Danica" asks James to explain different types of invasions/warfare. If you have any questions or would like James to discuss a historical figure or period in history, please ask in the com...
JUL/05/20 | HoboHistory
Link to Part 2: The movement to 'defund the police' has grown recently with racial tensions across the country. The modern idea of policing is relatively new. Here we b...
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Harm City
Modern Combat

The ten year investigation continues into the dichotomy of western warrior traditions. 2024, 583 pages.
History of the Future
Gibbon Summations
Upon The Earth Plantation America The Combat Space Harm City to Chicongo The Man Cave
Flashback to our 2015 Project