-1. 1243, visit sister and niece,
-2. 1617,
-3. 1437, schedule weekdays out to New Year's Eve, Pittsburgh to Lancaster by car, Mister Grey to Erique
-4. Lancaster to Baltimore by car, Erique to Brickmouse, square away quarters, set up writing stations, refresh and back up two local computers, answer 118 emails, dinner with friends
-5. convert book files for publishing, meet with webmaster, schedule training,
-6. 1658, to Harford County by bus and car, dinner with son, cards with brother,
-7. 6 emails, paypall, edited and posted Nat Star #2, training and visiting with James Anderson and Incognegro,
-8. 1154, arrange publishing agreement with Casting Darts Publishing, 1285,
-9. 1177, post 3 periscope articles, 1026, 1670, finished off emails box,
-10. to Baltimore County by car, to Baltimore City by bus, weed back yard, back up files, proof NS #3, eye blew, 1054,
-11. 1301, yard work, resset patio blocks
-12. 1177, yard work, weeding, yard tennis with the Brickmouse, 1495, train operator, arrange fight brain meet
-13. 552, 1197, to Megan’s on the east side,
-14. 1 hour badmitton, read 175 pages in The Babylonian Woe, seizure lost a day, slept 14 hours
-15. brain fog, outlined 5 thru 14 of Conspiracy Against Mankind, relax
-16. 857, 781, 1359, weed Georgia’s yard, editorial call, 597
-17. 1620, scheduled posts, back to Brickmouse House, yard work, meet Big Ron
-18. 1317, worked on publishing with Jeth, visited with webmaster, lost in dominoes to Guila Girl
-19. weeded, 1800, watch fights,1787
-20. wash clothes, 1185, back up files, pack, To East Side, 1224, insane nightmares busting road blocks with Mesc Frank, knife fighting in Pittsburgh against skin heads.
-21. 1434, 1111, Meet Damien,
-22. To Harford County, visited grandchildren, who agreed to publish outstanding history proofs,
-23. 1348, clean ground floor, 1097
-24. bad brain fog, spent 2 hours writing 1 brief email
-25. proofed last item, 498, frame 3 nonfiction articles, dinner with The Operator, listen to Arrian,
-26. 1316, clean kitchen, 1536, met with head coach at Towson Karate,
-27. bad back spasm, cant stand or walk, working on floor exercises, 1226, pack and go to Lancaster, PA with Mister Grey, kitchen stag discussion over beer with Nero the Pict
-28. 891, cleaned apartment, to Erique’s, entertained Princess Ruby, pushed Ruby in the swing for 90 minute, which helped my back, weeded around the gazebo, who painted my nails and skull,
-29. shopped with Ruby and Erique, tore vines off of two trees, sank 12 small trees and found a coal bed, probably the remnants of an old coal shed, back to Mister Grey’s, made corned beef chili
-30. 1471, record 5 videos
Articles/Chapters = 34,
Books = 0
-1. 1471, cleaned, cooked, sparred, 5 videos, to Eriques
-2. to Baltimore, 1244, emails,
-3. emails, coached from 5 to 11 pm
-4. 1453, visit by bus Cousin Michael, walk to meet Charles, begin John Harrower’s diary
-5. publishing emails, comments, 1795, cut grass weed 4 hours, 1269,
-6. 1818, 1008, spar with Charles, to Megan’s on East Side, 1032, shopping for groceries with Megan, 1374, can now haul weight
-7. 2008, 1554, 2745, 2569, editorial call, 2443, legs and abs, walk to store, tight back, nerves in legs flaming cut squats short
-8. woke with locked up back, 90 minutes mobility exercise, wrote too much yesterday, 1816, 2467, vacuumed house, 2684, completed annotating Diary of John Harrower, must return to fiction tomorrow.
-9. could not walk, barely made home form Megan's, listened to Arrian, 2 emails, sick, stretched 6 times for 7 hours therapy, weird baccanal at Esoteric Cafe,
-10. tight, steep temp drop on old bag of bones, 11 emails, 454, 743, coached from 5 to midnight
-11. very tight, extreme eye seizure, nausea, listen to Arrian’s Alexander Book 1 23rd time, expand The Son of God Alexander project, chapter 1 to be 12 sections, to Harford County clean Mom’s windows,
-12. bad eye and locked up back, 1277, clean windows, train with Incognegro, cards and rum
-13. wake up drunk, clean shed, patio, clean rest of windows, to Lancaster with Nero the Pict, work on yard, train with Erique
-14. fast day, weed, move rose bushes, plant arbor vidas, to Denver, PA with Mister Grey, record videos, beer, 1 shot rum, make chili
-15. chili and coffee for breakfast, 1666, make videos, train, to Erique’s
-16. to Baltimore with Erique, lunch with Man in the Hat, dinner with Doc Dread and Brickmouse, got incredible drunk on Taquila and blacked out, need to get a handle on this lest I erase a book in my head before its written
-17. begin Babylonian Woe notes, 1435, star concluding Banjo Timejack, rake yard, spar with Charles, coach boxing, dinner with The Operator
-18. begin I Miss Them So, 1290 Son Of God,1330, to eastside,
-19. badmitton 100 minutes continuous, 1708, finished reading Pill City,
-20. 1528, shopped at markets, 1343
-21. visit Doc, interview Michael, 1621, 1095, 1,072, repaired porch lattice, stored tools and parts from plumbing job, dinner with three happy hens, crab soup, eggplant, shrimp, meatballs
-22. 902, 1948, shop for Megan, 1537,
-23. 449, 1662, entomb rats under porch with beer bottles and bleach/ammonia gas, 1169, dinner with Charles, to Brickmouse House
-24. 16 emails, 4 emails, 1347, skyped with Jeth Randolph, rake lawn
-25. 1376, was clothes, 1488, rake, begin level spring house bed, patch up eroded side slope, proof morning writing, cut grass shower, to karate school with gear, meet Sean and crew
-26. trained from 11 to 4:30, concussion, black eye, 9 bruises, 1 cut after 1 hour boxing, two hours stick, 1 hour blade, 2 over 1 against James Anderson in LPR machete duel, 0 and 5 against James with bastard sword wasters, dinner with the crew at Raven Inn, to PA with Erique, bad headache, eye seizing bad, legs held up, hips did give when I got rocked
-27. feel like I was hit by a car, cleaned house, closed down pool, water transplanted shrubs, news that Kelly passed, to Mescaline Franklin’s, 2 video beer reviews
-28. 1189,
-29. comments, emails, to Erique’s, yard work
-30. to Baltimore, 7 emails, 227, wash clothes, to pharmacy, 449, meet Big Ron, try to learn majon
-31. 1634, 1274, pharmacy, boxing, knife training
Articles/Chapters = 44
2nd month in a row with no book completions. Unacceptable
-1. to cousin Mike’s by bus, 1495, to Harford County by car, clean house, 1163,
-2. clean kitchen, set up for party, play cards for lunch, 1444, serve the eaters,
-3. birthday for relative
-4. back to Baltimore, not feeling well, video and text archives with Guillo Girl, 1238, 932,
-5. 894, walk to pharmacy was closed, hit snake, 1545, 947, dinner with operator, drinks until 2:30 on election night
-6. read Eye of the Chickenhawk, 1023, dinner with Chuck, 1582,
-7. 1447, posted February nonfiction, pharmacy, coach boxing 55 minute sparring round with Leo, dinner at the esoteric cafe,
-8. 1169, pharmacy, to east side,
-9. 1161, bull roast
-10. 1188, over to the Brickmouse House for a Myth 20 podcast,
-11. 1367, 1164, wash clothes, to east side,
-12. 1261, read Works and Days, 1588, back to Brickmouse House, 1779, meet Big Ron and Charles at bar,
-13. 1278, 490, arranged text and completed Banjo: Timejack 28,800 words, emails, update site essentials, rake lawn, 1614, 2264, arrange Nat Star text
-14. arrange Moses Roper text, read Nat Star, 1181, Skype Jeth Randolph, work out plot and roster for Vunak of Antares coach boxing, train The Operator until midnight,
-15. 1246, back up files, check site, meet Mister Grey and to PA, three videos
-16. edit yesterday’s chapter, emails, to Erique’s plantation, framed Vunak of Antares, cleaned house, baby sat, yard work, movie
-17. 1671, removed 4 stump with Erique, sparred, dinner with Erique and Yakubiton, 1608, 1597, 3,376, finished annotating Moses Roper, videos with Mister Grey, drank until 3:30 am
-18. exercises, read Theogony, emails
-19. 1355, 31 flights of stairs, fast, to Erique’s,
-20. to Baltimore, breakfast with Ezz, 904, lunch with Mom, dinner with Doc
-21. 1160, Miss Ezz brought dinner, 1035, Jeth skype, last boxing session with Towson Karate, coffee and whiskey with Jason, all canceled for illness
-22. snow and rain, feel 80 years old, proof an ode, mail to Jeth, 1646, to Eastside
-23. 1545, strength exercises, format 10 part review of Bernays for Conspiracy against Mankind, 699, read Book of Job
-24. 1449, 1178, completed Nat Star: Timejacker! At 20,237 words, 1036, Wake Christopher in print
-25. to Rosedale to interview Mike, Harford County, train Operator in Baltimore county
-26. up at 6:55 AM disoriented, brain fog, emails, website updates, finish packing, lunch with Man in the Hat, train with Brett bruised sternum, drinks with Big Ron, Charles, Brickmouse, Jason, in bed by 6:00 AM
-27. up at 8:30, bad hangover, eesh!, exercise, physical therapy final check by Brickmouse, post office, deliver present to little Emma, to Harford County, played cards
-28. up at 5:50 AM, clean house, sort gear for short stay, set up desk, proton emails, Thanksgiving with family in Harford County, conversed with X wife until 5:00 AM over Barbados rum
-29. skyped with Jeth Randolph over Vunak of Antares
-30. 1387, surprise dinner with Nero the Pict and Cutie Homesteader, 434
Articles/Chapters = 41
Books = 2
Novels = 2
-1. 1777, emails, updated site, visit with family, to Lancaster with Uber Joe, visited with the princess and the queen and watched a movie with Erique
-2. 1332 VU #1, to Pittsburgh by train,
-3. breakfast with reader, edit VU#1, strength training, record videos
-4. record videos
-5. 1414 VU #2, skype with Jeth, to Chicago by train
-6. #3 train to LA, read Hesiod’s Theogony, Stan is my seat mate, crossed the Miss at Port Madison, Iowa, sleep, fast
-7. woke in Dodge City at 5 AM, edited VU#2, 1283 VU#3.1, outline VU#3.2, typing difficult on rails, read Hesiod,
-8. wake in LA, switch trains, nodding on the train, in San Jose coaching Eddy,
-9. listened to Hesiod, 459 of amplification to VU#3.1, 1576 VU#3.2, listened to Hesiod
-10. woke with bad eye, VU#3.3 1600, explore San Jose on foot, VU#5 1067, used book store, read North American Indians by George Gatlin, listened to Hesiod thrice, read Hesiod,
-11. bad eye attack, 895, listened to Mankind in Amnesia
-12. listen to Hesiod, edited yesterday’s article, 1150, 1435, outline Pale Riders, listen to Spengler, Hesiod, 1151, 1275, listen to Gibbon
-13. listen to Gibbon, 28, 29, 30, 1743, listen to Hesiod, 1083, buy Greek Lyrics by Latimore and The Fall of Troy by Quintus Smyneus, 1052, listened to Gibbon 31and 32
-14. Listen to The Shield of Herakles, 1962, Listen to Mankind in Amnesia, Listen to In the Beginning, 1389, two tall beers and to bed
-15. listned to Gibbon, 2240,
Winter begins for the Crackpot, 12 books in 12 months is enough.
Articles/ Chapter = 21
Books: 0
Train: 75, to Pittsburgh,
Bus: 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 4
Hotel: 200, 200, 200, 700
Food: 57, 20, 14, 16, 38, 18, 10, 20, 20, 50, 24, 10, 30, 50, 20, 29, 20, 40, 12, 23, 5, 10, [December food and drink taken care of by Mister Gray, Rick and the Operator]
Medical: 32,