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Short Novel Collection #4
7 Novels Pitting Violent Heroes against Grim Fate: Cube, Last Whiteman, Beyond Rainbow Bridge, Dollar Joe, Road Killing, Is You Sure, Wonderfall
The Redaction of Bronson Caan: A Novel of 2121
Bronson Caan works for his parents in the family business. Born in 2092 to Cube Combat Promotions, Bronson is literally the Adam of his kind, the first purpose-born Cube Fighter. Patterned after two action movie actors of the Late Pre-World-Order Age, Bronson Caan is the prototype combat celebrity—a striving, bleeding and conquering masculine fetish icon conceived and promoted for the diversion of a post-masculine world. Cube is the story of his redaction.
The Last Whiteman
As though written by Robert E. Howard
In the fateful year of 1968, Robert E. Howard, age 62, visiting editor L. Sprague de Camp in Phil-adelphia, is inspired by the urban riots to travel to Baltimore and investigate events, having long ago given up writing fiction for travel writing. There, between April 30 and May 5 he writes what will be his final short novel, Last Whiteman, set in Balti-more City in the year 2068.
Beyond Rainbow Bridge
The Curious Afterlife of Dandelion Machi
In 2041, 21 years “after the Vid,” Rick, a 78-year old bodybuilder, one of the last humans capable of the now nearly extinct ancient curse of fanaticism, is finally confronted with the loss of his reason for being and must find a final purpose in life. In 2041, after 21 years “behind the mask,” an atomized America virtually designed by Infotech Demigod Brill Yates, is stalked by the last ideologue of a dying race.
Author’s Note
The working title of this short novel was Drinking with a Gay Giraffe, about a methodical vengeance enacted for the children of the near future. However, the characters Dandelion Machi and Rebecca Dorn accelerated the narrative beyond the protagonist’s wildest expectations.
Dollar Joe
A Maskland Short Novel
The author, a homeless novelist, was shopping in the Dollar Tree on Foster in Portland, Oregon on Monday, March 1, 2021 at 12:34 pm when he saw two women and a man attack and beat a homeless man for the crime of not wearing a mask during the only respiratory disease out-break in human history. As an unapologetic creep, the author wondered at such violence in the absence of bodies being stacked like cord-wood in bedsheets on city sidewalks. But then, after leaving the store and taking down his mask, walking in the clear virus-killing sunshine, he no-ticed various, much younger, much healthier folk glaring at him, stepping into speeding traffic to avoid him, huddling in fear, cringing, even crying with mouths hanging a-yawn under their masks.
The homeless man was not capable of fighting back and fared poorly. It being obvious that building hysteria would eventually result in his own victimization for not masking outside, the author wondered, “How would I fare before the mob?”
Dollar Joe is the transcript of a tactical fantasy written in one man’s mind during a 9-block walk.
Road Killing ~ Planet Buzzkill
A Working Class Guide to Man’s Final Hours
Have you grown tired of alien invasion and zombie apocalypse fiction where mankind is represented by secret agents, astronauts, hero cops, military men, do-gooders and psychopaths? Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘If it really happened, how would me and these knuckleheads around me make out?’
Wonder no more! In 2012 urban violence guru, Harm City author, and self-proclaimed extraterrestrial anthropologist, James LaFond, boarded a Baltimore City bus, looked around at the dozen strangers on the bus, assigned them names, observed them over the next month, and then put them center stage in First Contact: A Working Class Guide To Mankind’s Final Hours. Read if you dare, as a busload of ordinary Baltimoreans are selected by cruel Fate to make mankind’s last stand against a vast intergalactic intelligence.
Road Killing ~ Fat Girl Dancing
The Spirit of Martha May Wilson
An unfulfilled life, the search for the perfect comfort food, a road rage incident, a quest for a summer job, and four psychotic hipsters bring two unlikely souls into sync, to dance on the very edge of the Great Lie that at once binds them in the dark and keeps them apart.
This disturbing tale of personal wonder, societal malevolence and individual striving emerges from the dark hidden corners of a repressed world to become a riveting story of spiritual ascendance against all material odds, and against all of mankind’s many gods.
Is You Sure
Big Tony has had the man who he refers to as James LaFond, or The Great Writer, live with him and his sons for a total of seven months over two years. However, aside from being “the nicest guy” any of them have met, the three occupants of that small house on Split-Tail Court still don’t know what James does out in the garage, or if he is really telling a tall tale when he claims to hold a 122-year-old slave in the shed.
When Big Tony is arrested and jailed for failure to wear a mask in a public safe space, the boys are faced with being abused by foster parents and must save themselves. Now, it’s time they find out what secrets are held within the shed and… even the cryptic garage.
A Spiral Case Adventure
Captain Richard Francis Burton left copious details of his many travels—except for six unaccounted months in South America, disappearing in Argentina in 1868 and reappearing in Peru in 1869. Wonderfall is a science-fiction novel that proposes to tell the tale of those six lost months in that peerless adventurer’s life. The novel is abandoned and incomplete...

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