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Ozark Agonistics
Training with Paul BingHam in St. Louis, MO: April 26
Paul is putting this old crumb up in a hotel in Saint Louis and bringing a couple fighters north from the Ozarks for training.
This is a free clinic, placed in Saint Louis in hopes that Midwest fighters who lack training partners can make some connections and get some work in while the old gimp is still hobbling about.
This is a free event.
Paul will try to get training space in the hotel he is stashing me in. Regardless, he is confident that the depressed local economy will enable his horse shoeing money to rent some space.
We are hoping for a 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, or 12 to 4 PM, slot.
Contact Paul for the details as he arranges for the venue at: 417-671-1369
I will be traveling with saber mask, gloves, and mouthpiece.
We will train:
Each of the above segments will be structured as:
Forensic Properties of the Methods = brief intro
Light sparring = main section
A quick round for each man interested = brief
Slow self defense scenario drills = secondary section
Q & A review
Bring whatever of the following items you are interested in training with
Hockey or lacrosse gloves
Fencing mask
Boxing gloves
Work gloves, leather fingertips preferred
Rattan sticks
Blunt Training Knives
Dull machetes
Thank you, Paul.
I will aim to arrive in Saint Louis Thursday 24th, which on that train line may mean Friday 25th, and will take the train east from Saint Louis, thru Chicongo to Pittsburgh from Sunday afternoon thru Monday.
I expect to be training with Erique in Lancaster, PA on Sunday the 4th,
with Damien in Gettysburg on Monday 5th [I will need a ride for this session to workout]
and in Towson MD Thursday 8th.
These dates are not yet solid.
If you are interested call or text me at 443-686-0598
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[modern combat]   [Modern Agonistics]  [The Man Cave]  [The Combat Space]  [link]
posted: February 22, 2025   reads: 28   © 2025 James LaFond
Upon the Scales of Right
Vunak of Antares #5
Late Afternoon Moonrise
Team Vunak Are Given a Night of Liberty in the Flesh Vaults of Antares. What could possibly go wrong? Yaas, and so it shall.
The first of the three moons appeared. Charon declared, “Pass the Blue Gate by the rising of the third moon, She who is called Eve.”
After the Captain’s duel, VU stood in awe of Burton, understanding, he thought, how a Super Bowl coach must feel about his NVP quarterback. Various men were coming down from the stands, one for each member of each team, a blond Nordic heading his way bearing camping gear. VU was trying to keep track of what was going on when Charon’s voice sounded like a clarion, “Spectators are dismissed and may resume seating at dawn.”
The stands began to empty, something that would surely take hours, lines of people filing into the various concrete tunnels, their frame worked like the open maws of various predatory beasts. Charon then pranced over to VU and Burton, towering over them, “Servants have been assigned of your same various races, to each one of you. They are pitching rival camps, which they shall keep, occupy, and defend, and if their masters have lost, be slaughtered within, before each gate.”
Blue tents and stools were being set up before the Blue Gate and Red tents and folding canvas chairs before the Red Gate. Each attendant brought fire wood and water jugs as well. A brass fire pit was placed at the center of each camp.
“Master,” said a man who bowed to him, who looked like he could have been his younger brother, speaking with a Dutch accent, loaded with water skins, blankets, a tent, chair, a bundle of split fire wood, lamp and bandages, “your tent I will pitch on the outer ring to prevent your men being fooled with.”
A tall Alpine with dark hair and mustache, speaking in a proper English accent, approached Burton, who began clearly directing the setting up of his area. Even VU’s two hillbilly assistants had white trash serving men likewise attending them. And so it went with the Blues and Reds, each man seemingly attended by a servant of his own race. Each of these servants had a wooden sword/baton, worn at his hip. VU was wondering at this when Charon, following his gaze, noted, “The dead will be brought back to camp by their slave, VU. After the duels, there will be a final battle, between the surviving team members. Those who prevail, along with their slaves, shall then attack the enemy camp, none of the defeated permitted grace. This is to the knife. The slain of the victors will be granted the honor of nourishing the King, Prince, Dignitaries and Brides of Scorpio, the defeated destined to feed the knights and the grays.”
‘I want to hurl.’
“What of the survivors among the victors?” he inquired.
Charon grinned and hissed like some great snake, this hiss expelling from the organ pipes sprouting outward in an upward sweep from his neck, and his words pointedly spoken from that horse-toothed mouth, “These, VU, will be sent to seed a new world, given slaves, brides and three gray advisors each, so to build what kind of society they see fit.”
The big hillbilly spoke up, “We shall have a good rest then before battle tomorrow, aye, VU, after today’s training of course?”
VU began to answer in the affirmative when Charon, tolled like a bell, “The Reds rest, served and nursed by their attendants. The Blues, in honor of the Mob they represent, MUST, go fourth among the wine gardens, mead halls, beer taverns, ale houses, grog bars, gambling dens and flesh vaults to enjoy the hospitality of the Mob. All vices are on the house, food as well.”
VU paused, “I don’t think that is in our best interest.”
Charon laughed, as if a great iron bell could chuckle, and it was horrible, “VU, the Blues must leave with their attendants before the moon Eve passes the second quarter of heaven. You may not return until the mid point of night, when all three moons are at rest in their caves of night.”
Charon bent so that his face was a foot from VU’s, informing the human that his tiny head was to that armored skull as a moon is to its planet, “VU, your protest has been noted and shall be inscribed upon your urn. Your slave shall attend you, and bring you back safely. Your person’s are inviolable this night—none will but honor thee, oh he who is about to die.”
The breath of the thing was not so much bad, as spicy, like a chai tea.
He heard the British hillbilly inquire of his servant, “Say, mate, is there a good grog house, perhaps some Pussers rum?”
“Indeed,” answered the slave, “both have engaged me to fete ye there, and as well the Sands Stout Hall has roasted a calf for ye heroes and stands by the richest black tap of stout pour on Antares!”
“I’m in,” mumbled the gutter gnome.
VU was shaken with a bad feeling about the bloody morrow.
To The Reader
I have rendered the first third of the fourth Chapter here, and hand off the yarn to Jeth, who is writing all of the combat chapters based on our skype combat conduct and results sessions for each pairing. Do note, that Charon, who does not feign fair treatment for the Blues, casts lots in his many-chambered mind, and that these lots might be construed as somewhat less than honest random.
This concludes the open posting of Vunak of Antares at, with the concluding posts to be found at Jeth’s substack site, with the four concluding chapters and epilogue to post behind his paywall.
Thank You for reading, and may Fate smile full-faced upon VU.
-James LaFond, San Jose, California, 12/10/24
To The Coauthor
Jeth, I think you should take this chapter from here, and base the revel on your night out before the Hoch seminar. Do have fun with retrieving Bronson from his calligraphy lesson with Musashi at dawn, when VU wakes and finds him gone. I suggest keeping it under 2,000 words, or 3,000 words total length for this chapter. I will take the story back up in the epilogue.
For Chapters 4, 6-14 of Vunak of Antares go to:

From Jeth concerning our next combat simulation over skype:
Good to hear from you mate, interesting you think I'm writing a lot - which is a compliment coming from yourself - as I feel that I'm never writing enough and have been slacking a bit with the journal! Hah!
That reminds me, I did a journal article with Vunak/ Mr Gray/ LaFond fiction releases here (Got some nice feedback from a reader in Canada too):
Sunday is great for me, just let me know a time that suits you.
Looking forward to it!
Best, J
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[fiction]   [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 22, 2025   reads: 32   © 2024 James LaFond
Best and the Blessed
Vunak of Antares #3: Brand of Heroes Concluded
The tone of Charon’s many-octave voice, for there was no other way to describe it, struck VU with a streak of doubt, ‘He is screaming in a dozen languages at once. How can we defeat these scorpion things and gain our freedom when they have minds so agile?’
The great peeling organ pipes in its neck rang out as the mouth of the thing, presenting a mouth lined with block-like ivory grinding teeth—not the fangs one would expect—channeled some engine within to expel words so loud and clear it transfixed the hearer to a quiver:
“Behold, Our King, Chief of the Gods, Pankhronater!”
Charon held his scepter low and extended his left hand lovingly high to the terrible figure that reclined below the sunset notches. This thing, this king, rose on its four feet, its purple wings flaring out making him as big as a fighter jet turned on its nose.
The Mob was silent.
The various tiers of officials, knights, pinks, grays and pure humans stood gravely at attention.
‘That dam thing is much larger than this one, must be 20 feet tall. Stop worrying about these monsters. We have to beat the Red Team to survive.’
All of the Scorpion Lords flapped their wings, sounding like a scratched chalkboard powered by a nuclear reactor. This ear-ringing sound stopped on a single beat.
Charon’s hand then rose to the twin suns and his scepter tracked along the Red Line, branding the heroes behind that crimson chalk in their turn.
“Behold the Heroes of The Red Gate, Litigants of the Lords of Antares: Champions of the Gods of Scorpio!”
The mob, now awakened, booed low and bitterly with a hissing undercurrent.
A tall, broad, heavily bearded viking, “Harald Hadratta, commander of the Varangian Guard, paramour of the Byzantine Queen, King of Norway, victor of a hundred battles, gathered at the battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066.”
The viking king merely scanned their line, seeking a victim like a wolf eyeing a pack of sheep.
There was silence except for the quip of Black Beard, “I shall cut ‘is throat, lads.”
The largest man of the red line was nearly seven feet tall and perhaps 350 pounds, a Japanese samurai by his hair, “Saito Musashibo Benkei, gathered in 1189, Japanese Warrior Monk, servant of the Minamoto Clan, died defending the castle bridge for his lord, invincible army of one. For the Red Gate!”
The tier of Asians stood, bowed and sat in silence. The hero glared down at the blue line with the eyes of an angry bear.
“Fawkin ‘ell, Mate,” groused the big Brit hillbilly under his mustache.
Next was a man whose eyes blazed at a level of fury greater than any, a man with high head and trimmed chin beard and mustache, just under 6 feet and about 180 pounds and fit in a hard way, “Killer of 35 men with his own hand, Victor in thirty battles, The General, That Devil, The Wizard of the Saddle, Nathan Bedford Forest.”
That man took offense to the brand on his forehead and steamed silently as the Nordics stood in awed salute.
The ‘for the Red Gate’ declaration had stopped.
‘This Charon is thinking on his feet and dropping ritual protocol. This fiend is working something out. If we get them to overthink…’
A man as tall as the viking, about 6’ 4”, and 220 pounds, muscled like a sprinter with a freckled tan, long thick red hair and bitter green eyes, a beard thick like clotted blood coming to a point before his lantern jaw,
“Swiftest of Men, Rank Breaker, Shield Splitter, Courser of Broken Foes, Achilles!”
The man stepped forward, looked at the still standing form of Pankhronater high above, spat in the sand, which hungrily gobbled the liquid, and stepped back.
All was silence.
Another Japanese samurai, a good six feet and barrel- chested, “Greatest duelist of Earth, victor in sixty death matches, master of twin swords, author of The Book of Five Spheres, Miamoto Musashi.”
‘We are so fucked—every one of these men in their prime, and half of hours old.’
Something deep within rejected his own assessment, ‘No, no! We can do it!!’
Silence reigned as Musashi bowed to Burton with a sublime respect, a bow that was returned with a fantastical flourish, hand rolling down from head as one foot slid out to catch the tumbling hand of respect above the knee.
A rather normal looking military man with the healed bullet hole in his head, who smiled silently as if to himself, “Soldier, Officer, Night Fighter, Trench Fighter, Storm Trooper of The Great War, survivor of that Storm of Steel, Ernst Junger.”
The man was carefree and at ease, the line of Red Heroes looking at him in wonder with turned heads.
A thick built linebacker with black curly hair, a beaked nose that had been broken cross ways, shoulders scared with deep raking downward cuts, “Out of grim, hallowed Antiquity, Blaze the Net Chaser, Gladiator of Rome, Flamma Secutor, crowd favorite of the Great Ludis.”
That man stepped forward and took to one knee, bowing to the Scorpion King high above as the mob booed and hissed.
A man of six feet and 200 pounds, with a smashed in pug nose, big jaw and missing eye brow, “Atlas of the Sword, Master of Defense, First Heavyweight Boxing Champion, James Figg.”
Some hands were clapping among the mob as Black Beard snarled, “Ye owes me a swig, lubber—sold me a right pregnant maid, ye, did!”
This threat was rebroadcast through Charon’s organ pipes blaring from his neck. Black Beard became the Mob favorite then and there. Not to be outdone, Burton stepped to the left and raised the big pirate’s right hand high in his left.
To this Figg grinned across at his natural antagonist.
Burton returned and whispered, “Our youngest big man and handy with sword.”
That too was rebroadcast, marking this as a pro wrestling event or MMA weigh-in, calculated to entrance the mob.
A blond man of six and half feet in late prime and about 230 pounds standing in an arrogant slouch, “Frontier duelist, Mexican rebel, American hero, James ‘Heart String’ Bowie!”
Burton counseled, as some of the mob jeered at Bowie, “Our man Thompson is giving over thirty years.”
Charon pointed his scepter at a small, well, normal size human, dwarfed by the giants of the Red Line, “Trainer for the Red Gate, Chinese Folk Hero, Drunken Master, Hun Gar Master, Chief Medical Officer and Martial Arts Instructor to the Black Flag Army, Wong Fei Hung.”
The Asian tier stood in reverent silence.
“Drink some oh’ dis!” yelled some mop-headed mongrel prole from the mob, standing on the concrete wall and pissing into the arena.
Charon’s scepter pointed and flashed. The pissing prole was outlined in blue fire for an instant. His head then shot high into the sky as his body exploded, covering a hundred of his fellows in a pink mist. The Prince of Morning, another extra large Scorpion warrior, then stood, bending a great brassy bow, and loosed an arrow, an arrow that streaked blackly across the sky, its dark flight observed by all with raised faces, to transfix the offending head where it arced over the sands. That head tumbled like a stone on a feathered stick downward, to thud before Burton and VU, looking up at them as if in accusation, the hungry sand tugging gently at its hair and drinking the blood with a sterile thirst.
Burton then saluted the Prince of Morning and aimlessly rolled the head away with his foot with sage words, “The Lower Orders do provide the boon of entertainment by way of their own well-earned demise.”
Perhaps the smallest man here, other than VU’s own gutter gnome, looking like a teacup hero in that awesome lineup, “Baddest Man on a Storybook Planet, Bruce Lee, chosen by The Lords of Scorpio, Overlords of Antares, as assistant trainer.
The scepter was then pointed at Carl Cestari, who was looking respectably fit in his prime, easily a match for VU’s two attribute-wanting assistants, and was not even named, simply branded, accompanied by the dismissive words, “Second Assistant Trainer—Red Gate.”
There was silence as Charon spread his wings and pointed his scepter at Achilles, burning a brand on his chest through the red tunic, “Red Gate Captain—Achilles, Prince of the Myrmidons!”
The tier of red-headed Aesir above roared and stamped their feet.
Charon then turned to the Blues and whistled, in a comic affectation that was terrible in its insect-like hollowness, “The Blue Gate Team, representing the Mob Faction, must choose a captain by duel, with the sword. The litigants shall be the two men whose soaring hubris affronts even the gods and confronts their own faction’s good will: “Hernan De Soto, Captain General of La Florida, against Sir Richard Francis Burton, Captain of The Rotten Heads in Crimea!”
The Mob went nuts, then settled into a chant, that let VU know that these half million scumbags, slackers, grunts and crooks did not care about them at all, but simply wanted to see them fall:
“Bonus butcher!
Butcher’s block!
Squabbling fookers!
Doomed Captain’s dock!”
VU shouldered Burton, “Sir, with all respect, we need every man—get the disarm. I’m confident you can.”
‘If the Conquistador kills him our team captain won’t speak our majority language.’
Burton spoke calmly as he and Soto eye-fucked one another from down the Blue Line, “Agreed, Sage-at-Arms, agreed.”
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[fiction]   [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 22, 2025   reads: 23   © 2024 James LaFond
‘Saturn Sends the Rains’
A Muse on Postmodern American Topography: 11/5/24
“It is fascinating how fragile our infrastructure is. The recent rains in North Carolina will require changes in topographical maps. It reminds me of Japanese land management, which requires precise study of water flow patterns. Of course, as we see weather patterns which we don’t have experience with in our brief social memory, thought of Velikovsky comes to mind, when he wrote that “Saturn sends the rains” in relation to the Great Flood. Those kinds of civilization ending magnitudes, well, even thinking about it is daunting and, obviously, not much but massive stone work is ever left behind. From your travels, what have you observed concerning potential mid-scale hydraulic change in modern infrastructure.”
-Lynn, from an editorial prompt
In terms of what we make, exposure seems to be a big risk factor. Exposure to wind, such as the wide boulevard known as Northern Parkway I travel on. Portions of this avenue are cut along old land creases. Two years ago a tornado blew down this street as if it were a spinning top funneled down a toy race track, down the path of least resistance. Wide roadways seem to be more prone to disaster. These are not only exposed, but are paths of least resistance that are wider and longer than most natural features. These are also not made with stone, but with sticky gravel, oiled dirt in spots, various grades of concrete. These also serve as sewer vectors and storm drains, inviting the rains.
You are best served living along a narrow street that winds and is surfaced in brick.
Train tracks and beds actually hold up much better. These are made of stone, are cross hatched with beams called “ties” and iron rails. Additionally, railways are much more narrow than parallel roads. The side street I live on here, the road surface itself, is slightly wider than a railway that services nationwide traffic. Railroad beds have also been raised, where roads are painted on the landscape, cut through, carved out and sunken. Where railroads cut through, they do so with rock, not into soil banks. Interstates did use this cut process, which is so much uglier than rail, because one lane of a 4 to 12 lane highway is wider than both rail tracks, let alone one. A more narrow, stone cut does less to catch, funnel and intensify wind and flood than wide swaths of harder and therefor slicker, faster surfaces. Also, roads are made steeper than rails, as the train must climb gradually, wind like a river, and behave more naturally and less intensely.
My amateur observations, surely have engineering treatments that I do not understand. I simply note that fast built ways encourage speed of travel for vehicles, winds and water.
Trees are removed more completely for roads than for railways. Also, new developments, due to their erection having to do with making money, not making long term living spaces, built for 30 years maximum habitation, are dozed quickly. The old area of Baltimore I live in at the moment was dozed into lanes as well, going cross ways to various natural drainage patterns. But, these homes were built of brick, with concrete pit basements. Even as these places become ruins and the basements fill to become cisterns, then the brick walls implode and fill the basements, new rocky ridges will have been made.
By contrast, modular homes parked or slapped together
in quick dozed teardrop cuts, have no mature trees between structures, no root system to slow mud floods and prevent mudslides, and are not cut into rock. Quick building of meet-puppet sheds precludes cutting into rock. As insane as coastal sky scraper building is, with 3 to 10 levels of basements only kept from flooding by massive power outlays, side hill mud pan construction on the back sides of soil covered mountains across the country, seem like advertisements for the next Noah movie. When we see the backside of a hill being dozed into mudslide channels, before ultra light one- to two- generation housing is slapped up, and then oil roads are painting on, we realize that this is temporary.
The architects of our fleeting civilization envision the housing of today being quickly overgrown with weeds, [1] forests coming back, and then nature preserves cultivating. The rocky, stone and brick ruins of antiquity often remain, as those were expressions of community, stony attempts at continuity. Only an elite few are envisioned as remaining to enjoy the fruits of a rejuvenated earth after she has been pillaged of her rare earths to erect something sustainable for the human life lines that matter. Most of us are merely the wick and the tallow that feeds the flame kept by our masters; a flame shimmering so that the demons that rule us might take aim at a renewing paradise where they are god stalking among the garden and what remains of us is the mere urine expelled after the drinking of our sorrow for their wicked pleasure the night before.
The plan was always to return North America to its natural state, or power lines would have never bee run above ground, let alone hung under angry skies.
-1. Quick growing weeds, imported from Japan, I think, are used in Southeastern America to reclaim cheap construction.
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[blog]   [History of the Future]  [link]
posted: February 21, 2025   reads: 78   © 2024 James LaFond
‘A Return Of Birth’
Start of Interview:11/1/24
In this visit, I had a concussion and was not so focused and dear Cousin Michael was excited about new findings. Three subjects that came up in this well of excited fascination, William Hood, Alexander Quaid and Uncle Bill and Aunt Bet, have been set aside as separate articles #5, #6 & #7. The first phase of this discussion follows and then we will focus on the mechanics of Mike’s look into the birth records.
To the Office of Register of Vital Statistics, Board of Health, Baltimore City
“I looked from 1895 through 1905 for Lillian Seibel, birth of twins, boy and girl. Your mom says Lillian told her that he died at birth or soon after. He is not on the census for 1900. She was, they put 1 over 12 for her, a fraction of the year. The address is just a few doors down from the address that appears on this document. The name that is on the census is Lillian Arthur, who must have been the father.”
“She lives for two years without a husband. She was living with her mother and father and her unmarried siblings. Her father dies that same year of 1900 or soon after, then she lives with her mother. When she applies for divorce in 1903 the father has passed away. In the divorce testimony, her mother, Willhamena, but she went by Mini, says that she had to support William Hood, who had no job. Lizzy Siebel, who every body knew as Grandma Jubb, married William Hood [for which there will be an extensive treatment], that lasted all of two weeks, then she married James Jubb.
“They made the society pages—the Jubbs were not working class.
“I made a mistake and found the wrong James Jubb.
“My mother remembers Grandma Jubb drinking coffee from a saucer, because she lived just a few houses up on McKewin Avenue.
“I have a marriage certificate of Elizabeth Siebel and William Hood.
“So, we’re not Jubbs.
“I have left numerous ancestry sites because of all of these white people claiming that they are Cherokee. That is like me saying I’m black because my Great Grandfather was. I’m not any, because my Mom was adopted. I wasn’t supposed to happen because my dad was having extensive chemo therapy in 1968, and shazzam, Cherry got pregnant. Then when she married John, John was supposed to be sterile from having mumps as a kid. And bam! Johnny was born, and she made John have vascectomy. [Not even trying to spell it.]
“We couldn’t sleep out overnight in our back yard because the “boogies” would get us and when we drove through Park Heights she’d say roll up your windows were going through niցցer safari country. During the riots her and Mike Jones, my bio dad, were driving around with a white flag on their antenna until the National Guard pulled them over and told them to get home. My mom was a cub scout leader and was pissed off because she had to have a Filipino and black kid in the group—now she would deny that ever happened.
“We are Arthurs, biologically. I consider the family you are raised in more important than the biology. I see more examples of nurture being transmitted down than nature.
“Lillian was born, our great grandmother, was born out of wedlock, before our great great grandmother married James Jubb. Lillian was adopted by James Jubb, after the fact. That’s why we are legally but not biologically Jubbs. Jubb could come from two different places. It’s middle English for Jew or its Frisian for Job, for someone who works really really hard, doing slave labor if you are Frisian. So there is possible there is some crypto Jew origins. It’s so complicated. It makes sense to me because I’ve been doing it for so long. I learn in bits and pieces. I try to explain it to people and they have a hard time. This is the first time I really plowed through a certain aspect of our family. I tend to get distracted and this is the first time I really put my nose to the grind stone.
“Yes, Great Grandma [Lillian] was a bastard. She was with her biological mother [Lizzy, Elizabeth Siebel], [1] and adopted by her mother’s second husband, James Jubb. James moved into their place, at 449 North Milton Avenue. The Siebels came from Germany.
[So Lizzy has Lillian by a man named Arthur, whose first name is not known, as Michael has not gotten that record yet.]
“Can only assume his last name was Arthor because that is the name she is listed as in the 1900 census. The census happens every ten years and they are big helps for genealogy.
[Lizzy marries William Hood in 1903, divorces him in 1905, marries Jubb in 1906.]
“Mini is there. She doesn’t die until 1931.
“Lizzy dies in 1957. She’s buried in Loudon Park Cemetery, where her parents were buried.
There is a little remnant Jubb family cemetery where the Jubb plantation was. There is still a Jubb Cover on the Magathy River—what do you think you are, are you a Jubb?
[So speaks Michael to Romao the back cat.]
“James Jubb died in 1940 in Anne Arundel County. My grandmother remembered him as being a farmer and going to visit him at his farm. That is interesting because that is not how he started out. He was a native Baltimorean, so how he ended up in Anne Arundel County on a farm, I don’t know how.
“I have a 1911 blurb from the Baltimore Sun,
Master James E. Jubb, son of the late William and Ella Jubb, a well-known shipping master of East Baltimore, gave a reception in honor of his fiftieth birthday at his home, 1027 South Kenwood Avenue. Music was furnished by Mr. James E. Jubb and Mr. Jeff Davis. Supper was served in the dining room. Among those present:”
[A list of Jubbs, Davis’s and Lechthaler’s.]
“Probably the social section. These kinds of [print] announcements were very common. It was the society page. Other things on the page were prominent figures at Saint John’s, banquets, “health department men eat oysters at a boat club outing,” one of the Siebel weddings is in there:
“The wedding of Mary Louise Seibel, Lizzy’s sister. She is listed as a guest.”
[Shows an extensive description of the people and attire of the wedding.]
“The father of both of these girls was Henry anglicized from Johann. This was in 1902, before the anti-German sentiment. They came from Hessen Germany. He was the son of Johannes Seibel. Mini was already a Seibel when they were married. That was just a coincidence. There seems to be no relation. Henry and Mini were born in Germany. Henry’s parents came here and died here and are buried here. I’m not sure of the timing of the immigration. They are all buried in Loudon Park.]
“Lillian, daughter of Liz, Married Joseph Quaid, in 1917, she would be 17 years old. I have not found their marriage certificate yet. The licenses are online so they are easy to find, she would have been 16 or 17. He would have been 27. All the chicken hawks in our family. James was a lot older than Lizzy too. Could you imagine the brewhahah now. If you are not married on the same day everything is problematic—that’s now everyone’s favorite word.
“A lot of the stuff from the early 20th century, even for the Quaids is called Deutsche Correspondence, a German language newspaper. They used that heavy Gothic German type face which was interesting. The searches still work for I can find every one’s name. I just have to translate it. Usually the same thing as the Baltimore sun. It only published until 1918. I wonder why?
“The News American [a defunct Baltimore paper] is not available. They just added 200 new papers in the U.S. and from around the world. That is where I found out about Robert L. Pitt’s fornication arrest and all kind of other little tidbits.
“This is fascinating but can be confusing.
“Joseph Quaid died of stomach cancer in, 27 November 1948.
“Him and Grandma are buried in Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
“Lillian passed February 15 1976 of a cerebral vascular accident, probably had a stroke in there shower and fell. Who knows, they probably didn’t bother doing a proper determination. She was that old and in a crappy nursing home, she would have been 75, three months shy of 76.
DNA Testing
“It would be interesting if more of you got tested. That would help. I still got a small percentage of West African, 2%. I have a little bit of German and mostly all British isles. Coon got into the hen house. That made me happy. Maybe I’m related to my grandfather, Robert Pitt, “The Man.”
-1. “Mini” or Wilhelmina Siebel.
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[histories]   [I Miss Them So]  [link]
posted: February 19, 2025   reads: 104   © 2024 James LaFond
‘An Outsider’
I Miss Them So #3: 10/21/24 close
Some places I was an outsider and some places I was on the verge of being physically bullied—definitely an outsider. I had a certain amount of leeway, because I was friends with the stoners who had cache with the in group. I didn’t get bullied as much as I was shown contempt. The actual bullying I saw that happened to people was horrifying. There was a guy, Neal, in my high school who writes letters to the editor to this day about what he went through. His facebook page is public and he is still a mess because of what he went through. There were people in my high school who committed suicide for bullying. I was shown contempt from the cool kids, the A-listers. But I was not put through the actual bullying. There was a kid raped with a broomstick at a party and thrown in a closet and just left there.
This was not Baltimore, but Westminster, rural Maryland! This was Westminster high school. There was a girl who was gang raped. She was this really sweet delicate type with white blond hair and it all had to do with a boy she was in love with and thought he loved her and then she shot herself on the hill above the bus stop. It was horrifying, the stuff that went on, and continues to go on, in high school.
When people talk about school shootings, then won’t address the bullying, I’m surprised there aren’t more school shootings. Teachers engage in bullying, allow bullying, encourage bullying, and high schools are horror shows. I won’t say its like a wolf pack, because wolves don’t do this. I’d say it is chimp behavior, hurting other people just for the joy of it. I don’t know what you could do about the problem, there are so many pedos left and right, both male and female, after both males and females, sadists who hate children. There are plenty of good teachers but many horrifying ones to. I don’t know what the system is designed for, weeding out the strong to survive and teaching others of us to keep our heads down and not attract attention?
I remember there was something vaguely wrong with Jimmy, more concern than mean gossip, there were no specifics. Our family wasn’t cruel like that, it was more a note of worry.
Another amusing memory was my Grandmother Alice being appalled that there was a picture of Jimmy sitting on Mary’s couch in his boxers on Christmas morning. Some times they had to argue passively argue about who was more proper through their grandchildren. Your grandmother and I used to butt heads because I would mouth off to her. I wouldn’t give her the proper deference because she was my elder. She could be bitchy and I would give it right back to her.
Once they were all sitting around drinking and my grandmother was crying about her mother and Mary spoke up and said, “Cut it out. She has been dead for years!” My grandmother said, “God dam it Mary, she was my mother and I’ll cry when I want to.”
They would sit and drink and sing the Beer Barrel Polka and the Old Gray Mare. Once she showed me a picture of one of her grandchildren, it was a baby, and said, “Isn’t she beautiful?” and I said, “I don’t know,” you know because baby’s are not always beautiful. Alice said, “Don’t you know he is just trying to antagonize you?”
Then she would do very nice things for me like hem your pants. she just had that ascerbic personality.
My grandparents had a paint stick with Bobby Burns written on it so if you didn’t behave you were going to get spanked with Bobby Burns, the paint stick. But they never physically did it. Oh, fuck, andactual yard stick—not just a ruler! [1]
They were probably trying to make up for the fact that John, my mother’s husband, was beating the crap out of me all the time. That goes into the violence and bullying. There was an aspect of the downward aspect of bulling and I pushed it downward to my brother and two of our cousins. I didn’t physically—but we would pick on Dennis and Jason. I feel bad about both of them—not something I’m particularly proud. Dennis is gone so you can use his real name.
Christine, Johnny and I would gang up and pick on those two whenever we had the chance. At home I would pick on Johnny until he learned to defend himself. One time he shocked me and punched back and that was the end of it.
I wouldn’t take well to the discipline, the group-think or mob situations, even like big concerts where it starts tuning into a mob that is acting as one organism, makes me very uncomfortable.
I also remember visiting you in Pennsylvania and we had just gone to see Kiss and your dad had taken you and wore ear plugs the whole time. I like concerts. I just didn’t like that point in any large group situation where the individual disappears and the group begins to think for itself, individuals doing things because everyone else is, which has caused me problems at work, not so much now.
People don’t realize it but mosh pits have rules and their are expectations of behavior in a mosh pit that people are not expected to be killed and trampled on—rules even there, not just an orgy of violence. I wouldn’t go to a show where there is not assigned seating. I don’t like the whole concept—I hated Amtrak for a long time because of that, because there was no assigned seating and you had to rush. In New York, everyone is trying to figure out where the gate is going to be before it is announced, and run down there and get your seat and your stuff stashed before it got mobbed. Now, at least if you do business class you have an assigned seat. Northeast Regional was a free for all unless you were in business class or Acela.
-1. Grandma Mary Kern kept a yard stick to beat her grandchildren, which she thankfully broke on our cousin Fred. I related this to Michael during his monologue above.
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[histories]   [I Miss Them So]  [link]
posted: February 17, 2025   reads: 105   © 2024 James LaFond
Charon’s Song
Vunak of Antares #3: Brand of Heroes
True Morning
Team VU is Good and Right Fawked
Charon’s voice rang like an organ throughout the arena, the sound pipes on his neck flared like audio bird feathers puffed out for a mating call. The call was heard all around by the multitude, making VU glad he spoke English and did not have this blaring in his head:
“Lords of Scorpio, Gods of Antares, I appoint your earth harvested libation!”
A sawing of wings, as if 747-sized crickets might gather in a swarm and serenade the passing summer, sounded from the upper tiers, causing every man in the arena to shake, for the sound focused down upon them. The only man on either team, for VU was studying them all, his head on the attribute swivel, who did not suffer visible effects, was an ordinary sized fellow on the Red Team with a military crew cut and a healed bullet-hole in his head. He but grinned.
‘Scary—he needs to be taken out mechanically.’
VU then noticed, coming out of his observation mania, that there was another man who did not tremble, wince or tense—the latter being how the Asians were reacting—was, him, VU.
‘I can’t possibly be tougher than these killers. Looks like I scored some cool points based on my obsession with combat attributes.’
Burton nodded to him with stern approval, his mustache seeming to agree with his narrow eyes that VU would do.
Charon then declared as if a brass band could act as an MC:
“Behold the Heroes of the Blue Gate, The Litigants of the Prole Mob of Antares: Slaves of the Gods of Scorpio. They fight with traditional weapons, assigned weapons or, with the tools and rude devices of their factional spectators—wretched Mob of Antares, those heroes who permit your eeksome kind to cheer against your very Gods, your Eternal Masters, upon the Solstice of Winter Conjunction!”
The bottom tiers, occupied by perhaps a half million souls, naked, in rags, painted, dirty, tattooed, of all races, colors, trades and both sexes, the occupants of 5 NFL stadiums jammed onto benches, stood and cheered. The voice was as one, and challenged in collective volume the clarion of Charon’s neck pipes. The scepter in the great gauntlet of a hand pointed at the Blue Team in a sweeping motion. All of them, except for the Spaniard, waved to the audience, whose cheer deepened to a roar, a roar that built up pride and purpose, grim determination and a rampant urge to beat the odds in VU’s old chest.
‘We can do it—this is one bad-ass crew!’ VU thought as he stepped just over the line and motioned with both open hands at his heroes—and the mob surged like an Ocean driven by a storm.
‘What a sound! If it’s a dream, so what—but you know its no dream, VU, it is too terrifying not to be true.’
Charon pointed his scepter down at the Spaniard, who had blazing eyes, as if he imagined battling this demon. The front of the scepter turned red and an outline of some device glowed on the man’s forehead as Charon sang, “Hernan De Soto, bloodiest handed Conquistador, Soldier of Darien, Captain of Peru, God General of Florida slain in 1543, his death hidden by his men as his very name were to the enemy the most frightful bane. For, THE, MOB!”
The red light on Soto’s forehead burned itself as brand, that did not scab, but healed fully in an instant. The brand was of a fist under twin suns. The crowd roared and Soto, only in early middle age, raised his hands to the mob.
Charon continued shinning his scepter and announcing the Blue Team, each member seemingly mesmerized for his announcement, frozen in a kind of wide-eyed wonder:
A tall, broad-shouldered, shaven-headed black, “Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Butcher of the Negroes, murderer of 40,000 white slave masters in a single day, first King of Haiti! Murderer for THE MOB!”
The Mob and the blacks cheered and their hero doffed an invisible hat.
The tall, blond, heavyweight MMA fighter with bronzed skin, in his prime, “Dioxiphos, Heaven’s-Reaper, Olympic Pankratiast, Captain under Alexander, murdered with a poison cup after defeating Koragus the Macedonian in a duel in 326 B.C. Ringer for THE MOB!”
The mob and the Nordics, Aesir and Alpines cheered.
The Reaper of Heaven put fist to heart and extended his open hand to the Nordics.
An elderly, but tall and fit man in close beard stood before Charon, “Rodeo cowboy, murderer, White Supremacist leader, prison knife-fighting champion, Mike Thompson—FOR THE MOB!”
The mob and the Nordics went nuts, flags waving among the Nordics, ivory battle horns blowing, knives being pitched into the sands towards the Blue Line by the criminal mobsters. That man stood like a stone.
A tall, bald black man with a gold tooth grinned with his hands on his hips, immune to the mesmerism that had frozen the rest, mouth split in a grin, “The Galveston Giant, Big Cat, Old Smoke, first black heavyweight champion of Earth, Jack Johnson. One with THE MOB!”
The man stepped out, bowed and milled fists at the giant Charon with a golden grin above his glistening chin as the blacks went mad and the mob cheered the antics.
‘How can we lose. Jack looks about sixty, but big as hell and fit.’
The next man was a mustached white Indian, with jewels hanging from his ears and hair down to his waste. He was perhaps 40 and was the most frightening man in their lineup, by far, “From the American Frontier, Indian Hunter, Old Death Wind, wielder of the gun Killdevil, The Man Whose Gun Was Never Empty, the wendigo scalp-dancer, freed from jail for Indian killing by THE MOB, Lewis Wetzel! Man for the MOB!”
The mob went nuts screaming, women even bearing their breasts and flapping them. But the tier of Red Indians took up some indicting chant. Wetzel simply made like he held a rifle and pointed his hands at the red men.
A six and a half foot tall man in early middle age, with long curly black hair and a long curly black beard, “British Navy veteran of Queen Ann’s War, Most feared of all buccaneers, the man who it took five bullets and three swords to stop, Edward Teach, Blackbeard the Pirate. For, THE, MOB!”
The mob went berserk with fury stamping its million feet so hard on the benches that the hungry grains of sand, which seemed like tiny silicon worms, shook like so much rice in a wok. Teach merely cross his arms and grinned at the opposing line, having eyes only for his foes and caring less for the mob than than they had love for him.
A once stout older man who seemed bemused, “The Most Dangerous Man in Britain, notorious scrap fighter, criminal, escapee and problem inmate, who legally changed his name to that of action movie star, Charles Bronson—one man MOB!”
The mob was up now dancing, swaying in a weird ecstasy, as a man after their own heart, who must be totally un-coachable, merely played with the hungry sand at their feet with his toes.
A tall, wiry bald back man of sinister appearance in late middle age, “Inventor of the asagi slaying spear, innovator of bull horn battle tactics, creator of the Zulu Nation, exterminator of millions, Shaka Zulu. For THE MOB!”
The mob cheered. But the single line of blacks above could be heard echoing that urban adulation in a strange rhythmic ululation.
Shaka grinned darkly at the Red Line.
Charon then set the blazing light between Burton’s eyes and the man gave back an otherworldly stare, as if trying to battle the will of the alien MC, “Boxer, Duelist, womanizer, secret agent, taboo breaker, irregular horse captain, seeker of the Nile, author of thirty books this idiot mob will never read, caught by I, Charon, while he sought the Lost City of Zed, Sir Captain Richard Francis Burton. Reluctantly, for, The, Mob.”
Silence reigned, except for a murmur among the Alpines. Burton, did step forward and formerly salute the Prince of Morning, dismissing the various slave races with a narrow gaze.
Charon then set that warm light on VU’s forehead and the subject could hear thoughts in his head as the words sang outside, “Martial Arts Master and drug criminal, Paul Vunak, who once trained pilgrims while on house arrest, Paul Vunak, or VU—trainer for the Blue Gate, the Mob’s Man!”
Never did VU ever think he would get that kind of applause. It was incredible, and sent whimpering Paul further down into the catacombs of his soul, as he bowed and saluted to THE MOB.
Both of his assistants were fixed each at the same time in their own beam, them not seeming to warrant a large brand, but both getting a penny sized rather than quarter sized brand, “Thought criminals and pretentious cultured thugs, one a carpenter, the other a laborer—for their fellows of The Mob!”
The mob laughed as workmen flung tools and everyday items onto the sand while the two hillbillies waved courteously to their multitude of detractors as Burton declared, “It is mankind’s only hope, that the Lower Orders habitually turn ireful upon their own and look to the better sort of man for guidance.”
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[fiction]   [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 16, 2025   reads: 81   © 2024 James LaFond
The Galactic Fix is In
Vunak of Antares #3: Overture
Full Morning
Vunak is Assigned “The Dirty Dozen You Wish You Had” to Combat the Best Warriors from History.
The Twin Suns had risen clearly above the ramparts of the ampitheatre to shine through two notches in the East. There, under that dual light, a body of what looked like giant insects reclined in hammocks of a sort, some five hundred feet above the relatively indistinct masses of spectators. Silence reigned at this moment and the wizened little goon next to him mumbled, “The Twin Suns of Scorpio rise above the morning gates there, and set for a moment, once a year, consecrating our plight as the blue heels of this rite.”
VU could see, just 30 paces to the east, in line with the morning rays, two red gates of some hard metal or wood.
The gnome opined, “We get the sun in our eyes, of course.”
“What the hell are those things?” wondered VU.
The gutter gnome gave him a set of folding spectacles. VU put them to his eyes and could clearly see what looked like scorpians, if—oh, it was insanity to ponder it—with clearly intelligent eyes, with mechanical mouths speaking to one another.
“That, Sir, is the Prince of Morning, the chief warrior of the Lords of Scorpio, who are the Gods of Antares, this prison planet. If any of us are granted favor it comes from him. When the suns, sets, however, in those two notches at the west end of this eliptical death pit, it will back light are final battle. There sits the King of Scorpio and his Peers.”
A romantic notion struck VU, “No queen, to appeal to?”
“Of a sort,” answered the gutter gnome. Tracking with his finger slowly down the tiers, “The first tier is reserved only for the Prince and King, priests, necromancers, pyromancers, chefs—they eat us, by the way—and officers. The second tier is filled with the warriors, the knights.”
“No way, they are huge, armored…” absently mused VU.
“The third tier is occupied by those hideous pink humanoid flotation devices. Those are the mothers of Scorpio, not queens and wives, but impregnated grays. They will each die as they give birth to their son, who will eat them. For now, they have an easy life.”
“The grays? You mean the alien abductors, the little…”
VU was scanning the fourth tier down.
“Yes, Sir. They are asexual drones, biological agents more compatible as shepherds to we, their herd. They seem to be ageless until they get raped with a two-foot, barbed scorpion dick. Then they blow up into those pink incubators, their face rounding out. This is a big day for them. After we are skinned, our junk will be pureed and fed to choice brides. The knights eat our flesh, the big wigs our other organs, the Princes and King our brains and hearts. The grays, they drink our blood.”
“Wedge-headed pricks. Never liked the idea of them.” [1] said VU as he scanned down to the fifth row, and down further as the sardonic gnome narrated:
Tier 5: “Nordics, blond kings of men.”
Tier 6: “Lesser Nordics, red-headed princes of men.
Tier 7: “Alpines, black-haired killers of men.”
Tier 8: “Asians—mostly female—administrators, slave girls and such.”
Tier 9: “Red Indians, for fun I guess. We call ‘em the Chiefs.”
Tier 10: “Blacks,” some things never change…”
“How many lower tiers?”
“Tiers 11 down to 30 are occupied by the mob, the proles and workmen, the mongrel men and women not of pure blood.”
“Indeed, as it should be,” interjected a high and mighty British voice. An imposing man with a scar on his cheek and piercing eyes, in staunch, early middle age, put hands to the two hillbillies and commanded, “Dunce and Runce, stand clear to the right of our instructor—there you go, good mongrel grogs.”
VU felt intimidated before this man, felt like Paul again, yet extended his hand and met that uncompromising gaze without blinking, “Sir Captain Richard Francis Burton at your service. I have instructed in sword, cudgel and fist and will gladly use these two for examples in fence as their rude nature warrants. I preset myself as your likely team captain, versed in all the languages spoken by your men, including the Negroes and the ancient Greek, as well as that uppity Spawn of nether Spain.”
“How could I say no, Sir. Much appreciated. Had not thought of language being our advantage.”
The other men had been gathering in a huddle about Burton, who presented as the natural leader. A short, wicked Spaniard of an iron-like face glared jealously at Burton. The two darker blacks put their shoulders together and backed Burton. Two old criminals and the bald African American with the gold front tooth, bunched up around the hillbillies.
Blue Team, Team VU was about to tear itself apart with him at the center. The crowd was humming, buzzing, then cheering and roaring.
“Here comes Charon!” yelled the big British hillbilly.
Silence gripped the arena as a flapping of wings worried the dual-lit sky.
“In Line!” commanded Burton and all the men but the short, wiry Spaniard complied. That fellow stalked to the head of the line. The Red Team behind their crimson line and before their crimson gate, cast of some metal and worked in curved talons, the eve above carved in red stone into the heads of a lion, a tiger, a dragon and one of these insect men, stood to. Paul—not VU, who was having some effort ruling doubtful Paul in this nightmare born wrong—glanced over his shoulder to see the Blue Gate, their gate, worked in snake and vine images, over which frowned a human skull, a boar’s head, a bull’s head and a wolf’s head. Behind that gate worked a skinner, a butcher and a grill master, preparing a great boar for a barbecue.
Between the lines, the beating of wicked wings whirled the clinging sand, which did seem to clutch at their feet, softly, like a mute and curious lover in the dark. Here it landed, incredibly light of foot for its size, not a vibration felt through the thirsty, clinging sand.
The creature, if living being it was, could have been a machine, but smelled like cinnamon and cloves, not oil or synthetic rubber. It towered 12 to 14 feet, it’s shoulders six feet wide, its form articulated like an insect, but with joints that were more indicative of living, leathery hide. From feet to crested crown it was a wonder.
The creature stood upright on FOUR six-toed, toad-like feet. It’s gait was a kind of high prance. Each of the four feet had a knife like dew claw. The legs had a spiked knee and joined the body at about 6 feet high, where a wicked barbed penis rode, as if it could pierce armor. The creature was purple, its hide joints, and shell-like limbs, trunk, neck and head.
Above the wasp-like waist were two pick-ax size crab claws extending out ward and inward like two flesh eating arms of a horseshoe. These claws were set seven feet high and would only be able to reach down to 5 feet, posing a decapitation risk to humans.
Behind the hips, where the tail bone should be, was a curled scorpion tail, reticulated and barbed on the end. He would have to guess it could whip around overhead and forward for about 20 feet.
The arms that swept down form the crane-like shoulders where long enough for the creature to scratch behind its knees if it wished. The hands were, well, like human hands, but of an armored shell backing and a pink palm. Other than the eyes, the pink palms were the only thing about these creature that was not purple.
The chest was broad and corded and seemed to be devoted to powering the glider wings on its back, like a grass hopper, not capable of true flight, but able to make incredible leaps with its four prancing legs and then effect a flapping, controlled glide. The wings folded back in sections behind the shoulders.
Above the armored chest plate and shoulders, was a neck a full two feet long and a foot thick. Set atop this was a helmet-like head, with a sharp fluted crest, set with two telescopic eyes, not stalked or round or oval, but tubed and slit, like a spyglass with a feline pupil.
‘They must have poor peripheral vision,’ mused VU, only to be terrifyingly answered by the thing, which held a scepter of sorts between its great hands. It’s neck unfolded and fluted out into organ pipes and spoke like a clarion, in English, “Yes VU, our vision is mere binocular—yet our minds see your minds.”
“Fawkin’ ‘ell, Mate!” groaned the big hillbilly and the creature sang like an entire orchestra, “Charon, Gatherer of Heroes, decrees SILENCE!”
The thing called Charon was speaking in English, if an entire orchestra could speak in words. Yet it was obvious that the non English speakers, by their expressions, along the opposite line, understood. So this thing broadcast thought subtitles to non English speakers.
‘Why English?’
Silence there was.
‘Great, the high priest of our sacrifice is a telepathic battle bot,’ he grumbled inside, already working on a way a human, one of these great warriors, could fight one of these things.
In his mind echoed a clarion like thought, “Fascinating, VU, you are the first in all the ages since Beowulf to fix your war mind on us. In the interest of competition, I shall refrain from listening to the clamorous precincts of your jabbering ape brain. Behold your Master—whose most trusted agents speak English on Earth—and let not fear take hold; for my King hungers for the brain nectar of the BOLD—VU!’
VU felt an intense shiver grip his body, and felt Paul, leave, screaming down the stairs of some inner dungeon, running out of the monster’s claws into its maw. All that remained was VU, the Combat Calculator.
‘I did not shit myself; let’s call that a draw in Round 1.’
This he thought, confidently to himself, as he saluted Charon, who, despite his alien aspect, had impressed him as an honorable, if cruel, adversary.
-1. Editor, please insert the email from Vunak describing the obvious weak combat attributes of the Grays.
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[fiction]   [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 15, 2025   reads: 101   © 2024 James LaFond
I Miss them So #2: 10/21/24 continued
My other great grandfather is buried in the Bronx without a grave marker. I was in New York for a work trip and I wanted to visit his grave. So I checked on the wall, inside, a true necropolis, Saint Raymond’s. When you stand in the middle of it, all you see is tombs and graves. You are in the Bronx and you don’t see any buildings. Imagine how big that place is.
I just realized that two of my great grandfathers died in 1918 in separate bizarre accidents. My one great grandfather, that I was just talking about, Patrick Keenen, was electrocuted repairing an elevator, in Brooklyn in 1918. That is my father’s mother’s father, And then my father’s father’s father was crushed in 1918 by a train in Dallas Texas while working on the railroad. 1918 wasn’t a good year. At least the flu didn’t get him.
The guy who was crushed by the train, Jack Francis Jones, his eldest son was either named Morris or Maurice, and he was involved in the same accident and he died too. That’s what we were told, by a cousin of one of my grandfather’s brother. I semi confirmed that by finding the death certificate of Morris or Maurice, can’t tell which, because it only says M.T. Jones and the mother is Cora Shelby, which is my great grandmother. So it has to be him. I have not been able to find the death certificate for my great grandfather.
[Michael here references census reports he checked.]
My great grandmother Cora then appears at one location listed as a housekeeper. Her son Charlie, the youngest, was listed as a border at a farm. Jack Francis Junior is listed as a hired hand at a farm, and my grandfather is listed as a hired hand at a farm at the tender age of 13! His name is Rex Jones. We know that soon after, he lied about his age and joined the Merchant Marine after the 1930 census, in the early 1930s. This is an interesting coincidence, because my grandfather, Robert Pitt Junior also joined the Merchant Marine. They were both in the Merchant Marine during WWII—a lot of coincidences between my two separate families.
Any questions? I know I went off on a tangent with the paternal family.
I don’t know if you have ever seen this [takes gold framed picture out of cabinet] this is Alice Virginia Seibel, Grandma Jubb. [1] she married, she first married William hood, then she divorced William Hood and married James Jubb, and Lillian, our Great Grandmother Quaid, who you wrote about with her shawl being stolen in the old age home. I remember toddling down the street on Grendon Avenue, where my grandparents lived and Grandma Quaid was chasing me with her walker telling me to come back and I said, “No” and she called me a ‘sassbox.”
That is my only memory of her except as a presence upstairs on Grendon Avenue. Before they put her in an old age home they rotated her among the sisters. I loved that memory, so typical of me being a sass box and am so happy that I have one memory of her. So many pictures I have of her she has a cigarette in a hand.
My grandmother’s mother was Lillian, born Jubb, married Quaid. Her mother was Elizabeth, born Seibel married Jubb. Her mother was Wilhemima Seibel and her husband immigrated from Germany. He had a political appointment as the night watchman of the post office in Baltimore which was announced in the newspaper. Of course being German they were Lutheran. My mother remembers when everyone else was going to the catholic church near the house on McQuin Avenue she went to a Lutheran church even though she married into a catholic family. I am so glad Grandma Quaid did not live to see what a shit hole her neighborhood turned into. [2]
Of course that is that old Catholic church on Old York Road, its in a horrible neighborhood now. I have a hilarious memory of you, that you referenced in one of your blogs, which was confirmed by that blog. You were discussing the fact that as a boy you used to read the TV Guide. You took us for a walk in the woods and showed us your stash of TV Guides! It is such a great memory, because normally, when an older cousin takes a younger cousin out to the woods and shows him a stash of print material, its porn.
The name of the catholic Church is Blessed Sacrament. The building is still there and it is still listed on the archdiocese website, they still have mass on Sunday. It’s probably where my grandmother was baptized. I can’t imagine when your grandmother was baptized, since the great age difference. It still blows my mind that Aunt Mary’s oldest son [my Uncle Fred Kern] was born within a month of her mother’s youngest daughter, Aunt Ann.
[It was at Ann’s funeral, in 2014, when I found out about Michael’s initial research into family history and our discussion about Uncle Robert.]
Mary was born in 1918 [3] and Ann was born in 1936, 18 years later. Grandpa Robert, [the center of this inquiry by the writer], was born in 1918 as well. Mary was born in October at the height of the plague, Mary Lillian, she had her mother’s middle name. [4]
-1. I recall another photo of Grandma Jubb and know her by no other name, often not knowing the first names of older family members.
-2. My clearest memory of Great Grandma Quaid was of her at Aunt Elizabeth Barringer’s house in Waverly, sitting in the dinning room, over the back yard where the big black German shepherd barked at similarly opaque humans waling bye, pointing to a bowl of black licorice candies on the kitchen counter and saying, “Jimmy, bring me some niցցer toes.” I was horrified having just learned about the ‘n’ attribution and being stricken by the idea that our elders ate their candied toes.
-3. My Grandma Mary, Grandma Quaid’s oldest daughter, told me in the late 1990s that her mother had told her that when she gave birth to her in Mercy hospital in 2019, where I was later born, that bodies were stacked in the lobby.
-4. Grandma Quaid’s children, Mary, Elizabeth, Joe, May, Alice and Ann are gone. Fred, Ann’s age, is still with us in Illinois.
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posted: February 14, 2025   reads: 119   © 2024 James LaFond
Catch Weight Combat
Southern California Boxing & Stick-Boxing Clinic: April 12
Carlo, A long time Myth of the 20th Century Listener, has set up a training session for like minded fellows who wish to be better able to defend their dependents. There, is, no, cost—NONE.
Carlo paid for the time and space, boxing gloves included.
Saturday April 12 — 2 to 4pm
Gloves included
American Gym
Address: 1638 Placentia Ave Suite A, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
The concept of the clinic is to coach novice boxers on ways in which they can better defend themselves, with a focus on variance in size, or catch weight.
If you are a strong man who shows up, you will be coached on defending against evil twerps... and mobs of punks.
If you are a small man who shows, you will be coached on dealing with bully strong men and, also, mobs of punks.
You will all be schooled on using common items to defend against predacious creeps, and, most importantly, on methods for dealing with edged-weapon attacks.
Please bring:
What clothes you normally wear.
A mouth piece.
A pair of gardening or work gloves.
The gym is providing boxing gloves.
The contact exercises will be light, so there is no need for groin protection. We are helping each other out, not beating one another down.
Banjo will hopefully be hitch-hiking from Phoenix to serve as my assistant, upholding the storied martial arts tradition of the dude who could easily kick shit out of the instructor actually pretending to be the victim...!
[Bro, bring the Zen, not the Bren...]
An old crumb can fantasize, right?
I will be bringing my personal weapon training gear.
The Vanilla Gorilla, that is correct, a cold winter blast out of the paleolithic past, has volunteered to bring a pair of sticks and two sets of fencing masks and Easton hockey gloves, for the 4th segment of the training.
Training sections:
-#1: 2:00 to 2:15 Fists, Gloves and Hands in combat
-#2: 2:15 to 3:00 Boxing Sparring Drills
-#3: 3:00 to 3:15 The stick as a self-defense tool
-#4: 3:15 to 3:45 stick boxing, sparring, you hitting this old tramp with a stick.
-#5: 3:45 to 4:00 Defending against edged weapons:
...From the stick-boxing perspective...
...From the boxing perspective...
...By Running, using clothing, and employing furniture...
Carlo, thank you.
02.13.25   Barry Bliss — Why is this not a regular part of High School, nd why is something like this not findeable in every major city in America?
02.21.25   Run DLC — this is excellent. excited to check it out and participate. Bringing the Zen is for sure the way :) and bringing a friend or family member, in this case a nephew
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[modern combat]   [The Man Cave]  [The Combat Space]  [Guerilla Masculinity]  [link]
posted: February 12, 2025   reads: 197   © 2025 Run DLC
‘Appropriate For A Criminal’
I Miss them So #1: 10/21/24 opening
[Footnotes belong to the writer’s recollections.]
When Alice, my grandmother passed away I got her box of photos. There were people in photos I did not recognize. For instance there was an Aunt May, that was not our Aunt May, your grandmother’s sister. This made me curious and I went down various rabbit holes.
In 2017, seven years ago, I opened an account. It’s owned by the Mormons, and you may know that they are obsessed with genealogy. It was kind of a light interest for a while. Then I hit a reference to my grandfather Robert Pitt, had his father listed as black. This one in the Boston area. My grandfather was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just across the river. It’s pretty much the same city now.
I’ve been up there for work and I have a friend who lives there in Cambridge. I was there a few weeks ago and we went by the house at 18 Jackson street where my great grandfather lived with his second wife, Helen. In the 1930 census they’re listed as Negro. My great grandfather was at this point saying he was from Spain. In 1940 they were white and passing, census wise; just ten years later but still in the same area. By 1950 my grandfather was then in Baltimore and they were living in Stony Creek at Joe and Helen’s house. Obviously, if he was marrying with my grandmother he was passing white. Although Maryland did not have mescegenation laws.
The first record I have of my grandfather being black is that record. I rightly or wrongly thought, “Aha, that is why my grandparents got married in New York City,” in Grenich Village at a Methodist church, which I have since visited. I assumed it was because New York did not have mescegination laws, but Maryland still did. That may or may not be true. My grandfather was stationed in New York with the Merchant Marine at the time. After that, as more and more documents became available on ancestry, more and more examples of the family’s ancestry, and the true story became available.
The story I was raised being told was that my great grandfather, Robert L. Pitt, was from Spain and was half Spanish and half quote unquote Hindu and had been an orphan who was taken off the streets of a Spanish port by an American ship captain. The truth is he was the son of freed slaves in North Carolina, Ephraim Pitt and Gracie Walston, who got their last names from the neighboring plantations from which they were presumable enslaved in Edgcombe County, North Carolina. He was born in 1883.
My great grandfather was first married to Nancy Pryce, a black woman, in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. He then appears in 1912 in Boston, married to Julia Helen Proskurniak. He puts on that marriage certificate that he is from Havana Cuba. However, in the 1920 census he does indicate that he is from North Carolina with his parents being born in North Carolina. So he wasn’t always good about keeping to his story. [His goal seems to have been] To pass and get in, and it doesn’t always work.
The next reference to Robert L. Pitt was in 1913 in the Boston Globe. He was arrested and charged with assault with intent to kill a peddler, Harry Rosenblatt. He was using a knife and he also assaulted Albert Davis who attempted to step in and stop the assault. He was indicted, he plead guilty and was fined $50 each for the peddler and the concerned citizen. Obviously the archivist for Massachusetts Judicial System had nothing to do that day, so I thank them. We do not have any pictures of Robert L. So I wrote to the Archivist for the two arrests he had. They didn’t have the pictures but did have documents on how the arrests turned out.
Before Robert divorced Helen—Julia Helen went by Helen—Robert got together with Annie, my great Grandmother and they had my grandfather Robert and his brother Joseph, which resulted in them being arrested for adultery and fornication in 1920 and being jailed until the trial, and this was put into the newspaper. This was in Lyn, Massachusetts—all the places they lived were within a stone’s throw of each other.
The interesting thing about this, one of the news articles—there were seven news articles about this, clearly nothing going on in Lyn, Massachusetts. In one of them they mention Robert being colored. Annie is Lithuanian. [Helen was listed as Austrian or Hungarian, from the empire, recently defunct.]
She, Annie, anglicized her name to Annie Morris. But her birth name was Ona Marija Murausks. She is the mother of all of Robert’s children that we know exist. There were nine children, my Grandfather Robert and his siblings. My grandfather was the oldest. He either chose names that were distinctively Latino, like Alphonso, [0] or Emmanuel, or he chose two names that were siblings from North Carolina, like Joseph Elijah or Laura. There was also a Marita. There was an Annie Junior and an Albina named after Annie’s sister. They got screwed a lot in Lithuania. The village she was from was wiped off the map in WWI and is now part of Poland. [1]
He is a fascinating character. He also appeared in the Boston Globe for winning AKC dog shows on the regional level. So he had to pass [racially]. He didn’t keep at it for very long. He sold a lot of dogs, before and after. He had a prize winning bitch and a prize winning stud, they were bull terriers the ancestors of pit bulls, how appropriate for a criminal. He also dabbled in real estate. He bought property through bankruptcy auctions I found records of. He bread and sold other types of livestock, I found adds for baby pigs.
He owned a cafe in Augusta Maine after he and Annie split—after he left them basically, the Marvel Cafe. I know that my Grandparents together, Alice and Robert visited him, because I found two photographs that say: “Pa’s Pigs” and “Pa’s Farm,” from when my grandparents went on a late honey moon road trip through Maine and Canada, but no picture of him for some reason. Did they just drive by and didn’t stop and talk to him?
She, Annie filed for divorce on the grounds of abuse, from which I understand is putting it mildly. He abused her, abused the kids, horrible, horrible person. Then there is a whole bunch of adds in Maine from newspapers, he is trying to recruit ex-servicemen to sell something for him, perhaps an early multi-level marketing scheme:
“Wanted X-servicemen with car to handle my new silver emplating liquid, sells on demonstration $10 up made per day if you are a salesman. Right Robert Pitt, Gardiner, Maine.”
There are multiple such adds. He was entrepreneurial, always on the make—he had hustle.
Then in 1952, he changed his name to Robert Brissette and soon after moved to California. My mother told me he had some legal trouble, but that might not be a reliable source—but, considering his background that could be accurate. He’s 61 in 1955. the first thing I find on him in California, I find in the Pomona Progress Bulletin, 21st, June, 1955, Robert Brissette, 61 of 835 Mission Boulevard was picked up by Sheriff’s officers at a residence on south Fern Street, north of Walnut Street and booked at chino police headquarters at 7:07.
Then in December of 1955:
“Ontario man at home following operation—this is him, the kind of shit they published—Robert Brissette, 61, 1300 east [?] Street, Ontario is recuperating at home following an operation recently at San Bernadino, County Hospital. He will not be able to return to his work as a junk dealer for the next three months. He required a blood transfusion during surgery for stomach ulcers. Two pints are needed at the blood bank of San Bernadino and Riverside County, National Orange Show, to replace this blood.”
Then, finally, he dies and the last thing I found is he dies in September 1962. Laura’s daughter Diane sent me—she has, his death certificate. What happened then is he had gone to the hospital and when he was released he had a heart attack while he was driving and crashed into a tree and that killed him. By then he was spelling his last name with a z instead of the s’s in the middle.
We are sure it is him because my grandfather signed his death certificate. It is his name and I recognize the signature anywhere.
I called the cemetery listed in the death certificate and asked if they could send a picture of his marker and it turned out that he does not have a marker. So the nice lady went out to where he is buried, which is just an unmarked plot in the cemetery and took a picture of the grass and sent me a picture and a few clipping from the obituary and this news article they had from way back when which was very nice for them to do.
Someday I will apply to have a marker put there. I don’t think anyone should be put in the ground without a marker, for historical purposes and respect.
-0. My mother told me when I was a youth that Alphonso was as handsome as Robert Junior was athletic.
-1. The Crusades against Lithuania lasted from the 1100s thru the 1400s, possibly impressing some Latin names in the area.
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[histories]   [I Miss Them So]  [link]
posted: February 12, 2025   reads: 175   © 2024 James LaFond
I Miss Them So
One Man’s Inquiry Into His Departed Family
As Discussed at His Table with a Tramp Biographer
Copyright 2024 James LaFond
The Writer to limit publication to site posts and paperback proofs assigned to his grandchildren
Hardback, E-book, Audio, Video, Animated Rights Reserved for the Subject
Dust Cover
A tramp writer unable to extricate himself from the study of forgotten and ignored working Americans, was contacted in July 2024, by his younger cousin, Michael, grandson of the writer’s favorite uncle and sweetest aunt. A good decade since they last attended a funeral together, the homeless author arrived at his cousin’s Baltimore County house for coffee. A comparison of life experiences, such as living as a pedestrian in Baltimore City, the place that had driven them and their entire extended family to the hills of Maryland and beyond, gave way to Michael’s vivid recollection of his search into his family’s ancestry, a search that overlapped with the writer’s reluctant and compulsive exhumation of the fabled American Dream.
Extended Dust Cover
The writer recalled Michael as a soft spoken, mild mannered cousin who stayed at the periphery of family gatherings, often held at his Grandparent’s house in Hamilton, Baltimore City. Looking at his cousin’s thoughtfully appointed and nearly spartan house, seeing the numerous pictures of ancestors on display, especially hearing the considerate cadence of his once soft voice now filled with the grit of life, the writer could not shake the thought that in Michael, Uncle Robert, the fiercest mind of their family, lived on, beyond he two coffee cups on the dining room table.
Michael demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of the family that the writer had never considered as worth a thought. In a way, Michael and the writer were both strangers at the table of life, men who stayed to its margins rather than seeking its stage. Turning and looking at a picture of strident Uncle Robert and sweet Aunt Alice, whom had served him more closely as life guides than modern grandparents usually do, the grit in Michael’s strong voice faded away, showing his age to be nearly as advanced as the broken down writer, and he spoke like a shadow of his younger self, “I miss them so much,” and sadly spread his left hand near his empty coffee cup.
At that point in family decline the wayward writer decided, and blurted, “Could I interview you about your ancestry research, you speak in a cadence that is easy to follow and should gel with my limited typing?”
“Sure,” Michael smiled his eyes looking too much like windows of loss for the bum of a writer who turned his back on the same family, to welsh on. [0]
I Miss Them So is an oral memoir of one man’s plumbing of his family’s well; of the why and the how that helped him grasp the who and the what of our ever erasing passage through time.
Inspirational Quote
“The Quaids are tough to research. They each had so many kids its like tracing… this one has twelve, than that one has ten… Its a mess.
-Michael by phone to the writer in Utah, August 2024
“For the Kearns your mother is the source. She has the oldest pictures, the memories. We got together for a picture party out at her place. She recalls a lot. You should interview her about the Kearns.”
-Michael, at his table, Friday, October 27, 2024
Writer’s Notes
I cannot name my person as the “author” of this book. I am merely asking questions of the only authority on our family history, my father’s side mostly blank and forgotten and my mother’s more numerous side I have entirely neglected. The book will be listed as coauthored by Michael and myself. Today, I sit at the table of the matriarch of another Baltimore family, driven by our replacements out of East Baltimore and into the East Baltimore County barrio, where she resides as a respected relic among the teaming Latinos who have replaced our replacements. Two widows live here and welcome me for company at their table where I write and eat in return for chores and an escort to the supermarket. When Jojo, my long time lady friend, heads to work at 7:00 AM, I will accompany her and take a divergent bus route to Michael’s pleasant house. This feels like something of a prodigal pilgrimage, my face a little warm with pride that Michael is accepting my aid with this many-hearted thing so close to his heart, a heart I sense is guarded.
About the Author
Impressions for the reader to better appreciate the telling of what is then written within.
Michael and I met perhaps a dozen times in our youth. He was a nice quiet, round-headed boy with straight black hair of a feathery texture. As an adult, I had a nice conversation in about 1989 with him concerning his college education and my weird artist ambitions, he being the only family member I could discuss my writing urge with without being laughed at. I was his senior by age, but he was more grounded. Beginning in 1990 my life descended into chaos, working many jobs for many hours, battling our replacements as I traveled back and forth to work at night in Baltimore City. In the last twenty years, I maybe saw Michael twice at funerals. I missed the funerals of almost all of our elders, nothing but a creature of work. Michael told me at one funeral that he had worked in India and liked it a lot. That is all I know about the kid cousin who is only five or six years younger than I and has the face of a man who has thought a lot about our human lot. I do note that his new house has many similarities to the house he grew up in, especially the above ground pool he recently had installed.
As a boy and punk I recall that Michael and his brother, lived upstairs in the loft of a Hamilton single home. That stairwell came down to the kitchen in the back of the house. It was a place of mystery to me, a protective nest for Michael’s mother, whose name I do not know how to spell. Indeed, I might be misspelling his. He can correct this in his edition. I chose to keep my ignorance of my own family on display.
Uncle Robert and Aunt Alice had a daughter who was a single mother. I always got the sense of warded protection radiating from my favorite uncle and sweetest aunt towards their daughter and grandsons, who lived upstairs from the kitchen.
Michael had a brother, whose name might have been Johnny, of whom I do not even know if he is alive. Johnny was a younger boy, thinner of form and face, who I always thought was going to be in trouble as an adult. He seemed like a scrappy kid, the kind of kid I would have liked to be.
My time at Uncle Robert’s house was, as a boy, youth and adult, decided on by my mother and later my wife, if I had time away from work. The time spent there was always focused on Uncle Robert first, who was involved in smelting precious metals in a basement furnace. Of second importance was Uncle Bernie, the rowdy bear hunter, married to my sweet Aunt Ann, her and Alice being the mildest mannered of five Quaid sisters, and on Uncle Bill, a man who always wore a suit and insisted on walking to Robert’s, through increasingly terrible neighborhoods. Aunt Alice held the family Easter Egg hunt for the children, which my eldest son was able to attend.
I relate below the story that brought Michael’s family search together with my writing.
I stood next to Uncle Bill whose beer’s I got from the fridge, which he would let me sip from. I think I was 11or 12. I was watching men, seeing how they acted, eager to leave the dependent boy life behind. My Grandfather, Fred Kearn, a real solid guy, and I think the eldest, sat at the head of Robert’s dining room table, back to the kitchen. The table was of lighter make than the others in our family. The women were in the sitting room, a kind of alcove to the left of the main room.
The conversation turned to society and Bernie said that all of the blacks should be made to swim back to Africa, with a Jew under one arm and an Italian under the other, dropping them off in their respective nations. Being a map nerd, I was suspect of Bernie’s geography. Then he apologized to Robert, hugging him with one arm, and saying, “No offense.”
Robert grinned, perhaps in agreement.
On the way home, as I sat in the back seat of the family sedan, I asked something like, “Mom, is Uncle Robert Italian, Jewish or…”
Mom took a great mental side step and said, “I’ll tell you what my mother told us.”
The rest I have to paraphrase, as I have written it before, and when I do so I tend to forget. Indeed, I write largely to forget what I write, as a purge of a crowded mind. Uncle Robert was in the Merchant Marine in the Pacific when his ship was sunk by a Jap sub. He was adrift in a life boat and there earned his bronze skin via a sunburn that never went away!
That is all I know of Michael’s side of the family, except that I saw Uncle Robert free a rabbit caught in a fence once, and that he once argued with my mother that corporate agriculture was poisoning Americans, her arguing the establishment line.
-James LaFond, Colgate & Eastpoint, MD, 10/19/24
Pre Script
My intent is a living document of conversation, preserving Michael’s answers to my unrecorded questions and prompts, in the order related, imposing no structure other than curiosity on Cousin Michael, my kind host at coffee.
-0. I am confident that no one in my family is of Welsh ancestry, so here use the English insult.
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[histories]   [I Miss Them So]  [link]
posted: February 10, 2025   reads: 207   © 2024 James LaFond
Stardust Express
Vunak of Antares #2
Vunak is Transported to Planet Antares to Train Gladiators Snatched from Earth’s Violent History.
The Universe reached out and grabbed him, not his body, but the quivering inhabitant trapped within its crumbling temple, its fleshy walls rent, the drapery of workaday care burned to ash in an instant.
Not sensation.
Yawning, dawning, Beginning.
Not feeling, but soul revealing.
Paul—no, Paul was dead, but VU, VU-NAK, Guru of the Vunakers, his ego restored from the shattered stardust of Infinity, returned to being. It was no joyful return to a familiar place, but a wary rebirth into an intense pathos space.
He came to life looking up at two titanic suns, massive compared to the sun he was accustomed to seeing, just risen in tandem, dominating an entire half of the azure sky. He was holding hands with someone.
Bringing his gaze down from the mesmerizing suns, beneath the vast arch of the stadium walls, dizzy with an inability to focus on the teaming and weird occupants of the stands, VU’s sense of balance and of self, threatened to dissolve in an eddy of doubt. But the baleful glare of the twin Suns and the impatient rustle and murmur of the alien audience animated him, he looked down at the hand he held, naked, in the nude.
Paul—he could be Paul for a horrified moment here—was standing in the geriatric raw, naked except for an unfortunate erection, holding hands with a 33 year old Bruce Lee, also naked. Paul could not help but notice that he was still old and Bruce remained a paragon of sleek youth. They stood between two lines of men, mostly big, grim, scared men, of various races.
Bruce grinned, “The erection is a normal response the first few times one transmogrifies from a harvest world to Antares, the Seed World. Welcome home, VU, to the ultimate birthplace of us all.”
With that, VU snarled, “You said I’d be young again!”
“Not exactly,” retorted Bruce. “You do have a chance to be young again, if your team defeats ours.”
“Wait,” VU answered, pulling his hand free, “You said we would train gladiators together. I assumed…”
Bruce wagged his finger, “Never assume, VU. Gladiators you will train,” and the graceful stagemanship of the movie star indicated with one sweep of the right hand a line of mostly older men, men of cruel to rough aspect, standing behind a blue line chalked in the sand.
Standing out the most, closest to Paul’s left hand where the line began, were two white bearded hillbillies, a runt like himself with shaven head, and a bigger version.
Bruce’s voice narrated his inner monologue for him, “Two self-made, and little known, and little missed coaches to assist you. The little one has quite a knowledge of history and was tasked with his large, thug fellow there with selecting your team.”
The two men nodded to him, the little, in a weak mumble, “Hey, man,” and the big one, in a British accent, “Mornin’ mate.”
The men in line with them were all impressively frightening, but most seemed old, like Paul. They were all dressed in blue kilts and sleeveless shirts.
He turned to see Bruce stepping back with a sparkling grin, to stand next to some Chinese Sifu of obvious distinction, and a rough looking man he recognized as a young Carl Cestari. Bruce, was then revealed as not even being the lead instructor of the Red Team, for the men, in that line, all in their vigor and prime, not a gray hair on chin or head, stood behind a crimson chalk in the sand, wearing red kilts and sleeveless red tunics.
“Sifu,” Bruce bowed to the other Chinese, “I have retrieved your opponent, Paul VU-NAK.”
Now standing behind the red line, VU still the only man in the middle, Bruce smiled smugly as he stepped into red kilt and shirt, igniting a curse on VU’s lips, “What the fuck!”
A silence held here, on the sands, and in the center of the unthinkably vast stadium. The floor of the stadium was a mere fifty paces across, shaped in an elipse, and 30 paces wide. Yet the stands on either end were a quarter mile apart, sweeping well over 500 feet into the gleaming azure sky, the occupants still glinting and indistinct.
Bruce returned a salute to VU who had given none and indicated his master, who spoke in Chinese while looking at Paul, Bruce interpreting, “Wong Fei Hung, 1847 to 1925, chief medical officer and martial arts instructor to Black Flag Army 1860s, chosen by the Lords of Scorpio, Gods of Antares, in the prime and vigor of my earthly form, to face you, Honorable VU, in your decline, as a hymnal of Fate. Most sorry we do not both meet in our vigor. But, if you prevail, you will be nourished with my very blood and returned to youth, otherwise, to this dust hungrily clutching our feet you return.”
“Why?” hissed VU.
Bruce smiled, “You could have taken the red straw, VU, but you took the one your enemy offered.”
Paul was pissed—Paul again—and turned to the bearded gutter gnome, “Why didn’t you pick Chuck Norris to kick his ass!”
The little man winced and the big one opined, “Well, Coach, we like old Chuck. No sense in letting Bruce have the movie win and then beat Chuck for real with fifty years between them.”
“Fuck you!” snarled VU to the big oaf of some fifty years, “and you too, whoever the fuck you are!” to the gnome, who responded to the big fellow, seeming pleased, “Yep, we picked the right old man. Eddie Futch would still be asking to see the athletic commission. Emmanuel Steward would be wrangling a transfer to the Reds.”
VU stalked angrily over to stand next to the only man that seemed less fit then he, the white trash ‘talent scout’ of this nightmare, and stood behind the blue line.
As his feet settled in the sand and he thankfully lost his woody, the gutter gnome handed him a blue kilt and shirt and said, “Welcome aboard the good Ship Styx, Sir,” and turned away to preserve VU’s fictional modesty.
VU liked the feel of the kilt that had an under jock groin protector, the shirt itself of some kind of silk, “What is this stuff made of?”
The little man whispered, “The jock is made of the skins of virgins, our uniforms of the blue hair of the Mob Hussies. The Reds’ jocks are of the skins of our predecessors, uniforms of the hair of the red headed slut princesses of Antares.”
It felt good, then he realized, “You mean?”
The big man cut in, “Yes, VU, if they win, they wear jocks made of our flayed hides in next year’s set-to.”
These words filled him with resolve so that he stood at attention and saluted the enemy Sifu, “Sifu!”
And the crowd roared, a mob of millions it must have been, voices big and small, horns of brass glinting in the sun, the thunder of thousands of drums roiling, the form of the persons there coming into focus, as if by some trick of optics he had been denied to see the audience for what they were until he had placed his honor on the line.
“Wow, this is cool,” he yelled, only the man next to him able to hear. The second man over, the little one having a weak voice, answered what he must have intuited, “We are the crowd favorites—the Slave Races of Antares love us! The Reds fight for the Lords of this Galaxy, The Scorpion Kings; the very gods of this buggered world!”
He asked the little guy, yelling in his ear as the roar eased, “How did I get transported?”
“You didn’t. You are a copy, like me. My original was found dead of exposure in an unheated garage in Portland.”
The crowd quieted as VU understood and narrated the plight of his former self, “And I was found dead of a heart attack with a straw in my nose and a line on the sink?”
The creep shrugged and consoled, “That was the mold—you are the cast image forged in the fires of Eternity.”
VU went with the best brand he could hold and raised his right hand to the mob, his left pointing to HIS line of heroes, as the millions roared like some vast caged beast!
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[fiction]   [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 9, 2025   reads: 160   © 2024 James LaFond
Like Water
Vunak of Antares #1
Soul Searching, Vunak is Accosted by an Agent of Cruel Eternity
‘Over hydrated?’ hissed the inner indictment as he paced quickly to the boys room down the high school hallway, hoping he did not stain his red sweats with even a drop from his weary bladder.
‘Never even imagined pissing myself when I walked a high school hall. Did any of us, ever?’ he mused as the squeak of his own training shoes competed with the clatter of rattan and the squeak of sneakers back down the hall in the gymnasium.
Finally, the bathroom entrance yawned, welcoming in sterile conformity. Entering he saw his form in the mirror, not filling out the red sweats or wind breaker as he—no, IT, the body that failed its fading master—once had.
‘At least I’m not fat!’ he glared in the mirror before passing to the urinal.
No feet showed under the stalls to the left. He was the first customer. Moments later, everything seemed to be in working order, one of his greatest fears put to rest for another day. Stepping before the sink he noted that his thighs seemed really thin in the sweats.
‘I should have worn a loose pair to cover those chicken legs!’
“Should doesn’t live here,” he growled in the mirror. “We are what we do, and you, yes, YOU, get out there and show them the real Vu!”
He unzipped his red windbreaker and wrapped it around his waist like a hillbilly kilt to cover those too thin thighs and warm up the aching hips. The biceps did not belly out a they once had. The skin was wax paper thin.
‘Bruce never had to suffer this indignity,’ he sulked in the mirror reflectively cohabiting this dark morning of the soul with his battered ego.
‘They were talking sparring out there, the big man and the muscle head. The FMA creeps are farming the self defense people with feeder drills. The JKD junkies only want to roll and hit mitts.’
The self-trainer, the self-product of discipline, the shreds remaining of a life of calculation and risk that threaded together the mistakes and outtakes that he might be remembered for if he did not reinvent himself here, now, actively haunted him to his drawn face. To be the only instructor of note to take it on the chin, the bold stamp, the crucible to forge a renewed brand, welled up within and waxed with renewed confidence.
‘WE spar,’ he agreed, reaching over the sink for the soap pump and water, fixing his own eyes in the mirror.
“You need to spar—bring in the young lions, Paul. You, are, Paul Vunak!”
From his high, lonely, inner cliff of self-imposed inspiration, now yawned before him the critical rear view mirror of Age, regarding the shrunken man in the mirror with his own narrowed visage, ‘The hair, really!’
He grunted that down, and, with his faith in doing—OF DOING, of BEING—returned, shut off the water and turned to the paper towel dispenser, glad, in an odd way, that these, in this bathroom, at least had not been changed out for those noisy hand blowers. As he reached for the paper towels, he heard a voice from the last stall on the left, a voice that should not have been there, “Be like water.”
“What?” he turned to look over his left shoulder to see a pair of bare feet, the ankles appearing just below a tight yellow jump suit.
The toilet flushed.
‘Really! Some JKD tweaker is stalking me?’
‘There was no one there. Am I dead? Did I have a heart attack…’
The stall door opened inward, and outward walked a man out of myth, a man gone now these fifty years.
“Bruce?” Paul asked in a hollow tone, without a note suggesting a shred of confidence that he yet retained his sanity.
‘Do, not, lose it!’
The man stalked towards him with extreme arrogance, walking like a great two-legged cat, grinning with the confidence of youth tinged with the mastery of the situation.
Paul looked away into the mirror, seeking a bearing, hoping that he would see only himself there, hoping deeply that he had not just now, totally lost his shit in a high school boys room, attending a seminar that was not going to pay enough to cover his plane fare.
“Get it together, Paul,” he grated his teeth in the mirror, only to see that yellow-suited icon of martial arts innovation and movie magnification some to stand, facing him, his active left hand twitching before the sink top as if it held something being drawn from the sleeve.
“This is not real,” he asserted, turning to face the phantom before him. “Are you an hallucination, or some ghost come to torment me?”
The man smiled more softly and opened his right hand, slowly extending it to cup Paul’s left shoulder in a fatherly way, pointedly incongruent with their vast age disparity.
The hand was real, felt real on Paul’s shoulder, who could not help but quip, “The Ghost of Kung Fu Past? Have I done something wrong?”
“Paul,” soothed the voice of the youthful master, easing from the man built like a springboard for action appearing in his prime as he had in his last movie, even wearing the yellow jump suit he branded with his perfect lightweight form.
‘I’m glad I already pissed,’ Paul shook inside as the hand soothed him, “At this time in particular, for we have but another minute, you must trust me. Be like water, My Friend.”
“But you’re dead! So, I must be dead. Where are you taking me?”
“Paul, I did not die, certainly not of the drug overdose I was accused of, or of overheating from having sweat glands removed, or of an allergy to, what, aspirin?”
The man retracted his hand and wagged his finger, “No, no, no. Round-eyed David takes my part in the TV series I pitched—and yes the fame came in its own way. Let me put it to you this way, a man came to me out of Time—TIME—a, man long dead, a man older than Yip Man, and said, ‘Breathe some of this and be one with the Universe.’”
With those words the flesh and bone man who looked and sounded precisely as Bruce Lee had in his last movie, opened his left hand to produce a glass vile filled with a fine, white powder, and slid two straws out of his sleeve and into his right hand, a red one for himself and a blue one, which he handed to Paul between his thumb and forefinger.
Paul numbly took the blue straw and looked on in dread, in the mirror, and directly at his mesmerist, as Bruce Lee poured out a line of coke on the boys room sink counter top.
“You want me, an old man, to snort a line of coke and go back out there and teach, spar?”
“No, Paul, VU-NAK,” soothed Bruce, “I want you to breath stardust, to wax young again under the Twins Suns of Scorpio, to train the gladiators of Antares!”
He snapped his left fingers and the white powder turned all the colors of the rainbow, there glinting like stardust with voids of opal flecking the rainbow and once white grains twinkling like silver stars.
Bruce then keyed his straw and winked, “Paul, you have ten seconds to decide; to wax young again, to experience all the vigor of youth, even to wear your arrogant blond rooster hair! I have been watching you, Paul.”
The door to the gymnasium could be heard shutting, footfalls gathering this way.
Bruce then shrugged his shoulders and bent to the rainbow line of powder with his straw, “I must go in any case. I wanted you. But, I suppose it shall be Aldo Nadi, to endlessly bore me with point control!”
With that Bruce ‘breathed’ rather than snorted, half the line, and took on a cosmic outline, as if his human form were a window into some vibrant expanse of stellar space.
The footfalls fell closer, and, on what felt like the instinct to survive, Paul Vunak bent to that line of star dust, straw to nostril, careful not to unseemly like snort, but rather breathed; and the grains of the rainbow leaped joyfully—a bit too hungrily perhaps—like Fate’s own soul-gathering bees, transforming him into something like water, if water might streak across Eternity as light.
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[fiction]   [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 8, 2025   reads: 169   © 2024 James LaFond
Rise of a Notion
3of 3: Plumbing the Anglo-American Bipolarity: 10/01/24
“The naivety among highly educated people is something I took for granted for most of my life as a matter of personal nature or of a focus in a specialized field. It I something that has always been more pronounced in Anglo-Americans, particularly in regard to race. Socially insulated Asians have always understood that there is something very different about darker races and that these people will attack you physically. Latinos, of all races and social classes, also recognize such realities and behave accordingly. But the Anglo-American is so blind to simple behavioral realities, and so much more blind the more educated a person is, I wonder if there is a connection between this idea of unique Anglo-American virtues that DO NOT EXIST and the utter banality of our society-wide misconceptions. As a Hispanic person it has been clear to me since childhood that there is something especially gullible, even retarded, about the mainstream American viewpoint. Can you, with your narrative sense, place a finger on the keys that have so thoroughly mislead a nation of fairly brilliant people. It is no small thing for a handful of neglected and abused British government and corporate agents to take a shit hole country like India and make it function well enough to export middle management persons around the world. Yet these same people believe that the policeman is your friend, taxation is a voluntary act and that a negro is no more likely to rape and murder you than a person from Japan.”
-Lynn, from an editorial call.
First, a quote from Antiquity’s most insightful historian:
“In these circumstances they did what most of us do and being ignorant of the truth, persuaded themselves into believing what they wished to believe.”
-Arrian, from Alexander the Great
In the case above, Arrian is describing how some international conspirators convinced the democracy of Thebes to vote for their own extinction by revolting against the very power who had already crushed them in war, was currently crushing all numerous other revolts, and had shown benevolence in victory to all, except to rebels. Thebes committed such a manic act of suicide, that the extermination of this entire people, and the sale of the women and children into slavery, shocked even their ages old enemies with “a thrill of terror.” It would be resolved in the minds of their friends and enemies alike as an expression of “The Wrath of God,” stemming from the numerous sins of this arrogant people, to include a jealous thirst for genocide. The willing self-assisted genocide complete, the very nameless conspirators whose agents convinced the most powerful state in Greece to act on behalf of its own extinction, were there to “dispose” of the captives and their possessions, to feed this people into the ledgers the international money power as completely as a furnace would burn so much coal.
Historians then, to include Arrian, who demonstrates a genuine fear of the shadowy bankers that ruled his boss, Hadrian, to include Victor Davis Hansen, best historian of our age, all look away from the mechanics of the great play of man. Our established inquirers are permitted to examine that actors and the script.. Absent from their inspection are the writers, producers, directors, editors, casting agents, gaffers, stuntmen and fixers, along with an army of other functionaries necessary to propel the movie of reality forward. Our best historians discuss our past, as our reporters do the present, with the feigned innocence of some stone age savage who might be shown a movie and believe it is a dance of gods reflected in the mirror of Heaven and that the hundreds credited agents scrolling at the end of the movie are so many tears for the departed—and perhaps they are.
Below are some sign posts, collected chronologically, in the staircase of lies that has brought humanity up out of memory into the rarefied heights of absolute, amnesiac, ignorance:
50 B.C. to A.D. 200
Rome made a desert and called it peace.
A.D. 325
Christendom rose to governance over Rome and declared all that came before to have been a lie.
A.D. 750-1200
The idea that honor is a civilized notion, that grew out of domestic living, despite its pastoral barbarian origin, takes hold as Heathenry is swallowed almost whole by Christendom.
A.D. 1215
The Magna Carta demoted God from judge to witness and bared the king on earth from protecting orphans and widows from creditors.
A.D. 1337 to 1453
The Norman Kings ruling polyglot England, feuding with their fellow French relations across the channel, began promoting the fantasy that England was “Anglo-Saxon.”
A.D. 1453
The fall of Constantinople, Shield of Eastern Christendom, to Muslims is facilitated by Christian Italians, Germans, and numerous other Christian races.
A.D. 1453 - 1618
The notion that Christendom does not physically exist, is replaced by the idea that Europe, which is a fantastical construct with zero geographical reality supporting it, does exist like beating heart of Christian virtue and material progress.
A.D. 1648 – 1860
European and American Christians cease describing themselves first as Christians and then according to nations, and instead describe themselves as “white” first, with this odd notion as superior to one’s nation as Christian identity had been before. There is zero recorded uses of the term white as a racial noun employed before the Dutch Ora Linda book circa 1200, with no common use of this term until after 1730.
A.D. 1865 - 1948
The hundreds of millions of slaves born and broken in bondage across the great swath of human life are posthumously emancipated and declared to have willingly worn their chains, with the soul exception of Sub-Saharan Africans recently owned by “whites.” The erasure of nearly all of human experience in a single century of historical omission and word replacement was like a comet strike upon the planetary mind.
A.D. 1900 – 1958
The codification of propaganda doctrine and its amplification in narrative moralization, news fabrication, editorial distortion and advertising deception via movies, radio and TV, completely captured the mass mind.
A.D. 1960s to 90s
The definitions of B.C. for Before Christ and of A.D. for In the Year of Our Lord, being changed to B.C.E. Before Common Era and C.E. Common Era, is a lie so big that it frames all human existence in falsehood. That historians went along with this in order to continue having works published, sent a chill of realization into my soul, that the battle for the human mind had, by 1998, been won by the Agents of Darkness.
An obvious attack upon the American people by USG, is believed by virtually all Americans to have been conducted by a handful of Arab playboys based in a landlocked and impoverished Arуan nation. The resulting measures codified thought and speech as crime and initiated a generation of domestic terror news coverage that was mostly fabricated, culminating in the partial lobotomy of the American mind in 2016, followed by the final loss of public sanity and replacement of consciousness with a USG induced dream state in 2020.
Those, Dear Lady, are the steps I see in the Staircase to Elevated Deception, that has forever blinded this iteration of humanity until Heaven smites this lie- festering earth. And makes way for truth again.
Oh, I forgot: Rainbow Ponies grazing upon Big Rock Candy Mountain!
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[blog]   [Guest Authors]  [Conspiracy Against Mankind]  [link]
posted: February 7, 2025   reads: 321   © 2024 James LaFond
Man Weekend 2025
May 22-25 in Halifax, PA
Halifax, Pennsylvania
May 22 thru 25
     Arrival: Thursday night after dinner
     Friday: Training
     Saturday: Fight Day
     Sunday: Leave before noon

Those unsure about what this is, please look at the Modern Agonistics videos or read Brick Mouse Speaks, that should clue you in. Man Weekend is free and open to our greater community, a good place to show up and train (and fight!) for newbies and experienced fighters alike. All ranges combat: grappling, boxing, MMA, weapons. Contact Sean Glass or James LaFond for particulars (location).
Any updates will be posted here.
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[modern combat]   [Modern Agonistics]  [The Man Cave]  [link]
posted: February 6, 2025   reads: 282   © 2025 Webmaster
Narrative Dearth
2of 3: Plumbing the Anglo-American Bipolarity: 9/30/24
“I really did not understand your affinity with the urban blight matrix that most of us believed was a social malfunction, until you convinced me through your writing that the crime that was given peak expression in the Baltimore Riots was an outcome of a desired social function. The chill that I felt when I finally realized that we are ruled by evil people, who mix and match violent idiots with peacefully productive people to enhance and maintain control, is one of the reasons why I began reading fiction again, your fiction. You were the only social commentator that was making accurate predictions and also lived those conditions. I suspected that this had to do with you writing fiction and nonfiction, so began reading Reverent Chandler when you were serializing it on the site. Since then I have noticed that my girls, who have read a large quantity of fiction appropriate to their age, and even have ongoing fictional story lines that they develop, complete with paper wardrobes for their characters, have a natural grasp of adult behavior where their peers seem to be clueless.
-Lynn, from an editorial call, in fact a writing assignment
Dear Lady, lets begin with a quote from an ancient man from an age when poetry and science coexisted in the same minds:
“To inquiry into the structure of the plot…”
“The instinct of imitation is implanted in man from childhood…”
Aristotle defines poetry as various means of imitation, of men as they are, better than they are, worse than they are, and of their actions. Once dialogue had been brought into tragedy, Aristotle assures us that “nature herself,” took a hand in the process of imitative morality in representing the acts of characters of “a higher type.”
“It is not the function of the poet to relate what has happened, but what may happen, to relate the possible… the poet and the historian differ, not by writing in prose or verse. The work of Herodotus might be put into verse and it would still be a species of history… The true difference is that one relates what has happened, the other what may happen. Poetry therefore is a more philosophical and a higher thing than history. Poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular. By the universal I mean how a person of a certain type will speak or act… he is a poet because he imitates, and what he imitates are actions…”
-On Poetics
If we here take the greatest know scientist of Antiquity at his word in this serious work On Poetry, then we discard the poetic arts, known today as fiction, at great peril. After listening to this book many times, a few years ago, I finally understood the phenomenon of the impractical and naive person of high intelligence and elevated education. Having no sense for how people of various sorts act and interact is to put one’s self in a perilous social position.
I have noticed that the quality of fiction improved and gained greater currency in the 1800s and early 1900s and has declined steadily since the codification of propaganda doctrine in 1928, by Edward Bernays. I suspect that creative writing has increasingly found greater monetary rewards for advertising, for mind control, for the induction of the reader or listener or viewer into a state of artificial need and vulnerability, of a perceived peril or want. Once such a person has been reduced to need, hunger, thirst, sadness, want, or coaxed into hysteria, anger or belief, the influencing party may profit from fulfilling that need or desire. Today publishers no longer refer to what I do as a writer as writing. I am no longer a writer, but an “influencer;” a mere lesser species of the type, clinging to the old outmoded form of the word, once sacred to men of thought, now a lubricant used to intoxicate those minds to be bought. These processes might not be entirely designed, and may in part be convergent, such as enforced or cultivated loneliness increasing the opportunity for the sale of porn, drugs, hope and hate.
When I first began writing and sought a printer through the Small Business Administration, to publish a game, my mentor spent a half hour explaining why I should publish a book that would fall apart as early as possible, ideally after the first read, in order to assure the sale of future print runs. The entire role playing game business model was built on designed obsolescence and the need for more rules to fix poor rules to power sales.
I think that the current system agenda is to nullify our very instinct to seek the truth or to be waiting with lies positioned in those corners where a truth seeker is likely to go looking for answers to the lies he has been inundated with.
I have noted that increased desire for authentic fiction, to write it and read it, has come in bursts that follow massive propaganda:
American Civil War
Spanish American War
The Great War
1920s & 30s
The Greater War
1950s & 60s
Not so after the end of the Cold War, when poetic dearth deepened, or now after the commencement of the never ending War on Terror. There was been a system correction. State agencies and media [banking] agencies now employ the most talented writers to craft daily fiction for the masses and predict future social conditions.
The structured fabrication of American history as a web of lies supported by a pillar of omission in the late 1800s and early 1900s saw a great expansion of popular working class fiction. This was a subconscious instinct to counter the thought crimes of newspapers, which traffic in the lie daily, beaming perpetually renewed gaslight into our mind’s eye. I read this as an instinctive reaction of the hands-on person to the obvious fabrication of a false national foundation. Distrust of the upper class histories that told a descendant of a slave that his forefathers could not be slaves for a slave could not be the same race as his master, at the very time that the worker’s boss was doing everything in his power to enslave him, drove both escapist and speculative fiction.
After WWI propaganda and advertising took over the mass mind and the best speculative writers went to work largely in unpopular seclusion, to be discovered by later propagandized generations.
The mainstream of fictional refuge for the rational mind has been mined ahead of the seeker in the form of movie and TV, shaping the mass mind into an irrational yet notional beast, forever insecure and afraid. The burgeoning “Mental Health” mind control clinics and the booming “Public Safety” corporate goon barracks are named according to the lie, their very identity, such as the War Department being changed to the Department of Defense, a product of mass mind creation, to shape the public into the thing that perfectly fits the hand that wields it.
Currently, the speculative fiction field for this past generation, has been quite barren. I think this is due to those creative minds attuned to social futurism, to what was in a faith-based age described as prophecy, having been captured by the system to work internal to it. An example is Greg Bear, once the very best hard science fiction near future author, going to work for a federal law enforcement agency as their very own house novelist!
It is a curious aspect of our age that so few people understand how power works, that most people deny the existence of the basic method of social domination that has been the key to our oppression, suppression, inspection and deception: Conspiracy.
To even consider the notion of conspiracy, that one or more parties would cooperate for their own mutual benefit at the expense of one or more other parties, is tantamount to a confession of insanity.
I suggest here that one of the keys to this odd human devolution is the taking away of our story, to include our sense for a truthful story.
As an antidote try reading the fiction of:
Jack London
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Harold Lamb
C. S. Lewis
Robert E. Howard
J.R.R. Tolkien
Phillip K. Dick
Poul Anderson
Gene Wolfe
Then, look at the world anew and see it filled with ten lies for every truth.
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[blog]   [Guest Authors]  [Crackpot Mailbox]  [link]
posted: February 5, 2025   reads: 290   © 2024 James LaFond
Honorable Factory of Fair Play
1of 3: Plumbing the Anglo-American Bipolarity: 9/26/24
“Recently one of the Red Scare girls made it big and sat in on a Fox News round table. In addressing the government program of population replacement, she side-stepped that glaring fact and said that the reason why bringing 10,000 Haitians into a small Ohio town is not a good idea, is that these immigrants do not share the Anglo-Saxon sense of honor and fair play. Right before the panel is the example of an Anglo-American factory owner with 30 jobs, who he wants to go to people who will except lower wages. All he cares about is the lowest wages for his 30 workers and accepts no responsibility for the 10,000 unemployed Haitians or the damage done to his community by soaring rental rates. It is astonishing to me that Americans see the entire Anglo-Saxon experience as an extension of a hallowed antiquity that these people did not share with the Ancients in any case, and, while ignoring most of American history, place a backdrop of fair play behind the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Of course, any understanding of empire will teach that an empire cannot abide by standards of honor and fair play, that it must be a lowest common denominator consumption machine. Before getting into why the Anglo-American delusion is so persistent, perhaps you could give some examples of Anglo-Saxon honor and fair play.”
-Lynn, in an editorial call
I am off line writing this so dates are put of my head.
Actual Anglo-Saxons, kind of existed in 1066, ruling over Gaelic, Britano-Roman and even Jutish remnants. Britain was and is an invasion destination, a place where dozens of refugee and pirate nations piled up upon and against one another.
At Stanford Bridge a Viking berserker held off the entire Anglo-Saxon army on his own, on a foot bridge, until an honorable Anglo snuck under the bridge and stabbed him in the balls, most fairly and with little play.
An hour later, Harald Hadrata was cutting through the same army of honor and fair play who could not stand against this single man. So some archer shot him in the throat.
Days later, William the Conqueror, challenged this same army of honor and fair play and was bested at Hastings until, one of his archers shot King Harold Godwinson in the eye!
England was now Norman, with the Anglo-Saxon elements thoroughly crushed into peasantry and slavery.
In Norman England, the vile Magna Carta was drafted in 1215. This takeover of church and king by banking interests, demoted God from judge to witness, and then took away the King’s duty to protect the widows and orphans of his deceased loyalist knights from the soul driving bankers. This document set the lie in motion that blinds us to this day. [1]
Calling England Anglo-Saxon was not a habit in the roughly 200 years when the rulers spoke French. This lie was adopted in the 100 Years War in order to encourage the longbow using peasants, renamed “Yeoman” to follow their kings to war in France.
1380s: Wat Tyler’s daughter was raped by a tax collector. He and other peasants rose up and defeated church and state forces. When Wat met with the boy King to swear loyalty under new terms, he was murdered.
I am skipping hundreds of years of skulldugery here.
1570 or so: After a battle lost to a Spanish fleet off Vera Cruz, Francis Drake threw his commander, John Hawkins “under the bus,” and became the Queen’s new favorite sea dog.
1585 thru 1609: Conspirators working for the Virginia Company, to include Drake, Captain’s Lane, John Smith and a Portuguese Pilot, conspire to maroon John White’s settlers bound for the Chesapeake on Roanoke Island, leaving them to the mercy of Spanish and Indians they had recently attacked. This was so that Sir Walter Riliegh would lose his deed to Virginia, which he did, along with his head.
1588: the best fighting captain of England, Sir Richard Grenville was made to sit at anchor in Bristol Harbor with his 51 ships, to prevent him from winning fame in battle and redeeming the cause of Rileigh. Grenville would take his flagship, at a later date, out against a Spanish fleet, as a sign of protest against the entirely absent sense of honor and far play among the Norman-British ruling elites.
The Wompanoag tribe rose up against the English for cheating, raping and land fraud, and the imposition of gun control.
13 Susquehannock allies of England are murdered by a planter in Virginia.
100 Susquehannock warriors battle an 800 man Maryland and Virginia army to a draw and are invited to parlay. The English murder the chiefs, and still lose the next battle.
The surviving Susquenhannock’s settle in North Carolina, where the English employ another tribe to befriend and then murder them. The English then murder their own allies!
Bacon and his murderers are compelled to revolt, and do defeat the governor, because the few newly freed men, are prevented from land owning and voting, and are employed as militia. This only tool, musket and sword, they turn on their masters. The last act of this war, sees an unbeatable force of mixed African and European rebels agree to quite fighting in return for passage across a river to freedom. The English captain who made this deal, revoked it and put the men back in chains.
1678: the remaining garrison of the kings soldiers brought to Virginia to quell the revolt are abandoned to starvation.
Samuel Wisemen, keeper of the book of record for the king’s agents, was not paid for his work, and seems to have perished of want.
1685-1740: Anglo-American Planters brought in some 300,000 Africans, at great expense, at 4 times the cost of as many Europeans, in order to establish a breeding population of captive labor that would prevent those few small land holders on the margins of the great plantations from bootstrapping their way into competition. Free work by day and crime by night to drive away neighbors was the reason why the African American came to exist. The corrupt lack of honor and fair play in the so called Anglo mind is so powerful that it trumps race and faith!
I am skipping the 13 books of evidence that I massed in the Plantation America series as to the fraudulent nature of the unpaid labor scheme used to build America, which is fraudulently depicted by posthumous slander upon our ancestral dead to this dastard day.
1750s: The tribes paid to defend the planters of Pennsylvania, mostly revolt and go into service with the French in the Seven Years War, due the cheating, rum- dealing, land-stealing, enslavement and raping committed under English law.
From the 1750s, thru the 1890s, British agents and later American legislators will abrogate scores of treaties with many tribes, for no other reason than gain, respecting not the honor of their own nation or the word of their forefathers.
Daniel Boone and Simon Kenton, the two greatest frontiersmen to break the grip of the British Empire by exploring and settling among British client tribes over the Appalachian divide, are cheated of their land claims and pushed into poverty by Anglo-American lawyers. Boone will move all the way to Missouri and would hunt as far as Idaho in his 60s and 70s simply to outrun the rapacious agents of Anglo-America, the cheats that follow every brave and honorable enterprise with graft and corruption.
The works of Charles Dickens amply illustrate the SEVERE absence of honor and fair play intrinsic to the Anglo-American social machine. This evil is so deep and so blithely veiled, that it does not occur to the idiot American mind herd, that what this machine needs in times of unrest is a savage servant, not a civic soul.
Lynn, I could go on and on, and skipped quite a many things, such as the desertion of the Shawnee by their Anglo allies in 1813, the capture of the Seminole Chief Oceola under a flag of truce, the government persecution of Lewis Wetzel for continuing his feud with the Shawnee, the use of Lakota warrior in American pay to slaughter the women and children of Black Hawk’s Sauk tribe, the death by starvation of the British sailors who had defeated the French Revolution from 1805-15, in the coldest year on record, 1816, the failure to pay and care for American veterans of WWI, the betrayal, persecution, desertion and mass opiate addiction of American veterans of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lynn, no empire may be maintained through honorable means so long as its life blood is money, which is power utterly, even necessarily, removed from morality.
-1. The Lies that Bind Us
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[blog]   [Guest Authors]  [Crackpot Mailbox]  [link]
posted: February 3, 2025   reads: 331   © 2024 James LaFond
Banjo: Timejack #6.9
2024 Phoenix
Banjo had spent until sundown with Nora to keep her from eating anxiety meds and anti depressants, to lock up the wine and lead her in prayers, even accompany in her crazy mother’s favorite Southern Baptist hymns.
The entire day later, she clung to him in the doorway. He kissed her tears away from those flushed cheeks, having forgotten how salty such things were from his discarded boyhood. That gesture—or was it a drink—cheered her and she bucked up to him going and smiled, afraid to say goodbye and more afraid to ask if he would return.
His space was open. Easing back under the black willow he had rarely taken time to consider before, knowing it to be a vulture roost, home to two wretched pair, now excoriating himself within for being so without care, to have slept these past weeks under their willow eves.
He made the car ready, an early, harvest moon rising.
‘Can I sleep?’
‘Should I sleep?’
‘Will I sleep?’
He stood by the open door, considering the moon, “Lord, seeding this terrible now—I will sleep, won’t fear what you send by dream.”
He heard his prayer under the sudden rustle of the willow leaves. He fancied he saw a bird or a dragon cross the face of the moon. He knew though, that it was a flight path and he was merely witness, not to a sending, but to a lolling, sloe-eyed tune of forget, zombies being flown back east to “hunt money” as Hitcher John would say.
He tasted her tears again.
‘How much of a man am I, really?’
A coward’s shiver shook him.
“How much am a man am I?” he spoke into the light of the moon.
He wanted to play the Banjo, now understood how fearful Nora was, wanted to send sound out shadow way to keep his fears at bay.
He began to sweat and looked to the gargoyle forms of the vultures, the four huddled upon their roost, under the silver moon.
“I will sleep,” and he bedded down, widows down, inviting what the mighty frown sent into his soul. He did sleep with his boots on, and slept he did.
The river of dream caught him in its current.
Nora sobbed down by the river, every tear adding to its sad, slow torrent of torment.
Hitcher John, who had once recalled that Mrs. Dangerfield had called him “Old Harrower” came to where Banjo sat on his keen paint pony, waiting for the Bushwhackers to come take his Jayhawker scalp.
‘This must be a nightmare,’ he chuckled from the saddle, down to John Harrower, whose name he had somehow failed to compute until now, ‘a goddamned Yankee I am?’
John drawled, filling the world with a real voice, bringing physical hearing into being, “You are a Virginia man, if a bit westerly o’ mind, in your every bone.’
John held his banjo, simply slapping the case, its owner having not once taken it from its covered place since meeting Old Stump in Grand Junction, oh so long ago.
“Here they be, Grim Knight, rebelling under cover of Lady Night,” and so the banjo and its untuned strings within hummed, hummed as the paint rocked, his saddle slipped, and he woke to some tweaker prick plopping ass down into his driver’s seat, too late seeing the boots there next to him, looking down with tittering eyes at the blue jean covered legs, following them into the recesses of the moonlit back seat where Banjo heaved up ax in hand and thrust the sheathed head of that nighttime companion into that lolling mouth clearing teeth to fall like bloody corn over the gear box.
“My car!” growled Banjo as the tweaker mewed and spilled out onto the lot like his teeth had his mouth.
Banjo kicked himself out in a ball from the passenger’s side door, left the thing open, the keys in his penny pocket, leaped and slid over the hood in one smooth dreamlike motion. He was on his feet behind the rising tweaker as it sprinted as if out of invisible starting blocks for the loading dock, the shortest cut out to the service road.
The tweaker was only about 25, long, lean, young and springy spry. Banjo might have caught him if he had not been impeded by Ax, glorious Ax, killer Ax, Ax rage, ax might, chopping tweakers all night! The weapon, formerly a camp ax, was out of its sheath and swinging lightly in his right hand as he flew in booted feet after those swifter sneaker clad feet.
Out after the sneakers the boots ran, possessed of a purpose of their own, in concord with AX!
Some strange passenger in this dreamy chariot of rage was yelling, “My car! My car! How dare you break into MY CAR! Take me to your tweaker army, bring me to the feast! I will hunt you across this Kali Yuga World!”
And such like the maniac raged for miles, down the service road, out that damned anonymous industrial boulevard of bullshit plastic under titan street lights who deserved better plights to light.
The tweaker fled, pissing itself, the acrid sent of urine sparking the maniac following Lord AX, “You are mine—your soul is mine, on your grave I will rest—not until!”
The tweaker ran like those sneakers had wings, and the maniac picked up pace, his ragged raging breath crescendoing into a hoarse drumbeat of doom for the fleeing thing he thirsted for, out a perpendicular service road, down an alley where mobs of tweakers stood like sentinels watching the coursing of their doomed kin by the maniac raging from Banjo’s deep, dark within.
Turning west, following the falling moon, the doomed thing fled, Rout, Fear, and Might all crowding on its harrowed heals, hesitant Right left wringing Her hands far behind.
“I will hunt you forever!” raged the maniac.
The cotton woods, stunted yet drinking above the gutter ditch river in this sewer of a city, gathered like falcon keepers ahead.
A surge of blood thirsting hunger rose within him, and those boots overtook the sneakers as their passenger tweaker squeaked and skidded to the foot of a soldier’s tent on the edge of a tweaker tent camp the.
It was crying and praying to the old, oddly dressed fellow standing before an even older, dark-stained cedar sea chest. The tweaker was cupping those old time hard buckled shoes in his shaking hands, kissing them, “Please, please—I jus’ wanted ta sleep in something!”
It was John Harrower that the tweaker prayed to like a very Hermes of pagan deliverance.
Harrower looked to the maniac warrior, speaking to the hand that wielded AX, into his abysmal eyes, and answered the aching heart there in gaze ‘Mercy,’ as he answered the shattered soul at his feat in words, “Why, Poor, Harrowed Friend of Mine, Norny Time spins on her loom for thine,” with these strange words Old Harrower, who looked suddenly ancient with grace, opened the lid to that cedar chest to reveal soft blue light flickering within.
“My Poor Soul, climb ye within and know a serene hammock swung over the Gray Wrought Sea.”
The shivering tweaker crawled eagerly up over the latch ring and curled within the chest that should have barely admitted a child, but there did fit, smiling in cozy comfort, curled like a babe in the womb.
John Harrower, now seeming younger even then when they had met, but with his gray blue eyes lighting to azure, extended his hand in the from of giving to the chest as he closed it with his left, “Grim Knight, your steed to Madam Night.”
The maniac, barely kept from homicide by the grace of his old never where friend, noted that the top of the chest had transformed into a saddle. AX riding easily in his hand, he straddled the saddle and buried the weapon in the maiden head—jutting as it now did from the front of the trunk, like a mariner’s icon from a ship’s bow—with a chunk, a chunk that brought a mournful groan from the occupant of the strange chest, a groan that caused the maniac to sit higher in the saddle and regard the gathered mob of tweakers with disdain.
He looked at John Harrower, who was now handing him a leather and brass spyglass in his left hand, holding a banjo shaped wine bottle in his right, and crashing that glassy instrument down to against the stern to a devil squall of glassy song. His heart ached with sorrow for Old John then, when he saw his face grin and his eyes dim to worn, stained pennies, he worried in word, “John?”
“I know, Grim Knight—you alone are bound to Madam Night.”
This ends the open posting of Banjo: Timejack
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[fiction]   [Banjo: A Timejacker Novel]  [link]
posted: February 2, 2025   reads: 208   © 2024 James LaFond
An Indebted Ode to the Characters of Vunak of Antares: 11/21/24
I had to graduate boxing class today. But the best I could manage was dragging ass to this key board, canceling, and reminding the host instructor that this old crumb is drooling into the bathtub, but proud of our boxers. I recall that this man, this pleasant Japanese-American, was introduced to me by Sifu Gabriel.
I recall getting to know Arturo Gabriel, my neighbor, through training in his basement, and over watching Paul Vunak training videos in my wife’s living room. Gabe brought these Panther videos four doors down to the house the bank would take back after I got hurt at work. I have warm memories from my early prime, from that time before I knew that the world was not for me, back when I thought that maybe one day I’d own a little brick hut with a reading room in it, packed with cool books, and would be able to peacefully drift into wonder.
That was a similar innocent feeling to that which I had felt when I read my buddy Rick’s copy of the Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee, when a teen and was so thrilled to find that this actor, who seemed to be regarded as the best fighting man on the planet, was a reader like me, seeking in old books after the secret to success in combat.
While visiting Electric Dan this past June 2024, barely able to walk and ruing old age, and viewing two Vunak videos, one a recent interview, I was reminded of my misguided first half of life: optimism, hope, faith, can-do eagerness—all washed away down the crooked stairs of life. Seeing young Paul Vunak, then the old one, seemed like a mirror of sorts. Recalling that some of my coaches had expressed, as early as A.D. 2000, a virulent criticism of Vunak, I mentioned this. Electric Dan said, “It’ really has become cool to hate on Vunak, to judge him for lifestyle choices, to kick a guy when he’s down and blame it on him. But he’s kind of coming back in some corners. That’s good to see.”
I said something like, “That is very American, makes me want to do a Planetary Romance with him as the hero, like a John Carter of Mars. I mean, he is an outcast martial artist, which is the trope of the Planetary Romance. Why not have an outcast writer, an actual bum, write a hero tale about him?”
Electric Dan gave a big muscle-head grin, “Nobody ever accused Vunak—back in the day—of not being able to fight. That would be so cool—I bet he would like it.”
Last week, doing this video skype thing about other projects, I brought this up to Jeth Randolph, Casting Darts Publisher.
Going over the idea with Jeth, another untrained writer and uncertified fight coach, we two goons who simply learn by doing, in fighting and writing, grinned at the sure knowledge that almost everyone we knew on the fighting side and on the writing side, would hate this book. That is the greatest writing test, isn’t it?
(I so wanted to use a semicolon there! Brackets, really? I’ve over done that to death!)
To write something with a premise distasteful to the reader, and yet convince them to turn the page! Kind of like kickboxing a wrestler, which was what Bruce, and Vunak after him, worked so much on.
Erique thinks it is a terrible Idea and is pretty certain it will end badly.
Last night, at dinner, Doc Dread and The Brickmouse were horrified at the prospect, mostly on legal grounds. They both stridently declared that Paul Vunak would sue me over this book.
I defended, “But it will be his book, to do with as he chooses. He will be the hero!”
“What about the money?”
“There is no money! Jeth and I will produce two portfolio proofs, a manuscript and a PDF, assign it to Paul, ship it, and leave it to him to print and sell that work, should he see fit to, to the only audience who would buy it—his fans. If anyone sues us it will be Bruce Lee’s people, since he will be in it too, as Paul’s recruiter into a galactic gladiator school.”
“Change the names, at least the spelling,” they say.
“Look, anyone who wants to sue me for my vast fortune and deprive me of my weekly canned corned beef feast, is welcome to it.”
These men saw me throwing my life away—which I will be in effigy, for I will appear as a patterned character in the novel and I will be defeated in that fantasy as I have been defeated in real life—a bad end for a bad actor!
There are some things I will not write about, thought spaces my words fear to tread. But getting beat up by Paul or one of Bruce Lee’s disciples would be an honor of the magnitude rarely visited upon this here wordhead.
Hell, and if some of the celebrity martial arts folks want to take me to court, I’ll bring everything I own in a small kitchen trash bag and let them have it.
I have a martial arts friend that wrote an excellent history of his guru and that book was stolen from him by the estate. Martial artists, are in general, a pack of thieves, just like boxing people.
Well, I will not write certain books for fear.
But having nothing but a 4-figure income stream and having lost more fights than any human alive, I refuse to fear writing a novel about some other crumble-down cracker, which gives a nod to the notion that a single mistake does not make us forever a dope or that a failure to thrive in this meat drone hive does not render us beyond all hope.
Doc Dread finally offered, “All of these men have embarked on the search for the truth in combat, so dedicate it to them!”
Boom! Doc!!
-Thank you Dan and Jeth for encouraging and helping me in my only heroic writing act, and for Erique, Doc Dread and the Brickmouse for offering the obvious good faith observation, that I am retarded and Jeth is my willing accomplice
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[fiction]   [Casting Darts Publishing]  [Vunak of Antares: A Novel]  [link]
posted: February 1, 2025   reads: 242   © 2024 James LaFond
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