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The Third Eye #4: A Man Question from Andrew Metzger
© 2014 James LaFond
Andrew writes This is where we are at in 2014, with 1 in 5 kids in America hungry, pain has been accompanied by Gluttony as a source of entertainment. Warning: End-times behavior ahead. Here's a very popular show on Youtube:
...This is not just a one-off video for these guys (they actually make a living on it), look at their channel! Note that they accentuate the wastefulness involved, mockingly... Your thoughts, oh wise Third Eye? (*cough* article *cough*)
Darwinist on Hunger
As a food market functionary I happen to have much experience in the area of so-called starving children in the United States. The fact is that the ‘poorer’ they are the more overfed they tend to be. However, hunger is rampant as most people, including children, and especially overweight people, are unfulfilled.
Food stamps and WIC vouchers provide more calories for our poor children, per child, than competitive bodybuilders consumed when I was a kid. The only children in the U.S. who go hungry are those whose parents intentionally starve them by using the food stamps for drugs, and who do not have grandparents, and currently more poor children have living grandparents than living parents!
Witness the massive girth of our current children as evidence. Our 12 year-olds weigh as much as the Taliban warriors who have just outlasted the most powerful military in human history, and far more than the Vietnamese soldiers who also dragged the huge fat American military into a dog fight for which it was unsuited.
I recently saw a poor child in a pizzeria with his grandparents as he ate a 16 inch cheese steak sub, pouring salt on the end after every bite and washing it down with a 32 ounce soda. The 11 year old child weighted over 200 pounds.
When I get together with my family I note that the average male between the age of 16 and 40 is 300 pounds. I recently served as the smallest pallbearer at my Aunt Ann’s funeral and was worried that the 400 pound men would not make it as they struggled with the small lady’s casket and one even injured himself.
Who is going to bury these fat men?
Before stating my soon-to-be reviled impression of this phenomenon let me go into some of the background that informs my view of this...
My friend Steve was the 4th ranked competitive eater in the world. He was a highly intelligent former scholastic athlete that trained for his middle aged version of a sport like he was training to play ball. Exercise was very important to his regimen. He dropped out 8 years ago in his mid-40s, when most jocks throw in the towel.
Such standouts as Joey ‘Jaws’ Chestnut and others demonstrate an extreme evolution of this ‘sport’, which happens to be as old as mankind. I engaged in eating contests as a teen, and it was a very macho thing. The most feared warrior of the middle ages was perhaps Baybars the Mamluke who was famous for eating an entire lamb at one sitting. Ancient Greek combat athletes such as Milo were renown for eating immense quantities of food as part of their body building regimens, as are our modern Sumo wrestlers who are their lineal decendants. One of my favorite mythic heroes, Conan, was renowned for impulsive gluttony, feasting on an entire ‘joint of beef’ [like three roasts and some steaks] and then using the bone to brain a prison guard.
The gluttonous impulse comes from primal hunting situations in which portable hauling and sustainable preservation methods for storing calories are not available. While women have more evolved fat storage systems than men in which to store a meal for themselves and the young they nurse, men are left with the option of expanding their stomachs. Note the swollen bellies of otherwise extremely fit primitive men. The point is there is a masculine impulse to gorge, which, after it is no longer necessary can reemerge as a vestigial psychological or social disorder.
As you noted Andrew, there are End Time behaviors associated with this that go back to the tickling feathers of ancient fading Rome that feasters used to induce vomiting so that they could continue eating. I do know one man who is addicted to eating and is near death from gorging; up over 450 pounds and nearly bed ridden. He is an addict I suppose, not one of these proponents of public gluttony.
In the mind of the primal man gluttony is an extension of the hunt just as the lion feasting hierarchically on a kill or the bear feasting competitively under the same circumstances is such an extension of the killing process. Eating all of a conquered tribe's live stock in a wasteful show of gluttony, is, like the raping of the wives and the enslavement of the young, an extension of the act of conquest.
However, once men become softened and domesticated, feasting begins to take on feminine qualities and can become a suffocating addiction more akin to suckling too long at a mother’s breast than continuing aggression beyond the act of killing. For this reason high volumes of meat and other animal products will be featured in eating to excess, such as at Roman feasts where the rulers of an empire [won by grain-fed men who once threatened mutiny rather than eat meat] ate every animal under the sun from door mice to giraffe.
Since this is viewer-driven what is the driver?
Baybars to Babes to Manginas
Gluttony was a cautionary subject among ancient scholars who noted that the big hulking athletes were not fit for war and were mere show pieces of human potential like the largely useless modern bodybuilder. While among active barbarian warriors and hunters gluttony is a masculine ritual based on survival food storage concerns, in civilized societies it takes on a passive feminine quality.
As a man who has dated and had friendships with numerous women and who has a family with more females than males, I can attest to the fact that women have a much lower psychological tolerance for hunger than do men. This was very apparent at work where most of the staff I managed was female. After 4 hours without food most women become raging bitches, whining nags or sulking dolls. I never noticed this behavior among adult males until about 10 years ago. Young men in their 20s today behave, in terms of comfort food and hunger, just like women have always behaved. How has this biological adaptation of the female to eat regularly to feed her fat storage for later conversion into milk come to have such a broad psychological expression in young males?
I do not know what the mechanics are. I do know that men in general, and largely in response to the forced feminizing of our society, have begun behaving on all levels more like women traditionally have.
Not too long ago I was listening to a Jack Donovan podcast, holy of holies for the online he-men of the world. Jack had assembled a list of questions from listeners to address to the leader of an ultra-masculine group called the Wolves of Vinland, who practiced MMA as a masculine ritual. One of the questions was about injuries, about how dangerous MMA could be to the body. Even this totally balls-out he-man did not blink. He did not say, ‘Look, if you are afraid to get hurt stay home.’ No, he downplayed the possibility of injuries. That is an indication of how masculine our society is not; when a leader in the masculinity movement does not draw a public mangina line, and say ‘Stay on that low risk side and be a woman, or step across and be a man.’
So my answer as to why these gluttony videos are more popular than fight videos and why young men view them so enthusiastically is this: our young men are devolving into women, and, wanting somewhere within their fading hearts to be regarded as men, they find it easier to accept their soft squishy—Attila the Hun would have melted me down to make wax for a love candle—pseudo-female persons if they can see the activity around which their life evolves—namely eating the kind of food pregnant women have always yearned for—as a masculine competition.
I other words, in the Age of Babes, a mangina can still feel like a man for a fleeting instance as he sulks through a comfort food session like his neglected grandmother used to do when grandpa was out drinking, if a heroic image of a feasting fat ass is held up for him as a man, rather than as the dysfunctional piece of livestock that it is. Recall that the first two behavioral changes that a castrated male heard animal—no longer a bull but a steer—exhibits, is a lack of aggression and an enhanced desire to feed in place of inseminating the cows that are now forever beyond his reach. It does make him better food for his owner.
Welcome to Manginastan Andrew.
A Sign of Lonely Times
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